View Full Version : do i need to visit philippines more than once

8th April 2008, 20:26
hello again as you proberly now by now my fiancee is applying for fiancee visa,i have only visited her once for 3 weeks do you know if this serficiant for us to apply with hopefully no problems.
regards phillip

8th April 2008, 20:54
I am n00b on this forum though i would say the more trips you have the better! Even better if you have records of letters / telephone calls...

Lastly if you can go on holiday together this would help even more..

8th April 2008, 22:22
It is hard to really get to know someone on one trip and it shows the embassy that you are serious!!

9th April 2008, 06:57
Ideally you should travel overthere a couple or three times, so that proof of meeting is well established in the eyes of the ECO.

Before you fork any visa dosh out, get yourself overthere once more, it will prove that you are serious. As the chances of getting it as it is at the moment are very slim indeed.:NoNo:

Good luck.

9th April 2008, 12:02
I cant say YES, I cant say NO because in our situation my hubby only visit once and then we applied for the fiancee visa and fortunately it was granted..

I guess nobody can really say how many times u should have had visit her or how long the relationship should be before u apply for the visa as long as u can prove to the ECO that ur relationship is genuine and u prepared all the neccessary documents, everything will be alright..


9th April 2008, 16:43
hi there i think its possible but id ont know now coz they might be more strict than before coz my husband only visited the phils. onle once but my visa was approved and i only waited for 4 weeks.we really had loads of emails and phone calls to show to the embassy to prove that our relationship was genuine.i think it doesnt matter if its only once or many times u have visited the phils as long as you can prove to them that your relationship is genuine through all the evidences that you can have.the more you can prove the chances are really certain.

9th April 2008, 18:49
thank you all very much for your help.are there any of you that managed to get fiancee visa with the boyfriend only visiting the philippines just the once? i would be very intrested to find out . regards phillip

9th April 2008, 18:52
Read what Kimmi said

9th April 2008, 20:51
it would also help if you and your loved one will show an email conversation or loveletters as supporting document for applying fiancee visa

9th April 2008, 20:54
Once fits the rules, but now that Oasis Hong Kong has ceased operations, its back to good old BA for that all important flight to Honkers.

9th April 2008, 20:55
Others have eloquently wrriten great advice.

But do remeber before embarking on a do or die six month visa.

i.e if either of you get cold feet it means applying again and im sure they will be more cautious in granting the 2nd time round.

Just worth bearing in mind..

9th April 2008, 22:22
Read what Kimmi said

LOL :omg: :action-smiley-081:

10th April 2008, 12:07

10th April 2008, 14:18
Hi! Phillip,
Based of my experienced my hubby was visit me just once only 2 weeks. When I applied for fiancee visa thanks to God was aproved w/o interviewed.

Just be sure u will submit all documents needed and its help if you include also some extra evidence of your relationship. Btw, good luck!

13th April 2008, 09:42
hello again as you proberly now by now my fiancee is applying for fiancee visa,i have only visited her once for 3 weeks do you know if this serficiant for us to apply with hopefully no problems.
regards phillip

my bf now husband was visited me once just a week and i was applied for visit visa and luckily i was granted and i think once is enough as long as you can provide an evidence that saying how strong your relationship with her and complete documents..goodluck phillip

13th April 2008, 13:00
Surely. It would be a good idea, to go & visit at least twice...Not to mention the fact, it would be a pleasureable experience.
I know money, is not easy to come by, but it is a big step, so I would want to make sure.

Good luck! :)

14th April 2008, 12:46
Surely. It would be a good idea, to go & visit at least twice...Not to mention the fact, it would be a pleasureable experience.
I know money, is not easy to come by, but it is a big step, so I would want to make sure.

Good luck! :)

good for you though

Rob & Anne
14th April 2008, 13:24
Hi Phillip,

Im kinda new here but i would like to voice my input.

I would agree with the other comments, if your evidence of your relationship isnt that strong (letters, emails, chat logs, phone bills, photo's) then maybe visiting your lady more than once would be better for you.

Reading through many of the posts on this forum, i think that people have the same situation but some get accepted and some decline, thus concluding if the people that check your visa are in a good mood then they'll accept u, if not your doooooomed.
Seems like that to me.

Best of luck!

14th April 2008, 18:50
Hi Phillip,

Im kinda new here but i would like to voice my input.

I would agree with the other comments, if your evidence of your relationship isnt that strong (letters, emails, chat logs, phone bills, photo's) then maybe visiting your lady more than once would be better for you.

Reading through many of the posts on this forum, i think that people have the same situation but some get accepted and some decline, thus concluding if the people that check your visa are in a good mood then they'll accept u, if not your doooooomed.
Seems like that to me.

Best of luck!

Be careful to think its all down to the mood of the ECO.

Im sure they are montiored and assesed and if they pass to many or to few (with the smoke created ie complaints/appeals or lack of them) would get into problems. Goverment departments generally don't like complaints it affects quotas, statstics and all that nonsense.

The application is very important in providing all the evidence you have and making sure any weak spots in your application are covered and explained and the strong points highlighted.

I think the Spouse application particulaly all the covering letters was the hardest set of documents to prepare i have ever been involved in.
It paid off and was processed quickly and without any hassles.

If your an ECO or anyone in admin you want an easy life.

If the documents are all layed out in an easy to find layout. All the possible questions they have are answered satisfactorily. From what i understand its less work to pass a visa application than deny and produce the reasons why you deny it and possibly more paperwork etc if it goes to appeal.
If the ECO manager overturns it then you got some explaining to do and im sure it dont look good for the anual review.

So for those of you preparing documents i advise you clear your evenings and weekends to ensure all paperwork is in order and your covering letters are spot on if you think any weak points.

Good luck to you all and if Joe, Pete, Rob, Mr Admin and me plus many many others on this site all normal everyday people can sort it im sure you can, just let us help you:xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th April 2008, 18:52
I agree with u Andy...:)

14th April 2008, 18:54
I agree with u Andy...:)

Im glad i saved you some typing:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Any news on the dried fish?

14th April 2008, 18:57
ha ha ha ha..oh yes I bought dried fish already, and my hubby told me it looks like I am going to open a dried fish shop here..thanks for the help..:)

14th April 2008, 19:02
ha ha ha ha..oh yes I bought dried fish already, and my hubby told me it looks like I am going to open a dried fish shop here..thanks for the help..:)

Yehey :xxgrinning--00xx3:
Glad you got some other wise i was thinking i was going to have to buy some dried fish in the chinese food shops here in london. Then worry if the packets opened as i carried them:Help1::bigcry: to the post box

Good ones in china town based around gerrads street very near to where the phill embassy has moved to and also one my wifes likes a lot in bayswater with dried fish and meats and alsorts:Help1: If anyone ventures to london.

15th April 2008, 14:35
Yehey :xxgrinning--00xx3:
Glad you got some other wise i was thinking i was going to have to buy some dried fish in the chinese food shops here in london. Then worry if the packets opened as i carried them:Help1::bigcry: to the post box

oh Andy thank u so much, I am looking forward to that..We still have some room left for that..:icon_lol::icon_lol: u want me to send u our address???:Erm::Rasp:

15th April 2008, 19:02
oh Andy thank u so much, I am looking forward to that..We still have some room left for that..:icon_lol::icon_lol: u want me to send u our address???:Erm::Rasp:

Its ok i will just hang my head out of the Lorry as i drive up the motorway and follow the smell:D

How have the neighbours taken it?