View Full Version : Thanks for this great site

Pepe n Pilar
10th April 2008, 09:39
Just want to thank everybody on here. This site is very helpful. Eversince i've been a member here i kept on reading informative articles that in so many ways had help me while i was wating for my visa to be released. I also want to thank the Admin, Charl, Cinmickey28 (for the unendless replies to my queries), to Sis Lea and Sis Kimmi,to Grace to Prof Allan. Now i'm here finally with my dear love. Just arrived April 5. I was expecting a warmer temp bec it's springtime but it's 11 degrees at the moment huh! it's soooo cold..... Anyway, Thanks everybody:)

10th April 2008, 10:01
Welcome to the UK , where about in the UK are you ?

10th April 2008, 10:04
I was expecting a warmer temp bec it's sprintime but now it's 11 degrees at the moment huh! it's soooo cold..... :)

You ain't seen......... cold, yet.........:D

Welcome to the land of ever increasing old, and newly invented taxes....:xxgrinning--00xx3:

10th April 2008, 10:05
Welcome to the UK Shelly, where are you living in the UK?
Louella & Iain.

Pepe n Pilar
10th April 2008, 10:12
Hi everybody, thanks for that bloody freezing welcome :)Huh! very cold....... I'm in Warwickshire....

10th April 2008, 11:03
Cold :Erm: 15 is a heatwave here :xxgrinning--00xx3:

10th April 2008, 11:23
Well done Shelly. Hanna and I hope that you will be very happy. :xxgrinning--00xx3:


10th April 2008, 11:26
you know its cold when you've got icicles hanging off your gutters and windows, and the inside of the windows are iced up :36_1_26[1]:

it's pretty warm now.. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

10th April 2008, 11:33
Welcome to the UK, Shelly. I am happy for you. :D

10th April 2008, 11:45
wow, I am so happy for u Sis Shelly..:)

I am sure fiance will gonna make u warm there...he he he

10th April 2008, 11:50
wow, I am so happy for u Sis Shelly..:)

I am sure fiance will gonna make u warm there...he he he

he should do what i did, when the misses moaned she was cold, i gave her the vacum cleaner and some dusters to clean the whole house, fuuny she never moaned again about being cold, maybe she just got use to the nice weather :xxgrinning--00xx3:

10th April 2008, 11:53
he should do what i did, when the misses moaned she was cold, i gave her the vacum cleaner and some dusters to clean the whole house, fuuny she never moaned again about being cold, maybe she just got use to the nice weather :xxgrinning--00xx3:

:omg::omg::omg: i think thats why I am easily adjusted to the cold here because of that Dyson and dusters, not to mention the dish washing..he he he:doh:doh:icon_lol:

10th April 2008, 12:03
:omg::omg::omg: i think thats why I am easily adjusted to the cold here because of that Dyson and dusters, not to mention the dish washing..he he he:doh:doh:icon_lol:

my misses moans she's cold becuase she wears the same type of clothes that she worn in the phils :icon_lol:

most of the time, i got at least a jumper on :D, funny thing is thou, i use to wear jumpers in the phils :doh

10th April 2008, 13:00
Welcome to the Uk. hope u r happy with ur mahal..not easy to adopt the weather here hehehe!

Pepe n Pilar
10th April 2008, 13:04
Well done Shelly. Hanna and I hope that you will be very happy. :xxgrinning--00xx3:


Thanks Prof Allan. Happiness doesn't depend on where we are or what situation we are into, what matters is how we manage ourselves to be happy. Just my opinion.....:)

10th April 2008, 13:06
Thanks Prof Allan. Happiness doesn't depend on where we are or what situation we are into, what matters is how we manage ourselves to be happy. Just my opinion.....:)

I agree sis Shelly..It seems that u are really really happy and contented now..he he he:cwm38::xxgrinning--00xx3:

10th April 2008, 13:17
Hi everybody, thanks for that bloody freezing welcome :)Huh! very cold....... I'm in Warwickshire....

If your not too far from Coventry, you'll have to come over and visit us.


Louella & Iain

10th April 2008, 17:23
Thanks Prof Allan. Happiness doesn't depend on where we are or what situation we are into, what matters is how we manage ourselves to be happy. Just my opinion.....:)

Shellyyyyyyyyy! Wowwwwwwwww congratulations and welcome to the UK. Whereabouts are you? Can I come and have coffee with you? Cheeky but I mean it...or maybe you come to London and spend one lazy afternoon with me? Girl! I'm really happy for you. I just got my FLR last April 7 and have booked myself for the NI Number and maybe do the ammendment tomorrow or next week. I'll pm you my phone number and we'll catch up, alright? I miss you, you know. :Hellooo:

10th April 2008, 19:00
Wowwwwww Ate Shelly. Im surprised. Im very happy that u make it.May the Good Lord bring forth more happiness and blessings while your facing the new chapter of your life with your dearest Mahal. Ate,thnks 4 being supportive of me. Your always be my Ate.

10th April 2008, 19:14
Another sucess story thanks to mr admin

11th April 2008, 08:18
:BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy:I'm so happy for you sis...Good Luck and Best Wishes:xxgrinning--00xx3:
I hope to see you soon:rolleyes::xxgrinning--00xx3:

Chris and I in a hurry now..:D:doh:Rasp::Rasp::Rasp::Rasp::xxgrinning--00xx3:

Pepe n Pilar
11th April 2008, 11:35
Graaaaaacccceeee!!!!! Congratulations on your FLR. Cge we will meet up. Sure, you can come over and have some tea/coffee with me. Timpla ka nga lang:icon_lol: or i can go to your place. Miss ya too...

To Jaywin07, It's my pleasure... You'r always be my ate too:).....Just pm me if you need any queries about your application.

Thanks Sis Lea, Yes i hope to see you soon. Just have patience, slowly but surely.....:)

11th April 2008, 19:44
Hi everybody, thanks for that bloody freezing welcome :)Huh! very cold....... I'm in Warwickshire....

Did you forget to pack the sun with you:Erm:

12th April 2008, 12:45
Hello Shelly! Welcome to the UK! You're here at last!

Pepe n Pilar
15th April 2008, 12:00
Hi Cinmickey28, thanks talaga. Where are u in England?

15th April 2008, 12:38
Congratulations, wow another midlander, there seems to be a growing gang of us, I only have 4 more days to wait to fetch my mahal and little prince.

If there is not already a plan I suggest we plan a get together for all the Midlands couples and halves of couples if that makes sense. I am happy to suggest a location/event and co-ordinate such an event if we can build up an interest.

I am open to suggestions but as a starter for ten what about A Bullring shopping trip for the ladies followed by a visit down to the Brindlley Place complex for eats/drinks etc.

:yikes::yikes::yikes: SHOPPING!!! that ought to start some alternative idas from the rest of us husbands:doh:doh

Pepe n Pilar
15th April 2008, 12:49
We're near Coventry, just been there once when i took the bus to Stansted Airport then to Essex to visit my friend. Shooopppinnnng, wow! i would love that and the meet up with the Midland couples. How about Scott&Ligaya as the the organizer?:)

15th April 2008, 12:57
One vote for shopping, come on guys we need other suggestions!!

15th April 2008, 18:32
Hi Scott,
Sounds Great,
You can count my wife Louella and myself in and also our daughter Mary Grace. The wife doesn't need to much encouragement to go shopping.
Louella & Iain. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th April 2008, 18:37
We're near Coventry, just been there once when i took the bus to Stansted Airport then to Essex to visit my friend. Shooopppinnnng, wow! i would love that and the meet up with the Midland couples. How about Scott&Ligaya as the the organizer?:)

Hi Shelly,
Where near Coventry. There's a thriving community of pinays in and around Coventry and they all have regular get togethers and Partys etc.

Louella & Iain.

16th April 2008, 10:30
Where are all the midlanders?

Just had a thought about going on one of those canal boat trips whilst at Brindley Place in Bham, any takers?

Pepe n Pilar
16th April 2008, 13:08
Hi Shelly,
Where near Coventry. There's a thriving community of pinays in and around Coventry and they all have regular get togethers and Partys etc.

Louella & Iain.

Really? i would love to meet up with you guys. :)

BTW... I like to thank Ate Ping for giving me a warm welcome. Thanks for that call. It's an honor having a chat with you. Yes i will keep that in mind and also thanks for that new recipes, i appreciate it.:Hellooo::Hellooo::Hellooo: