View Full Version : Spouse Visa Q's

Rob & Anne
13th April 2008, 23:03
Hi guys and girls!

Im new to this forum so I dont know anyone yet but i've been reading through your posts and replies and you all seem like a nice bunch.

Background: I met Anne (a filipina) online, we fell inlove and were a couple for over 2 years, ive been to see Anne 4 times and last month we got married. Its so hard being apart as im sure you all know so we really want to get a spouse visa asap.

Ive been reading through the threads and posts for aaaaages and ive found some answers to a few of the questions i have, but theres still a couple of questions that I would love an answer to if you can help.

*Anne and myself are both 26 years old. Is age relivant when applying for a visa? I wouldn't see why not but im just wondering.

*Ive only been living in my own house for a month or 2, is that long enough?

Ive heard many different answers from different sources and im confussed, such as:

You only need 3-4 months of bank statements and bills.
You need to have at least £2000 in your bank account.

I really just need some clarification, sorry for the long post and many questions and thanks for your time reading through them.

Rob :)

13th April 2008, 23:32
Hi guys and girls!

Im new to this forum so I dont know anyone yet but i've been reading through your posts and replies and you all seem like a nice bunch.

Background: I met Anne (a filipina) online, we fell inlove and were a couple for over 2 years, ive been to see Anne 4 times and last month we got married. Its so hard being apart as im sure you all know so we really want to get a spouse visa asap.

Ive been reading through the threads and posts for aaaaages and ive found some answers to a few of the questions i have, but theres still a couple of questions that I would love an answer to if you can help.

*Anne and myself are both 26 years old. Is age relivant when applying for a visa? I wouldn't see why not but im just wondering.
Not a problem the fact you are close in age and way over the marriage minimum age in both countries means no probs:xxgrinning--00xx3:

*Ive only been living in my own house for a month or 2, is that long enough?

If its yours no probs i can see do you own or rent?

Ive heard many different answers from different sources and im confussed, such as:

You only need 3-4 months of bank statements and bills.

6 months is the best from what i know

You need to have at least £2000 in your bank account.

Not vital but recomended both to show the eco you have a reserve for the two of you. remeber a person is moving country and needs both supporting and to buy clothes and various things to help them settle. Plus heating , phone bills back home and "exotic foods" which tesco dont stock
So its very wise to have a dewcent sum as you WILL need once your mahal is here in the UK.

I really just need some clarification, sorry for the long post and many questions and thanks for your time reading through them.

Don't be sorry with out questions it be a pretty boring forum:D

Rob :)

Welcome to you both

Rob & Anne
14th April 2008, 10:54
Thank you andypaul for the answers and advice. I think I should save a little more before applying.

I have a mortgage on a small property, we just wanted to check as ive only lived here a month now, we didnt want to get declined just because we were being too impatient and rushing into our application but if you see no problem then great!

Thx again.


14th April 2008, 18:22
Thank you andypaul for the answers and advice. I think I should save a little more before applying.

I have a mortgage on a small property, we just wanted to check as ive only lived here a month now, we didnt want to get declined just because we were being too impatient and rushing into our application but if you see no problem then great!

Thx again.


No probs best to make sure everything is shipshape for Anna to come over. many have rushed in and then it causes problems for the two of you.

As important as savings is to show you have at least 50-60 quid spare a week so 200-240 quid at least spare a month other all outgoings.
Never said in any docs but i hasve read its the figure quoted in appeals.
Basically its the amount for i think its income support the least a person can get by on a week.

Of course you need this amount or more anyway to look after Anna.

14th April 2008, 18:56
From what you said i cannot see any problems but make sure to read Petes site also for info!!

14th April 2008, 20:49
all i will say is good luck, me and my gf are around the same age...