View Full Version : visit visa how much does it will cost?

15th April 2008, 06:47
hi its me again

we (my boyfriend and i) been gathering all facts here about visa thing and we decided to get spouse visa but we think marriage in october (dad is with us at that time) is very long time for us to be apart so we thinking of me getting visit visa first. advantage is that i can see his way of life and fam first
and most of all we gonna see each other and talk more about wedding and spouse visa and papers needed for not waiting long time till october. plus getting spouse visa will be strong if i granted tourist visa first and he was here last month got all the proofs from pictures, plane stub, hotel and restaurant receipts, emails, cards, western union receipts etc..

our concern is that how much will it cost us? (visa fees nd processing fees all fees even uder the table fees) from start to end.
monthly wage minimum he should meet?
amount which he have to have on his account (savings)and if possible me too?
i see on tourist visas thats financial stability is important

my boyfriend has a stable job(he there for 5 years now), home to live (he renting), landlord is a friend so letter from him no prob they even have one vacant room for me. i have a job(contract is 5 years government non-taxable) not high but enough coz i have no expenses i live with my parents prob is that i dont have a savings account or properties or business all i have is my phone, clothes..hehe

thanks for all the help


15th April 2008, 08:59
Use the SEARCH functions we've just talked about this.

Forget the Visitor Visa, he needs to visit you to add more proof to the Fiancee Visa.

15th April 2008, 14:50
Use the SEARCH functions we've just talked about this.

Forget the Visitor Visa, he needs to visit you to add more proof to the Fiancee Visa.

Listen to what our Boss have said..:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

let him visit u then go for spouse visa..:xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th April 2008, 16:36
he has already visited me we had a great time .
there must have been some people who have
managed to get their hands on a visitor visa ?
why everyone so negative about it?
i wish i could have all the facts saying why its a
waste of time getting a visitor visa !!
thanks all

15th April 2008, 16:47
we're not negative, the gov is :xxgrinning--00xx3:

we tell it how it is, most people on here, if you read the posts have had their VV refused, a few have been granted them,,,

gov statistics are here,,, look and see for yourself...


refusal rate is more than 20%, and i bet it's even higher than that for people who apply first time.. that figure includes people who have applied for a second time and know the reason why they were refused and tried to correct it..

see it from the case workers point of view, you have to grant or refuse a visa on the evidence you have, if you're not sure that the person will return, they will refuse you.. so unless your evidence is v.good your face refusal just like most others.

15th April 2008, 20:52
ok thanks bloggsy
so we should forget visitor visa
later gator

16th April 2008, 09:57
he has already visited me we had a great time .
there must have been some people who have
managed to get their hands on a visitor visa ?
why everyone so negative about it?
i wish i could have all the facts saying why its a
waste of time getting a visitor visa !!
thanks all

Ofcourse nobody can't stop you for getting a Visitor visa, its your decision on what visa you want to apply, we're only just giving you an advice and telling you the fact about Visitor visa because you asked for it.

16th April 2008, 18:42
Ofcourse nobody can't stop you for getting a Visitor visa, its your decision on what visa you want to apply, we're only just giving you an advice and telling you the fact about Visitor visa because you asked for it.

and also based on some of our experience..:xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th April 2008, 20:54

My girlfriend in the philippines applied for a visitor visa just before xmas 2007. She has a good job, I also have my own house and a good job, in fact seemed perfect BUT, the application failed.
You have to prove that you will return, AND unless you have a business or your own property in the philippines you can't prove. It's a waste of time applying for a visitor visa.


19th April 2008, 01:08
When we applied for a visitors visa it was granted the day after the interview which took 10 mins. My then gf had a reasonable job and no assets or anything; I had been once to da phils and was also there when her interview took place, albeit in the coffee shop at the back (familiar to many here I'm sure), was 6 months into a new job. I guess so long as the accommodation and financial bits are in order all is well. Oh, at the time I only had about £10k in the bank. Hope that helps.


19th April 2008, 07:56
When we applied for a visitors visa it was granted the day after the interview which took 10 mins. My then gf had a reasonable job and no assets or anything; I had been once to da phils and was also there when her interview took place, albeit in the coffee shop at the back (familiar to many here I'm sure), was 6 months into a new job. I guess so long as the accommodation and financial bits are in order all is well. Oh, at the time I only had about £10k in the bank. Hope that helps.


VV are a Mystery, as you've said, you can have all the assets and evidence possible and still be refused, and someone else has less assets or evidence, and yet they are approved. the fact is many are refused, thats why most people on here don't recommend a VV. I'm sure they just pick a few at random and reject the rest :D

case workers can be sneaky sometimes, part of a post from another forum, where a chinese gal was applying for a VV to see her british B/F.

'At the time of your student visa application in February 2008, you stated that you were married and that your family in Mongolia would fund your studies. You did not explain at the time of that application, that you had a British boyfriend and whilst there wasn't a direct question on the application form relating to that, I consider that it could have easily been mentioned in section 7, which you made use of for additional information. You have not explained in this application why you chose not to declare your relationship in your previous application and I consider it to undermine the credibility of your application as a whole'

if they want to refuse you, they will find a reason, this was one of the reasons given why the VV was refused :NoNo:, so becareful what you put and don't put in your VV app

19th April 2008, 10:12
VV are a Mystery, as you've said, you can have all the assets and evidence possible and still be refused, and someone else has less assets or evidence, and yet they are approved. the fact is many are refused, thats why most people on here don't recommend a VV. I'm sure they just pick a few at random and reject the rest :D

case workers can be sneaky sometimes, part of a post from another forum, where a chinese gal was applying for a VV to see her british B/F.

'At the time of your student visa application in February 2008, you stated that you were married and that your family in Mongolia would fund your studies. You did not explain at the time of that application, that you had a British boyfriend and whilst there wasn't a direct question on the application form relating to that, I consider that it could have easily been mentioned in section 7, which you made use of for additional information. You have not explained in this application why you chose not to declare your relationship in your previous application and I consider it to undermine the credibility of your application as a whole'

if they want to refuse you, they will find a reason, this was one of the reasons given why the VV was refused :NoNo:, so becareful what you put and don't put in your VV app

This morning i was watching an old epsiode of heathrow and normally would switch it over but it an a guy trying to enter the UK for a week and the officer was phoning the Lady who was his guest in the Uk.
When she made most likely a mistake in the way she worded a reply the officer picked up on it and the Visa was deneyed straight off.

I think a lot of it is about the evidence provided and any interview or communcation with the officer dealing with the case.

Im sure all on this board have people who just seem to walk into jobs because they can impress or say the right thing in an interview.