View Full Version : Am I bonkers?

15th April 2008, 21:41
My story may or may not be a familiar one to you, but here goes!

I visited one of those websites where you can ask the girls to do whatever and I became friendly with one of the girls.

We chatted away from "that" website and have become quite close - or as close as one can be online. She told me that she worked on "that" website as she needed money for her family. I now know that many people in the Philippines are really poor and have to go on "those" websites to raise money for food.

She is no longer doing that since we became friends and since I have sent her money to get food for her family. I sent her a digital camera and she has sent me photos of where she lives and it is very basic. No toilet or bath. It looks like a garage!

I'm happy helping her in an attempt to raise her out of this poverty and she has indicated to me that she would like to start a MiniMart, which is basically roadside selling of food, purchased with my money and sold at a profit so she can become self-sufficient in time.

One other thing. I've fallen for her big time. She's adorable. True there is a bit of an age gap but it does not seem to matter to either of us.

Am I bonkers?

15th April 2008, 22:08
Be careful is all i can say and many will tell you to send money so soon without really knowing her is foolish..

Go over and get to know her otherwise you will make choices simply based on how you feel which is not always reliable!!

15th April 2008, 22:08
I don't think you are bonkers. People on here have similar stories about finding love on the internet. We are not here to judge...stay...you're on the right forum. Good luck!

15th April 2008, 22:14
amibonkers? No, I don't think you are... I think you follow your heart - if the money helps her and doesn't hurt you, what's the problem?
Eljohno is right - It would be a good idea to go and see her... seek advice from people here first though, they seem to know what they are talking about!

15th April 2008, 22:15
My talks with her are via webcam so we do see each other which helps a lot.
The imagination can run wild if you don't use a webcam, imho

15th April 2008, 22:19
good idea, I guess I'll have to invest in a webcam.

15th April 2008, 22:29
Be careful is all i can say and many will tell you to send money so soon without really knowing her is foolish..

Go over and get to know her otherwise you will make choices simply based on how you feel which is not always reliable!!

Welcome to the site amibonkers

As eljohno says be careful and write all the actions you have done to see if it makes sense. Its easy to get carried away...

15th April 2008, 22:31
i guess you are bonkers as u called urself that?

if you have the cash then dont worry but why not go and see her?

15th April 2008, 23:03
I would but the cash it takes to go there is better spent now on helping her and then next year I'll visit her. Thanks for the feedback.

15th April 2008, 23:05
My story may or may not be a familiar one to you, but here goes!

I visited one of those websites where you can ask the girls to do whatever and I became friendly with one of the girls.

We chatted away from "that" website and have become quite close - or as close as one can be online. She told me that she worked on "that" website as she needed money for her family. I now know that many people in the Philippines are really poor and have to go on "those" websites to raise money for food.

She is no longer doing that since we became friends and since I have sent her money to get food for her family. I sent her a digital camera and she has sent me photos of where she lives and it is very basic. No toilet or bath. It looks like a garage!

I'm happy helping her in an attempt to raise her out of this poverty and she has indicated to me that she would like to start a MiniMart, which is basically roadside selling of food, purchased with my money and sold at a profit so she can become self-sufficient in time.

One other thing. I've fallen for her big time. She's adorable. True there is a bit of an age gap but it does not seem to matter to either of us.

Am I bonkers?

Yes - totally suckered in

15th April 2008, 23:11
I would but the cash it takes to go there is better spent now on helping her and then next year I'll visit her. Thanks for the feedback.

Would still advise a meeting people on here will remeber barnsley mark and others...

15th April 2008, 23:32
if your serious about her and helping her, you should go and meet her asap, as for you sending her money/her asking it could become a problem over time, so meet her, see where you both stand and if you have a future, if you don't it could cost you a small fortune or worse a big one :xxgrinning--00xx3:

16th April 2008, 06:41
My story may or may not be a familiar one to you, but here goes!

A Canadian guy I occasionally chat with had a similar and nightmarish experience....:doh

I visited one of those websites where you can ask the girls to do whatever and I became friendly with one of the girls.

They are there to become friendly....:rolleyes:

We chatted away from "that" website and have become quite close - or as close as one can be online. She told me that she worked on "that" website as she needed money for her family. I now know that many people in the Philippines are really poor and have to go on "those" websites to raise money for food.

I suggest that you go visit her, assess the situation, and if you don't feel scammed, help out...

She is no longer doing that since we became friends and since I have sent her money to get food for her family. I sent her a digital camera and she has sent me photos of where she lives and it is very basic. No toilet or bath. It looks like a garage!

Oh, yeah....? Be careful....

I'm happy helping her in an attempt to raise her out of this poverty and she has indicated to me that she would like to start a MiniMart, which is basically roadside selling of food, purchased with my money and sold at a profit so she can become self-sufficient in time.

Don't even think about it....

One other thing. I've fallen for her big time. She's adorable. True there is a bit of an age gap but it does not seem to matter to either of us.

Before you commit yourself to anything, I suggest you go over and meet her personally.

Am I bonkers?

No, not really. Lots of us in the forum have been reeled in very skilfully....:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Welcome aboard, and have fun.

16th April 2008, 06:57
nice advice there aromulus..

16th April 2008, 07:42
wowowowww! u have a good heart.. btw, i think u must visit her first instead of sending money..for sure!

16th April 2008, 08:37
Your not bonkers, I got caught the same way, mine scammed me left right and centre, but here I am 5 years on, very happy, and still with my sexy lovely scammer.....and by the way I am still sending money !!!

Questions from readers:

1. How long does this sending money business go on for mate ?

Answer: For Ever !

16th April 2008, 08:42
Your not bonkers, I got caught the same way, mine scammed me left right and centre, but here I am 5 years on, very happy, and still with my sexy lovely scammer.....and by the way I am still sending money !!!

Questions from readers:

1. How long does this sending money business go on for mate ?

Answer: For Ever !

I'm interested that you refer to it as scamming since you are still together. Are you saying that it started out as being after money, which I understand knowing their circumstances, but developed into romance, albeit a distance romance?

16th April 2008, 08:58
I'm interested that you refer to it as scamming since you are still together. Are you saying that it started out as being after money, which I understand knowing their circumstances, but developed into romance, albeit a distance romance?

I think you need to take a more light hearted approach to contacting women from the Philippines, firstly if you take it too seriously, you may get unduly hurt if you fall foul of the bad ones.

When I refer to my little Filipina scammer, actually its a term of endearment, in my own rather warped sense of humour.

Money is the common denominator in all relationships in the Philippines, that is business, government, and personal, anyone who doesn't realize that, is in for the shock of all time.

The one thing you will learn is the word remittance ! 14 Billion US Dollars was remitted into the Philippines during 2007, and is set to grow, without it the country would be in a far worser situation than it already is.

Young ladies of the Philippines who are advertising themselves on freindship and courtship sites are doing it for one reason only, if they tell you otherwise, its a cover story for their real intentions.

There is nothing wrong with doing this, many of the readers on this forum have met their respective wife through freindship dating or social networking sites, the practice is common.

However, let us not forget, that these girls do not wish to enter into a relationship to come to a foreign country only to find they are worse off than whence they came from.

Of course, they have life threatening situations in the Philippines that need an urgent remedy, of course you will get Munting Hiling, (urgent requests), its just a matter of time.

The only thing you have to worry about is, that the requests for money and financial help is the only overriding reason for entering into a relationship withn you.

Most of the guys will agree on here, they don't mind supporting or helping out their wife's family provided that this is not the overriding reason for the move to UK.

I help out my wife's family, I know many others do it too, its kind of expected, and often works quite well, if you attend to it, plus your wife is much more settled.

To answer your question directly, the simple answer is no, it did not start off by her asking me for money, she never asked me for a penny, most Filipina's are too proud to ask, and anyway, they would rather work and earn the money themselves.

However, if you are a generous foreigner, and feel you would like to help your girl with some extra cash to make her life easier then of course it would be gratefully received.

Most decent genuine ladies from Philippines do not set out with the intention of scamming their respective foreigner boyfriends out of money, of course there is good and bad in any group, masama at maganda ! but the majority of the educated ones, have jobs in the Philippines, when they come to UK, they want to work, they rarely sit back and take what is given to them.

If you find a nice lady from Philippines, you will have a gem that is hard to replace, who will take care of you, support you, and be the dream wife you would want, on the other hand, you can have a few laughs along the way, when you find that this gem is not always as cheap as you expected, money is required in some circumstances, but not as much as you would think.

I suppose my point of this post is the following: yes money is a part of it, not all of it, but still a very important part of the relationship that exists between people from the west who seek partners from the 3rd world, lest we not all forget.

You are meeting a woman who has been brought up in the 3rd world, and never forget that and you will do fine.

16th April 2008, 09:01
Many thanks Peter.

Wise words.

Thanks for your excellent website too.

Best wishes

16th April 2008, 12:12
some great advise in this thread....

Go and see her before you send her anything... You need to know her and not what you get in an email that's the only way you can find out if you have fallen for her...

I brought up the idea of my GF running a BBQ stall and asked for all the prices and she thought around 3.5k for everything so things are cheap in the PI

16th April 2008, 18:29
Pete you are right when you marry them they become better at getting money out of us better than any scammer lol

16th April 2008, 18:32
Many thanks Peter.

Wise words.

Thanks for your excellent website too.

Best wishes

welcome tot he forum amibonkers? well I am sure most of our mates here have said everything, so its up to u if u still wanted to call urself a bonkers..:xxgrinning--00xx3:

16th April 2008, 19:12
Am (may i call you am?) Out of intest sir, how much have you sent.

If you wish give an indication of the figures the ladies and gentleman on this site will know if it sounds about right.

16th April 2008, 19:14
Am (may i call you am?) Out of intest sir, how much have you sent.

If you wish give an indication of the figures the ladies and gentleman on this site will know if it sounds about right.

Yeah.......... I need a little cheering up after a day like today........... Go on mate, tell us.......:icon_lol::icon_lol:

16th April 2008, 19:15
Yeah.......... I need a little cheering up after a day like today........... Go on mate, tell us.......:icon_lol::icon_lol:


16th April 2008, 19:25
giinapeterb... great advice to all us 'newbies' - thanks, made me smile and laugh out loud!! the short time visiting these forums has been really elightening, leaving me in awe of you respected members!

16th April 2008, 19:26
Am (may i call you am?) Out of intest sir, how much have you sent.

If you wish give an indication of the figures the ladies and gentleman on this site will know if it sounds about right.

So far only £260 - about 21,000 pesos. That's in a month's time frame.

16th April 2008, 19:29
So far only £260 - about 21,000 pesos. That's in a month's time frame.

Thats a very good wage out in phill.

I know that can support/subdize a extended family in laguna (equivalent of surrey ie near london and quite expensive by the countries standards)

I would equate that to giving a brit 1 to 1.5k am i right?

16th April 2008, 19:30
alright, how long uve known her Sir?

16th April 2008, 21:29
alright, how long uve known her Sir?

A month.
I also sent her a digital camera.
I think I am bonkers. Here are my suspicions?
Tonight I had to tell her that I couldn't send her money this week and she told me that she was out of food. So far I have only seen 5 pictures taken by the camera and she says it's out of batteries already. Because I told her she was not getting money she turned off her web cam "to relax". Perhaps she was online with someone else? It was 3 a.m. there and she was talking online to me. Western time zones? When the cam came back on she was wearing another top. She said it was because it's very hot. Lastly she says she is at a girl friends house at 3 a.m. and will go home at 6 a.m. - could it be a boyfriend's house?

I guess what I'm saying is that my suspicions, whether valid or not, are driving me crazy. I want so much to trust her but I imagine the worst all the time and don't know how I can prove to myself that she is a) honest or b) a con artist.

Perhaps, I'd better end it as there is no way of getting proof, is there?

16th April 2008, 21:34
A month.
I also sent her a digital camera.
I think I am bonkers. Here are my suspicions?
Tonight I had to tell her that I couldn't send her money this week and she told me that she was out of food. So far I have only seen 5 pictures taken by the camera and she says it's out of batteries already. Because I told her she was not getting money she turned off her web cam "to relax". Perhaps she was online with someone else? It was 3 a.m. there and she was talking online to me. Western time zones? When the cam came back on she was wearing another top. She said it was because it's very hot. Lastly she says she is at a girl friends house at 3 a.m. and will go home at 6 a.m. - could it be a boyfriend's house?

I guess what I'm saying is that my suspicions, whether valid or not, are driving me crazy. I want so much to trust her but I imagine the worst all the time and don't know how I can prove to myself that she is a) honest or b) a con artist.

Perhaps, I'd better end it as there is no way of getting proof, is there?

Walk away from it, mate.:NoNo:

You been "tangoed"....:Brick::Brick:

16th April 2008, 21:39
Well there are ways open a yahoo that is not anything like yours and send her a message from the web-based messenger "its been so long si nce we talked £" kinda message and see what happens...not foolproof but if she has a large stable she may bite

16th April 2008, 21:42
How much food would 10,500 pesos buy for a family of 10? How many days. I sent it on 31st March and it's all gone now 16 April. Is that feasible?

16th April 2008, 22:06
:NoNo: Why do some folk never take the easy option?

16th April 2008, 22:09
Ops! lots of RED flags sign there.

Run away mate!, I suspect you're not the only victim with her antics.

16th April 2008, 22:13
Mr Bonkers,

So far from reading your last post, I am hearing on the wrong vibes here, how long have you been talking to this one, sending her a digital camera is not a bad idea, its a practical gift you can give a Filipina, she can take photos of herself and email them to you.

Of course the smart idea would have been to buy her a rechargeable device, she is probably telling you the truth, when she says, batteries are running out, batteries cost money, and she is going to be very reklamo, if she has to keep buying new ones.

Well I wouldnt get into issues of whether she is at a house clandestinely until 6am, you are not there and cannot make a determination, if you did think this, then generally speaking something is not quite right.

The problem with having relationships with foreign women in cyber space is that we often bestow attributes on the other person, that don't actually stand up to the reality of a situation.

My advice is always very clear in these situations, and its simply this, if you feel the need to ask these questions on a public forum, it generally means something critical is flawed in your online relationship, having suspicions about the one you hope you will give your heart to is a very bad start, although not repairable, there is a very good chance this will end in an online disaster.

If you are not happy, drop the monkey now from your shoulder, its cost you about P21,000 around £275.00 and a digital camera.

Believe me, thats a modest amount, cut your losses now, before you get into £15,000 or more like some have done in the past, only to find out, they are broke and the love of their life has dissapeared into oblivion alot richer than you are for the experience.

There are hundreds of thousands of good, decent, honest, chaste, sweet, kind and honest young ladies from Philippines who are just waiting for a nice guy to come along and make them happy.

A Filipina companion who is in love with you and wants to be with you, will defend you to the ends of the earth, and will never let you down.

Best of Luck.

16th April 2008, 22:21
I know there is a battle going on between your head and your heart but the signs are not good. The fact that she turned the cam of straight you were not able to send her more money should show you what she really cares about. Please do not send another penny until you have had much more time to check her out!!

16th April 2008, 22:21
How much food would 10,500 pesos buy for a family of 10? How many days. I sent it on 31st March and it's all gone now 16 April. Is that feasible?

An individual inthe Philippines needs at least P300.00 a day to survive, its now the 16th April, so that means by the time they picked up your P10,500 on the 1/2nd April they have had about 15 days, 15 x 300 is 4500 pesos, so in 4 weeks, they need around P9000.00 a month.

A family of 10 (wow why is so big), don't you often wish for the love of your life to be an orphan, I know many do.

A Family of 10 need so much more than the above, sadly, your P10,500 will go nowhere in the Philippines at present, the cost of Rice has risen from around P25,00 per Kilo, to P37.00 per kilo, (figures from Miss Gina who arrived back from the provinces on Sunday 13th)

Cooking oil has risen, a tank of cooking gas used to be P450.00 is now P650.00, diesel has risen to fill up the average tank, was P1700.00 is P1900.00.

A 50KG sack of rice was P1500.00 is now P2000.00 that means Filipinos are having to deal with many price hikes, these price hikes are affecting the poor more than at any other time.

The remittances they recieve are going down, the exchange rate for foreigners is poor at present, the dollar having lost 20 per cent of its value in the last 5 years, the Dollar/peso rate was P53.00 to the dollar, its now P41.88.

The Pound was P94.00 and at one stage P105.00 to the Pound, now its hovering between P81.00 and P84.00 currently at P82.40 and fluctuating.

I am not suprised that your money has ran out already, in fact with a family of 10 people, I am suprised it lasted a week.

16th April 2008, 22:24
I have said before on here about an American guy i met over in the Philippines who lost $4000 to a scammer!!!

16th April 2008, 22:43
Hi Am

I, like the other replying forum members do not believe you are necessarily bonkers at all. But it does sound as though you have a few doubts about your lady friend. That is likely to occur from time to time; it's a feature of not being around the woman you are interested in but do not really know yet. Trust is everything. If you can get past these early suspicions and believe that the relationship may have long-term potential, visit her. That is the only way you will know who she really is and vice versa.

Adding to Pete's comments, I love my outlaws (I mean in-laws) very much indeed and love being able to help them as I have been doing for years with my own family, although I generally prefer to help them with medical needs and initiatives that enable them to help themselves, e.g. buying a fridge for them so they can sell water, sacks of rice and baboy so they can sell them at a profit and paying for my brother-in-law to go to work abroad so he can support his wife and kids. It's a privilege and a small price to pay for what I have received from them in the form of my wife.

Good luck!


16th April 2008, 23:13
Hi Am

I, like the other replying forum members do not believe you are necessarily bonkers at all. But it does sound as though you have a few doubts about your lady friend. That is likely to occur from time to time; it's a feature of not being around the woman you are interested in but do not really know yet. Trust is everything. If you can get past these early suspicions and believe that the relationship may have long-term potential, visit her. That is the only way you will know who she really is and vice versa.

Adding to Pete's comments, I love my outlaws (I mean in-laws) very much indeed and love being able to help them as I have been doing for years with my own family, although I generally prefer to help them with medical needs and initiatives that enable them to help themselves, e.g. buying a fridge for them so they can sell water, sacks of rice and baboy so they can sell them at a profit and paying for my brother-in-law to go to work abroad so he can support his wife and kids. It's a privilege and a small price to pay for what I have received from them in the form of my wife.

Good luck!


Most of the people on here i am sure send money to the relatives of their wife and also at times to help others but also many on here have seen people being scammed many times and after a while you learn to see the red flags. I am not saying we are always right but the percentage would be quite high!!

16th April 2008, 23:33
So far only £260 - about 21,000 pesos. That's in a month's time frame.

Hi amibonkers,
I know girls in Phils who earn 120 per day, therefore 21,000 is 175 days money.
If someone gave you half a years salary as a love interest that would make you very happy wouldn't it?

In my opinion, don't think "only £260"; it is important to realise the value of money contributed to the girlfriend in the country you are dealing with.

It is nice to help someone you are fond of, even if you haven't met her.
Meeting her to get a fuller picture would seem to be the best thing for you to do as you seem generous and that generosity could cost you dearly in the fullness of time.

People are generous in ANY country and a pretty face has always parted men from their money. :Help1::Rasp::rolleyes:

Keep thinking :rolleyes::cwm24:


16th April 2008, 23:44
A month.
I also sent her a digital camera.
I think I am bonkers. Here are my suspicions?
Tonight I had to tell her that I couldn't send her money this week and she told me that she was out of food. So far I have only seen 5 pictures taken by the camera and she says it's out of batteries already. Because I told her she was not getting money she turned off her web cam "to relax". Perhaps she was online with someone else? It was 3 a.m. there and she was talking online to me. Western time zones? When the cam came back on she was wearing another top. She said it was because it's very hot. Lastly she says she is at a girl friends house at 3 a.m. and will go home at 6 a.m. - could it be a boyfriend's house?

I guess what I'm saying is that my suspicions, whether valid or not, are driving me crazy. I want so much to trust her but I imagine the worst all the time and don't know how I can prove to myself that she is a) honest or b) a con artist.

Perhaps, I'd better end it as there is no way of getting proof, is there?

If she was up to no good she may have been in a house where the webcam girls work.
I watching news reports on raids of these places when in phill.

Home broadband is still the preserve of the better off.

Women do change clothes often in phill as you know its dam hot and humid.

17th April 2008, 01:13
So far only £260 - about 21,000 pesos. That's in a month's time frame.

Well my GF is on less than half (only just) and she is happy... Yes she wants more but i have lived with her and know the cost of living in the PI. It depends on what type of GF you have a simple one or one that wants to show off?

My girl is a simple girl - not like that :Rasp: and does nothing more than want to cook and look after her family - damn i miss sinigang and my honey ko!

17th April 2008, 07:47
My friend says she does a 52 hour week ...has a good job and earns about 10,000piso a month with six in the house rent 4000 her brother contributes 1000 toward rent then there is electric and water about 1300 a month they are still buying snacks from the market and such......when i asked how much for a really comfortable life with bigger house etc she said 30000........but it has always been my experience that everyone tends to live up to their income when it increases so do their aspirations ,my friend sure has TV...DVD...PC and on line at home cell phone home phone all of which eat resources......until i get there i credit her with being autonomous and whilst i might send an occasional gift i will not send money until we have met and confirmed our interest in each other.

Trust in God and tie up your camel is my advice everyone has a legitimate need for survival....its not of its self connected to love and romance though on balance I think you are being scammed I have many experiences of this myself without financial loss so far

17th April 2008, 08:07
until i get there i credit her with being autonomous and whilst i might send an occasional gift i will not send money until we have met and confirmed our interest in each other.

Totally agree with you.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

My wife never asked for money, she was working and contributing to her family welfare.
After we met the second time, and both realized that we were mutually compatible, I started with some financial help.
She left her job, and was there 24/7 for me, waiting for my call to be online.
On my second trip over, I did bring a small pc with me, to leave with her, had her connected to broadband, and phone line in the house.
The only times she actually asked me to send "her allowance" was when I forgot to do it, due to the traveling involved with my job. And the bills for the above were overdue.

Now that she is here with me, she is in contact with her family very often, and due to her working herself, she is able to help her family financially.
Although they are not asking for a penny.

17th April 2008, 09:15
How much food would 10,500 pesos buy for a family of 10? How many days. I sent it on 31st March and it's all gone now 16 April. Is that feasible?

ei its not your responsibility to feed her family...
stop sending her money and just go there and meet her to know her better...
she should like you for who you are and not for you can financially send her...

keep on smiling

17th April 2008, 09:36
ei its not your responsibility to feed her family...
stop sending her money and just go there and meet her to know her better...
she should like you for who you are and not for you can financially send her...

keep on smiling

I feel obligated because she gave up her job on the sex site and so has no income until I can afford to finance her MiniMart (20,000 Pesos), which it is hoped will help support herself.

I agree that the best solution is a trip to Manila to meet her. Nothing else will have the same effect.

Thanks for the feedback. It is much appreciated.

17th April 2008, 09:46
I feel obligated because she gave up her job on the sex site and so has no income until I can afford to finance her MiniMart (20,000 Pesos), which it is hoped will help support herself.

I agree that the best solution is a trip to Manila to meet her. Nothing else will have the same effect.

Thanks for the feedback. It is much appreciated.

Somehow I don't think she has given anything up....:NoNo:
But it seems that she gained a sucker.....:NoNo:
You have no obligations at all towards her...

I strongly recommend that you DO go there and assess the situation, but be very aware that you are going to be taken for a very expensive ride.:omg:

17th April 2008, 09:46
until i get there i credit her with being autonomous and whilst i might send an occasional gift i will not send money until we have met and confirmed our interest in each other.

When I first met my gf (now wife), although I was never asked to send money by her, I had been asked by others and had already decided this was the position I would take from the outset with any possible relationship online.

My wife never asked for money, she was working and contributing to her family welfare.

Same here. Even when I asked her to meet me in Manila when I first went to Phils to visit her and she agreed, she asked me if she should borrow the money for the airfare and was quite prepared to do so. I did of course send her the money for this.

After we met the second time, and both realized that we were mutually compatible, I started with some financial help

I started with financial help after the first visit.

On my second trip over, I did bring a small pc with me, to leave with her, had her connected to broadband, and phone line in the house

Almost the same here but in my case, I sent the money for the PC etc after the first visit.

The only times she actually asked me to send "her allowance" was when I forgot to do it, due to the traveling involved with my job. And the bills for the above were overdue.

Same here more or less.


17th April 2008, 19:43
ei its not your responsibility to feed her family...
stop sending her money and just go there and meet her to know her better...
she should like you for who you are and not for you can financially send her...

keep on smiling

All the advice you need am:xxgrinning--00xx3:

17th April 2008, 20:00
I cannot find the pic but i have it on a disk in my office... Its a Joke from Pattaya in Thailand... It simply says:

"This is my GF her name is Toy" while the thai girl says "This is my BF his name is ATM"

18th April 2008, 16:59
I feel obligated because she gave up her job on the sex site and so has no income until I can afford to finance her MiniMart (20,000 Pesos), which it is hoped will help support herself.

I agree that the best solution is a trip to Manila to meet her. Nothing else will have the same effect.

Thanks for the feedback. It is much appreciated.

Or better yet, meet me instead

In search of you... :cwm38:

18th April 2008, 17:00
oppss. rest assure am a scammer ....but not of money...but your attentions and affections...


shefield.white4 at gmail dot com

18th April 2008, 17:11
Or better yet, meet me instead

In search of you... :cwm38:

One can hardly refuse an offer like that.........:D

His place or yours, dear....????:rolleyes:

Give me time to set the webcam up, will yah...?:xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th April 2008, 17:19
hahaha...i dont usually do offer such this though...

so lets see where this will lead to...

...am a certified filipina...am not after for any material things in life as am blessed to have what anyone can have..am more on finding someone whom am going to share and explore this things called 'life'.....

different things, so exciting to find out.. ;)

18th April 2008, 17:22
hahaha...i dont usually do offer such this though...

so lets see where this will lead to...

...am a certified filipina...am not after for any material things in life as am blessed to have what anyone can have..am more on finding someone whom am going to share and explore this things called 'life'.....

different things, so exciting to find out.. ;)

...let me add on this..

it will definitely advantage i will be pampered with so much of everything..tangible or intangible... ;)

18th April 2008, 17:24
hahaha...i dont usually do offer such this though...

so lets see where this will lead to...

...am a certified filipina...am not after for any material things in life as am blessed to have what anyone can have..am more on finding someone whom am going to share and explore this things called 'life'.....

different things, so exciting to find out.. ;)

Where is my USB extension for the webcam lead...???:Erm:


18th April 2008, 17:29
Where is my USB extension for the webcam lead...???:Erm:


hey... am marketing myself to amibonker ( not to u dear)....
ur taken....

18th April 2008, 17:31
hey... am marketing myself to amibonker ( not to u dear)....
ur taken....

It is not for me....:D

I was planning to stream your encounter live on the net..... :xxgrinning--00xx3:

You are a good sport.... good luck in your search for happiness. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th April 2008, 17:36
It is not for me....:D

I was planning to stream your encounter live on the net..... :xxgrinning--00xx3:

You are a good sport.... good luck in your search for happiness. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

i know dear...dont worry...i keep everyone posted ...

right mr amibonker?.... ;)

still u have'nt email me ?.... there's no harm in trying?!...
but if ur head over heels inlove with ur gf now, then its ok...

goodluck and cheer up... ;)

@aromulus ..how about help me finding one for me ;)
i prefer to meet someone matured hmmm 10yrs older than me ( am 30yo btw)....ok?,,, let me know...


18th April 2008, 17:42
i'll keep a note of your email adress lavander :D, just incase i get the misses to go back to the phils with little joe, :xxgrinning--00xx3:, keeps threatening, still not gone thou :NoNo:


18th April 2008, 17:43
i'll keep a note of your email adress lavander :D, just incase i get the misses to go back to the phils with little joe, :xxgrinning--00xx3:, keeps threatening, still not gone thou :NoNo:



The ever useful plan B..........:xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th April 2008, 17:48
i'm worried about the 'matured ' bit, never been called that, oh well, scrubbed out of my little black book :doh

18th April 2008, 17:50
i'm worried about the 'matured ' bit, never been called that, oh well, scrubbed out of my little black book :doh

It is a word which I would associate with a block of old cheddar.....:NoNo:

18th April 2008, 23:38
Where is my USB extension for the webcam lead...???:Erm:


Watch out Dom, Jet is coming:omg:.


18th April 2008, 23:39
i'll keep a note of your email adress lavander :D, just incase i get the misses to go back to the phils with little joe, :xxgrinning--00xx3:, keeps threatening, still not gone thou :NoNo:



19th April 2008, 00:58
i'm worried about the 'matured ' bit, never been called that, oh well, scrubbed out of my little black book :doh

Hey, its my sweet way of addressing 'senior citizen' or oldies hahahhaa...

on the positive note,i am looking forward to end up with a 'matured' one as i find them more caring,sensitive and interesting to be with.... ;)

take care


19th April 2008, 01:49
Antiques are even more worth

19th April 2008, 01:51
Antiques are even more worth

Thank you!


19th April 2008, 02:05
Good look Lavander!

19th April 2008, 02:06
Let's try 'luck' instead. Perhaps Freudian slip! HEHE!


19th April 2008, 02:35
Good look Lavander!

hmmmmmmmmm :icon_win:

19th April 2008, 06:29
I agree that the best solution is a trip to Manila to meet her. Nothing else will have the same effect.

Thanks for the feedback. It is much appreciated.

Mr Bonkers,

There are hundreds of thousands of good, decent, honest, chaste, sweet, kind and honest young ladies from Philippines who are just waiting for a nice guy to come along and make them happy.

A Filipina companion who is in love with you and wants to be with you, will defend you to the ends of the earth, and will never let you down.

Best of Luck.

Am... there's so much good, sound info here from all these folks. Learn from their experience. I am a complete novice to this so I hope I am looking through the same "hopeful" eyes as you are and I hope you don't mind me sharing my thoughts. I liked peter's quote above particularly... after reading your story, I feel you are clinging to this lady because of the investment you have made in time, effort and money.
Either, as you said, go there soon and confirm your feelings or start a new search with a new perspective.

I wish you well with your quest! Reading this story has been insipiring and enlightening! good luck!

19th April 2008, 07:01
Thank you!


I thought I could smell corduroy......:Erm:

Nice to see you around Teach....:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Seems that you are keeping a low profile lately.:NoNo:

19th April 2008, 07:22
Thanks for all the feedback everyone.
I'll keep you informed once I get over to Manila, which won't be for a while yet.
Amazingly, I received a letter from my gf's mother thanking me for being a friend and for my help. I also received some answers from my gf to questions I had asked and feel I shall continue with our friendship but will still plan to go to Manila to see things for myself.

19th April 2008, 08:15
Amazingly, I received a letter from my gf's mother thanking me for being a friend and for my help.

yes i got an email from my then g/f's mom when she found out about us, telling me to :censored:.

no i'm not joking :D

sometimes i wonder if i should have took the hint :icon_lol: :bigcry:

19th April 2008, 08:28
I thought I could smell corduroy......:Erm:

Nice to see you around Teach....:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Seems that you are keeping a low profile lately.:NoNo:

Thanks Dom - been in Cebu for a week.

But now I'm back!!!!:Cuckoo:


19th April 2008, 10:21
Thanks Dom - been in Cebu for a week.

But now I'm back!!!!:Cuckoo:


Welcome back to you both.

Cebu what a hard life it is for you Alan:Rasp:

19th April 2008, 10:36
A month.
I also sent her a digital camera.
I think I am bonkers. Here are my suspicions?
Tonight I had to tell her that I couldn't send her money this week and she told me that she was out of food. So far I have only seen 5 pictures taken by the camera and she says it's out of batteries already. Because I told her she was not getting money she turned off her web cam "to relax". Perhaps she was online with someone else? It was 3 a.m. there and she was talking online to me. Western time zones? When the cam came back on she was wearing another top. She said it was because it's very hot. Lastly she says she is at a girl friends house at 3 a.m. and will go home at 6 a.m. - could it be a boyfriend's house?

I guess what I'm saying is that my suspicions, whether valid or not, are driving me crazy. I want so much to trust her but I imagine the worst all the time and don't know how I can prove to myself that she is a) honest or b) a con artist.

Perhaps, I'd better end it as there is no way of getting proof, is there?
sorry bud, wake up and smell the coffee. you are being a sucker. close the door and move on...if you are not comfortable at this stage of a 'relationship', bollix to it. give yourself a shake!!!

19th April 2008, 12:36
Dear Bonk,

My advice, for what it's worth.


If you want an explanation of my comment, I shall be glad to give - however, red flags are waving all over the place here. 'Nuff said.


19th April 2008, 12:40
Welcome back to you both.

Cebu what a hard life it is for you Alan:Rasp:

Andy - you don't know the half of it.

My ice cold beer started to go warm this morning after I had finished my swim before it reached 35 degrees (my comfort limit.)

Got a bloody beach party tomorrow with a few friends. Ain't life just a b***h?


19th April 2008, 14:30
Andy - you don't know the half of it.

My ice cold beer started to go warm this morning after I had finished my swim before it reached 35 degrees (my comfort limit.)

Got a bloody beach party tomorrow with a few friends. Ain't life just a b***h?


thankfully the Ice in my drink is not melting in fact the entire drink is freezing up:omg:

19th April 2008, 17:14
yes i got an email from my then g/f's mom when she found out about us, telling me to :censored:.

no i'm not joking :D

sometimes i wonder if i should have took the hint :icon_lol: :bigcry:

damn... i hope i don't get the same treatment... not spoken to the mother yet...

19th April 2008, 17:25
damn... i hope i don't get the same treatment... not spoken to the mother yet...

her mom was only trying to protect her :D, she was telling me that she was the smallest of her kids, and didn't want her hurt by anyone :rolleyes:

her mom is a really nice lady (and i don't have to say that :doh), but her father, well first thnig he told me about was his gun collection :yikes::xxparty-smiley-004:

19th April 2008, 18:00
This is my Rifle this is my Gun..............that sort of collection:yikes:

19th April 2008, 18:59
but her father, well first thnig he told me about was his gun collection :yikes::xxparty-smiley-004:

not good... you know how cheap life in the PI, My gf brothers sisters husband (no i did not make this up) is back in the province because of a murder - well that's what i was told

19th April 2008, 19:03
My gf brothers sisters husband (no i did not make this up) is back in the province because of a murder - well that's what i was told


19th April 2008, 20:56
Kimmi - like i said that's what i was told but i don't know if its true...

I hope it is not..............

She is now separated from her husband (i don't think they got married) as she is only 17.... look @ her she is very young..

20th April 2008, 10:05
not good... you know how cheap life in the PI, My gf brothers sisters husband (no i did not make this up) is back in the province because of a murder - well that's what i was told

well he named each of his guns after his kids :doh

my wifes uncle, hes on the run for killing a guy who tried to rip him off at a gambling game :NoNo:

20th April 2008, 11:01
Kimmi - like i said that's what i was told but i don't know if its true...

I hope it is not..............

She is now separated from her husband (i don't think they got married) as she is only 17.... look @ her she is very young..

let's pray its not true, does she have children?:Erm:

20th April 2008, 12:53
Oh my goodness!!! Exercise real caution. Sure, the brother-in-law is not her but I think there are enough red flags emerging to make you think carefully - I hope.

Prostitution, gambling, money debt, perceived wealthy FOREIGNER, murder. have I missed anything?



20th April 2008, 14:42
amibonkers? Do you really need to ask :(

20th April 2008, 14:47
In the words of Scooby Doo...Yikes!!!

You got too involved with this woman too quickly.
If you are serious about carrying on, you need to get out there, like... tomorrow!!!
Don't hang about here, seriously, you're only setting yourself up for heartache.

20th April 2008, 16:32
let's pray its not true, does she have children?:Erm:

no she is only 17... no children..

20th April 2008, 16:44
wish i meet someone like amibonker...

very giving and very loving ....

20th April 2008, 17:22
Many of us out here katie37pinayuk. It's a 2-way requirement though. Good luck!


20th April 2008, 17:48
How much food would 10,500 pesos buy for a family of 10? How many days. I sent it on 31st March and it's all gone now 16 April. Is that feasible?

my fiance (now my husband) sent me £500 and it lasted 6 mos!!! and he couldnt believe it but i sent the list of where i spent it voluntarily.

i know i could have scammed him for more!!

20th April 2008, 17:55
my fiance (now my husband) sent me £500 and it lasted 6 mos!!! and he couldnt believe it but i sent the list of where i spent it voluntarily.

i know i could have scammed him for more!!

The last time I went over to Cebu, I had to get to grips with tons of receipts.....:omg:
Every penny sent was accounted for........ :xxgrinning--00xx3:
Now, with Jet here and working.... I seem to use my debit card more often than normal but the dosh she earns stays superglued in her wallet....:NoNo:

20th April 2008, 17:56
The last time I went over to Cebu, I had to get to grips with tons of receipts.....:omg:
Every penny sent was accounted for........ :xxgrinning--00xx3:
Now, with Jet here and working.... I seem to use my debit card more often than normal but the dosh she earns stays superglued in her wallet....:NoNo:

thats a filipina, Dom..:)

20th April 2008, 20:01
Many of us out here katie37pinayuk. It's a 2-way requirement though. Good luck!


Agree totally with Piamed - we are out here, but it's gotta flex both ways! Keep the faith! :Wave:

20th April 2008, 20:05
thats a filipina, Dom..:)

Same with Yorkshire folk... :laugher:

20th April 2008, 20:33
Just be careful. It’s nice to follow your heart but do not forget to use your head. There are loads of scams in the Philippines via online.

I suggest you visit her in the Philippines to verify everything.
Good luck and hope you found yourself a genuine Filipina.


chit chat
20th April 2008, 21:09
Is it not possible to have private investigator check it out ...hmm i am new here myself so am really not sure if this is good advice or not

20th April 2008, 21:15
Is it not possible to have private investigator check it out ...hmm i am new here myself so am really not sure if this is good advice or not

I have read on american sites of indivuals having other halfs checked out and various members of the family for one reason or another.
So not that daft an idea.

Welcome to the site by the way

20th April 2008, 21:24
Welcome aboard chitchat!


20th April 2008, 22:10
thats a filipina, Dom..:)

certainly true!!!...so my dear andy17, this is were will heading to...
...and this is the exciting part of it.. hahhaha... :REGamblMoney01HL1:

lavander .. xxx

20th April 2008, 22:31
certainly true!!!...so my dear andy17, this is were will heading to...
...and this is the exciting part of it.. hahhaha... :REGamblMoney01HL1:

lavander .. xxx

ha ha ha, thanks for the note! Have you heard about Yorkshire people and Scottish people? Both keep their wallets firmly closed! I am 1/2 Scot and 1/2 Yorkshire. ha ha! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Keep smiling Lavander! xx

20th April 2008, 22:38
i don't get a handful or receipts when i arrive... now this is getting me worried ......:furious3::furious3:

20th April 2008, 22:42
I have read on american sites of indivuals having other halfs checked out and various members of the family for one reason or another.
So not that daft an idea.

Welcome to the site by the way

Now thats an idea for an occupation in September fits great for me must get a web site together

20th April 2008, 23:56
ha ha ha, thanks for the note! Have you heard about Yorkshire people and Scottish people? Both keep their wallets firmly closed! I am 1/2 Scot and 1/2 Yorkshire. ha ha! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Keep smiling Lavander! xx

hmmm... then we will have a bit of issue here then?!....
don't worry, filipina are expert dealing on this things...
am sure will be able to work it out babes... hahhaha...

smiling for you.... ;)

lavander xxx

21st April 2008, 03:23
hmmm... then we will have a bit of issue here then?!....
don't worry, filipina are expert dealing on this things...
am sure will be able to work it out babes... hahhaha...

smiling for you.... ;)

lavander xxx

OK, try this Lavander... if, as the old saying goes, "the way to a man's heart :love: is through his stomach", then possibly, then "the way to a man's wallet is through his ?" Work that out and you have :REGamblMoney01HL1:

Just kidding...

Keep the news coming Am... the investigator thing is probably more expensive and less informative that going yourself... and if al else fails, you may meet someone new while you are there. Hope I didn't miss a loop in the 'thread'

21st April 2008, 04:46
[QUOTE=andy17;61826]OK, try this Lavander... if, as the old saying goes, "the way to a man's heart :love: is through his stomach", then possibly, then "the way to a man's wallet is through his ?" Work that out and you have :REGamblMoney01HL1:

Really!?, then consider this case close for us...as it will not require much effort for me to work on this!!! lol!!!.... ;)

:4:lets have the detail offline babes... ;)

just kidding...


21st April 2008, 05:24
Just kidding...

Just kidding...

Just kidding ka jan ( roughly translated as whatever)!!!!!!!



21st April 2008, 09:32
An eventful weekend one might say.
As you know I'd be suffering over my relationship with my Filipina gf who I have known for just a month.
In that time I have sent sent money and goods (digital camera) to the value of £428.38 (29,914.79 PHP). That was not something I could keep up as a self-employed individual particularly as April is always my worst month of the year and this year is no different.
I think I owe you all an explanation as you have been so kind in offering advice from "hang in there" to "get out now" to "go to Manila". I favoured the latter option but realistically it wasn't going to happen for a while and I couldn't stand the pressure that was building up in my mind.
We chatted on Saturday but she called it off after a short time saying she was unwell. This was due to stress bought on by her situation.
On Saturday night when I was going to bed, I prayed for guidance.
During the night, I dreamt about the film "The Exorcist" which I thought was weird as I have not seen that film for quite some time. When I got up on Sunday, I pondered whether this was sign from on high that I was been taken for a ride.
On Sunday morning, my gf was online looking quite well and we chatted. She said she was still unwell and wondered how she might buy medicine. I said that I had no money to send her and she said "OK". However, the mention of money registered with me.
We chatted some more and then she said her friend had left her alone with the PC and she would "do a show 4 me", which she did. She pulled off her top and she was not wearing a bra, which at 46" was pretty obvious even with her top on. This surprised me a little because it sort of indicated that she was used to stripping off. During the session I thought she was looking off to someone but it's hard to say. Also, I thought it possible she had more than one screen because her eyes would look to my right sometimes.
Anyway, we said goodbye to each other and that we would take again later.
Afterwards, I printed out the full record of our conversations on YM and read through them with a yellow highlighter. While a lot of our conversations were lovely, the frequent mention of money was a common thread - not everyday but often enough.
I then added up what it had cost me so far.
Then I decided to do something that someone had suggested in this thread and that was to send her an e-mail using a dormant account I had with Hotmail. In the e-mail I posed as an Aussie looking for a good time online. After a few hours, receiving no reply to my e-mail, it suddenly dawned on me that the e-mail may have shown it came from me. Sure enough, there was my name as plain as day as the sender. Stupid me!
At that point, I realised that was the end.
Since then, we have not communicated either via e-mail or YM and I''ll be surprised if we do.
I'm battling with the thoughts that I have misjudged a lovely poor girl and feel the need to make a big apology, BUT my head tells me to leave things as they are for financial reasons if nothing else.
What lessons have I learnt:
If someone asks you three times if you are on YM in your first encounter, be suspicious.
If you are the type of person who wants to trust people instinctively and are not strong on skepticism, then do not get too friendly with people right away.
If your gf manages to get online at a variety of different locations - all well lit - and with reasonable webcams - be suspicious.
If you gf, who claims to be very shy, can strip without an iota of shyness and is very good at doing what she does, whilst claiming to be a virgin, be suspicious.
If she can type out the words "i love u" several times in a couple of seconds, then you know that a key on her keyboard has been pre-programmed. Be suspicious.
If she insist on calling you "honey" or "hun" instead of your own name, then be suspicious that she calls everyone that so she doesn't confuse herself. Be suspicious.
Now I realise that none of what I have said is proof of anything but it leads me to the painful conclusion that I have been the victim of very clever and sophisticated scamming. Her e-mails to me answering my concerns and the letter from her mother were very convincing and I felt from the heart and that still bothers me a lot. However, enough is enough. I won't allow myself
to fall for this sort of situation again.
I'm delighted that those of you who have a loving relationship with a beautiful Filipina do so and I would never suggest for a moment that all Filipinas are like this.
My first love are Japanese women and I shall stick to that in future.
In conclusion, ley me say it before you do:

21st April 2008, 11:16
Thanks for sharing your update... I guess takes a few bumps in the road to get where you need to be sometimes. I can see that the support from this 'family' has helped you find your way.
Take care - keep in touch, OK? I would like to see your story have a happy ending!

21st April 2008, 11:39
all down to money, root of all evil :NoNo:, it could turn a good man/woman bad :cwm24:

some people when thier desperate enough or thru greed will do or say anything to get it..

pitty it ended like this, maybe she's a decent gal if not for the want or need of money.. :doh

for you and this lady it's the end of the journey, but it does'nt always end this way, i sent my then g/f alot more money than you did, but in the end we got married, and that was more than 5yrs ago, still togther, and looks like we will always be :xxgrinning--00xx3: ... :cwm24:

good luck next time :xxgrinning--00xx3:

21st April 2008, 11:42
Hey amIbonkers?

That you can laugh at yourself shows you are safely on the road to healing. I guess the signs were fairly strong but it is a testimony to your willingness to see good in others that you gave it a fair crack

I did chuckle with you emailing her from another account with the same name - sorry, that is funny!

Good luck with you search for love in Japan. Do stay in touch you have quite a character and your thread has stimulated some interesting departures.

All the best!


21st April 2008, 11:58
Hi amibonkers,

Sorry to hear that you seem to have been scammed, but it's best to find out sooner rather than later.

The stripping thing bothered me. :NoNo::rolleyes::NoNo:
That would be the sort of thing that a good girl would do if you had met her and then had a relationship. She seems to be using her body to get cash and my guess is that she is probably doing it with many other men too.

When I was in Phils, there are so many lovely "good" girls if we are patient.
Go over for a holiday one day and you will see how lovely the girls are face-to-face. Don't let this scammer put you off Filipinas. They are lovely.

21st April 2008, 12:03
If she insist on calling you "honey" or "hun" instead of your own name, then be suspicious that she calls everyone that so she doesn't confuse herself. Be suspicious.
My first love are Japanese women and I shall stick to that in future.

You giving up on all Filipino's ? - not a wise thing just as you got caught by one scammer...

Calling you hun is ok... as long as they do use your name some of the time... now i get aswa ko...

21st April 2008, 12:06
ha ha ha, thanks for the note! Have you heard about Yorkshire people and Scottish people? Both keep their wallets firmly closed! I am 1/2 Scot and 1/2 Yorkshire. ha ha! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Keep smiling Lavander! xx

oh really, Andy? my hubby is a yorkshire man and we're now living in Scotland but I am the one who open his wallet..

21st April 2008, 12:21
I am the one who open his wallet..

:yikes: he can't know about this, where did you find the key for the lock :yikes:


21st April 2008, 12:23
:yikes: he can't know about this, where did you find the key for the lock :yikes:



if I say he might know it..

21st April 2008, 12:54

if I say he might know it..

Kimmi, thank goodness your Hubby is not Scottish... you know where they keep their wallets don't you? well at least he would be smiling when you take some cash! :Kilt:

21st April 2008, 18:42
I used to get honey ko !, now I get Bobo, Gago !

21st April 2008, 19:31
I used to get honey ko !, now I get Bobo, Gago !

Gulp!!! I daren't ask! Bobo... Gago?.. sounds kinda kinky whatever it is. :censored:

I can see I have a LOT to learn here! :ARsurrender:

21st April 2008, 19:53
Gulp!!! I daren't ask! Bobo... Gago?.. sounds kinda kinky whatever it is. :censored:

I can see I have a LOT to learn here! :ARsurrender:

Go to amazon and get yourself a tagalog to english dictonary i bought a selection the best one a rough guide one was stolen off me by my Wifes little bro and sister for their school work so it must be good.

21st April 2008, 19:56
Gulp!!! I daren't ask! Bobo... Gago?.. sounds kinda kinky whatever it is. :censored:

I can see I have a LOT to learn here! :ARsurrender:

When you find out would you let me know too, sounds like a swingers party to me :omg:

21st April 2008, 20:01
When you find out would you let me know too, sounds like a swingers party to me :omg:

I wonder if there's a dictionary online... I think they delete the kinky stuff from the printed ones. I had a Chinese dictionary online and it worked quite well!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

21st April 2008, 20:07
I think it means "Idiot"

21st April 2008, 20:07
I wonder if there's a dictionary online... I think they delete the kinky stuff from the printed ones. I had a Chinese dictionary online and it worked quite well!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Are you saying it is best to use kinky Chinese words at a Brit-Fil swingers party :Rasp: :omg:

21st April 2008, 20:13
Are you saying it is best to use kinky Chinese words at a Brit-Fil swingers party :Rasp: :omg:

I never tried, but I hear that anything goes at those events! :Cuckoo:

21st April 2008, 20:16
I think it means "Idiot"

Ah yes... Bobo is "stupid" in Spanish also... similar.
Thanks Eljohno! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

21st April 2008, 21:05
I wonder if there's a dictionary online... I think they delete the kinky stuff from the printed ones. I had a Chinese dictionary online and it worked quite well!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Maybe this will help :)

21st April 2008, 21:07
Maybe this will help :)
it might have if I'd included the link!!!!!!! :doh



21st April 2008, 21:13

Thanks for this link :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

21st April 2008, 21:17
it might have if I'd included the link!!!!!!! :doh



Wow, THANKS!! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

21st April 2008, 21:38
And this one covers cebuano and more


21st April 2008, 22:29
And this one covers cebuano and more


Thanks keithAngel
Do you happen to know of a website that has translations of simple Tagalog phrases? I would like to text some phrases to my GF :)
Keep it clean now folks :rolleyes:

21st April 2008, 22:43
Thanks keithAngel
Do you happen to know of a website that has translations of simple Tagalog phrases? I would like to text some phrases to my GF :)
Keep it clean now folks :rolleyes:

Aposhark you got a huge pool of experts on this subject on here if you ask them nicely im sure they can help you:xxgrinning--00xx3:

21st April 2008, 23:02
Try this site;


21st April 2008, 23:21
Thanks keithAngel
Do you happen to know of a website that has translations of simple Tagalog phrases? I would like to text some phrases to my GF :)
Keep it clean now folks :rolleyes:

And this one: http://www.101languages.net/tagalog/


21st April 2008, 23:49

Thanks also Piamed :)

22nd April 2008, 00:29
good links... it bad when you gf is teaching you one thing they she starts telling you words in another language!

26th April 2008, 13:27
does your girl want you to visit her?i was thinking along the same lines as you before i went to phils this febuary.i was really glad i went ,there had been requests for money on several occasions i only ever sent small sums.i bought her a watch which she always wore.i saw every part of her life boardinghouse she lived in,her familes home.office where she worked.i doubted heide alot & thought she just wants money sending,but after 3weeks together i feel iknow heide alot better than i ever could with just web-cam chat.you must know if you really want to visit your girl in phils?good luck.