View Full Version : new visa fees effective 01 april 2008

19th April 2008, 11:40
new visa fees effective 01 april 2008 (http://www.vfs-uk-ph.com/visafees.aspx)

19th April 2008, 11:57
thanking you

19th April 2008, 12:49
Has anyone ever bothered to ask why we have to pay £515 to get our loved ones over?

Where does this money go?

Why did it increase almost 100% this time last year?

What is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?


19th April 2008, 12:59
Oh, every year increase?

19th April 2008, 14:33
Has anyone ever bothered to ask why we have to pay £515 to get our loved ones over?

Where does this money go?

Why did it increase almost 100% this time last year?

What is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?


Gordon browns dry cleaning and tv fee has to be paid of course

19th April 2008, 16:05
So nice to know that the UK Gov are going to get another big wedge of my money, or maybe 2 if last time's experience is anything to go by, yes just why does it keep going up, Oh i forgot another stealth tax.

19th April 2008, 16:10
It is a real shame that when you fall in love with someone from another country you need a min of £2-3k for the whole process!!

I think the British Gov could learn some lessons from the Irish Gov as it costs next to nothing via a Family permit..

19th April 2008, 16:12
What is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?


African or european swallow.....????:Erm:

(Monty Python's Holy Grail....)

19th April 2008, 16:18
It is a real shame that when you fall in love with someone from another country you need a min of £2-3k for the whole process!!

I think the British Gov could learn some lessons from the Irish Gov as it costs next to nothing via a Family permit..

Yes mate and that don't include rebuilding my ex Thai's family home, i was had good and proper, never mind moving on and dicovered the Phils, never been happier now, found a genuine girl.

19th April 2008, 16:27
I am glad you are happy now, for sure when you find the right woman from the Philippines you uncover a hidden gem!!

19th April 2008, 17:07
I am glad you are happy now, for sure when you find the right woman from the Philippines you uncover a hidden gem!!

Hi and thanks for your comments, yes i have been real lucky to find Rose, our relationship is 100% soliid. My worry now, is because i already got a Thai into the uk, the Brit embassy wont give my new fiancee a visa. I was married to the Thai woman but now going through divorce, i know we have to wait for my decree absolute before we can make a new application, but i keep thinking that my previous will go against me. The truth is the Thai used me to get a visa, she left me after 5 days and hooked up with Thai relatives/ friends here in the uk. I informed the home office of everything and have replied to their letters with what info i can give. Doe's anyone else have a similar experience.

19th April 2008, 17:19
Hi and thanks for your comments, yes i have been real lucky to find Rose, our relationship is 100% soliid. My worry now, is because i already got a Thai into the uk, the Brit embassy wont give my new fiancee a visa. I was married to the Thai woman but now going through divorce, i know we have to wait for my decree absolute before we can make a new application, but i keep thinking that my previous will go against me. The truth is the Thai used me to get a visa, she left me after 5 days and hooked up with Thai relatives/ friends here in the uk. I informed the home office of everything and have replied to their letters with what info i can give. Doe's anyone else have a similar experience.

I know this is common though its not nice...

Damn its is a lot to get your aswa back to england!

19th April 2008, 17:41
It is a real shame that when you fall in love with someone from another country you need a min of £2-3k for the whole process!!

I think the British Gov could learn some lessons from the Irish Gov as it costs next to nothing via a Family permit..

someone has to pay the wages at IND, those who use it should pay for it, thats the gov take on this, oh hang on don't the european's coming to the uk go thru immigration, oh they don't have to pay thou :xxgrinning--00xx3:

i've spent more than £3,000 just on visa's and its not over yet, should be about another £800 to pay :cwm23:

19th April 2008, 18:01
Hi and thanks for your comments, yes i have been real lucky to find Rose, our relationship is 100% soliid. My worry now, is because i already got a Thai into the uk, the Brit embassy wont give my new fiancee a visa. I was married to the Thai woman but now going through divorce, i know we have to wait for my decree absolute before we can make a new application, but i keep thinking that my previous will go against me. The truth is the Thai used me to get a visa, she left me after 5 days and hooked up with Thai relatives/ friends here in the uk. I informed the home office of everything and have replied to their letters with what info i can give. Doe's anyone else have a similar experience.

hi Spin and Rose

Shouldn't really account agaisnt you imo you did everything right and she was the bad apple.
You helped the authorities above and beyond what you were expected to.
Don't worry to much about it bulid up lots of evidence of a loving relationship

19th April 2008, 18:04
It is a real shame that when you fall in love with someone from another country you need a min of £2-3k for the whole process!!

I think the British Gov could learn some lessons from the Irish Gov as it costs next to nothing via a Family permit..

Is that a eea permit or whatever they called?
They have to be free and a eu national from say france can use it here and i presume you could use it as a british national in france.

THe french and irish actual visas may cost more. Anyway its supply and demand far more people desperate to come to the UK than Ireland or france it appears.

20th April 2008, 01:56
African or european swallow.....????:Erm:

(Monty Python's Holy Grail....)

I more or less expected this reply from a fellow Python fan.:D

Cheers Dom.:xxgrinning--00xx3:


20th April 2008, 13:13
Do you get wafers with it?

20th April 2008, 13:19
Hi and thanks for your comments, yes i have been real lucky to find Rose, our relationship is 100% soliid. My worry now, is because i already got a Thai into the uk, the Brit embassy wont give my new fiancee a visa. I was married to the Thai woman but now going through divorce, i know we have to wait for my decree absolute before we can make a new application, but i keep thinking that my previous will go against me. The truth is the Thai used me to get a visa, she left me after 5 days and hooked up with Thai relatives/ friends here in the uk. I informed the home office of everything and have replied to their letters with what info i can give. Doe's anyone else have a similar experience.

A terrible experience with your former Thai love. I also don't believe that your previous experience will cost you as you have cooperated with the authorities as best you can. Good luck going forward.

20th April 2008, 13:39
Do you get wafers with it?

That's the albatross!!!


P.S. I love this.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

20th April 2008, 13:57
no such thing ( European swallow)
swallows migrate from Africa.

20th April 2008, 14:00
I more or less expected this reply from a fellow Python fan.:D

Cheers Dom.:xxgrinning--00xx3:


no such thing ( European swallow)
swallows migrate from Africa.




20th April 2008, 14:18





20th April 2008, 14:20
Sorry Jim.
