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2nd May 2008, 19:42
A warm hello to all the members! I am a Filipina who is currently working as an ESL teacher in China.I am engaged to an Italian who has lived and worked in the U.K. for 7 years already.We are planning to get married and move there this year but still trying to find ways that would make my visa processing easier.I am confused whether the spousal visa is easier than fiancee visa.

2nd May 2008, 20:07
which visa is easier? i think its all depends on the mood of the consul.

welcome to the forum :)

2nd May 2008, 20:14
Thanks for the welcome ervenescence...well, its a bit funny yet i cannot say that you werent able to respond well :) lol

2nd May 2008, 20:35
Welcome possibly an Eea visa is more useful if your hubby is italian like Dom on here

2nd May 2008, 20:47
You're welcome.

If you asked me, I would say spouse visa is a lot easier and quicker because thats what I got 4 years ago. But during this days, I heard a lot of successful stories with regards with visas being granted not just spouse but fiancee as well, and visitors visas to those who were lucky.

Although theres some applicants who still unfortunate with applying visas eventhough they been together for years and seems the relationships are genuine and have enough funds in their banks. Who knows whats the real reasons of why they've always got refused?..:NoNo:

Thats why im saying its all depends of the consuls moods, lol... well perhaps? :rolleyes:

2nd May 2008, 20:58
A warm hello to all the members! I am a Filipina who is currently working as an ESL teacher in China.I am engaged to an Italian who has lived and worked in the U.K. for 7 years already.We are planning to get married and move there this year but still trying to find ways that would make my visa processing easier.I am confused whether the spousal visa is easier than fiancee visa.


The best way for you to be together in the UK will be the EEA Family permit route.

It is the easiest and cheapest Visa that you can obtain.
There is no Visa Fees at all, totally free of charge.
Is the best Spouse Visa of them all.

here is a link for you to look at.

If you use the search facility you will find lots of other links and info which I posted during our application process.
It is virtually foolproof way to join your husband.
And according to the rules you can work from the moment you land, without restrictions.

The Family Permit is valid at first for 6 months, but anytime during this period you can apply for the 5 year residence card, which incidentally is also free of charge.
I strongly recommend that you marry first, preferably in the Philippines, in front of your family.

In bocca al lupo........:xxgrinning--00xx3:

2nd May 2008, 21:08
hi piccola....
my hubs is also from the eea country (the netherlands) i went with him through a spouse visa, after few months we moved here in the UK...it's is easier if you go first to Italy before you come here in the Uk...the visa for UK if u are in an EU country if for FREE already

3rd May 2008, 07:34
hi piccola....
my hubs is also from the eea country (the netherlands) i went with him through a spouse visa, after few months we moved here in the UK...it's is easier if you go first to Italy before you come here in the Uk...the visa for UK if u are in an EU country if for FREE already

Was it an EEA Family Permit or a UK settlement Visa???:Erm:

There is no need to go to Italy at all.:Erm:

3rd May 2008, 08:33
Oh, thanks sam althea and aromulus! Your replies are really informative.With regard to the suggestion of me going to italy first,i really have a second thought.Besides,my fiancee and I have planned to pay his family a visit in Italy only right after everything is fixed for the 2 of us in the UK.

I have one more concern, I am still tied up with a working contract here in China and if we decide to just take a simple wedding vow in hongkong or macau, do you have any idea if it would affect the visa processing hence the ceremony and application aren't done in Phils.? Your future replies will be very much appreciated.Thanks a lot!

3rd May 2008, 08:39
oh, i missed to thank andypaul..sorry..you are alss very much appreciated by me :)

3rd May 2008, 08:42
Oh, thanks sam althea and aromulus! Your replies are really informative.With regard to the suggestion of me going to italy first,i really have a second thought.Besides,my fiancee and I have planned to pay his family a visit in Italy only right after everything is fixed for the 2 of us in the UK.

I have one more concern, I am still tied up with a working contract here in China and if we decide to just take a simple wedding vow in hongkong or macau, do you have any idea if it would affect the visa processing hence the ceremony and application aren't done in Phils.? Your future replies will be very much appreciated.Thanks a lot!

I am of the strong opinion that only a valid Marriage Certificate on NSO paper will be entertained by the Embassy.
It is irrilevant wether it will be a civil or church wedding. They want that Certificate....
After your marriage is registered with NSO, and you have that piece of paper, it isn't important at which embassy you apply for the family permit.
The chances of it being refused are next to nothing.....:xxgrinning--00xx3:

3rd May 2008, 12:55
as far as i know EEA family permit can only be obtained once you reside lawfully in an eea country and UK settlement visa is outside the eea....it is more advantage if she would go first in italy rather than applying directly for the UK in the Ph

3rd May 2008, 13:00
hi again piccola..
a friend of mine got married with his man in hongkong to think it could speed up their visa application..it turns out that they just got problem about that..so i think dont do it, just get a simple ceremony in the Ph...it is right that they wont honor that marriage cert outside the Ph since you will be applying in the Ph Uk embassy

3rd May 2008, 13:53
Oh, it's a good info sam althea! Thanks.I'll plan everything well with my piccolo and we'll make it sure that we will be doing the right thing and won't give the consul any chance to deny my application :)

3rd May 2008, 16:42
as far as i know EEA family permit can only be obtained once you reside lawfully in an eea country and UK settlement visa is outside the eea....it is more advantage if she would go first in italy rather than applying directly for the UK in the Ph

You had better revise that outlook if you want to save time and money.:xxgrinning--00xx3:


If your EEA spouse is lawfully resident in the UK, you can apply from outside the EU and get the Family permit without problems.

If you want to go to Italy first you have to apply for a Schengen Visa, and it costs money. Besides if you look at the Italian Entry Visa rules... You are going to waste inordinate amount of time.....:NoNo:


Time and money which will be better used just waiting for a straight Family Permit directly for the UK.
Which incidentally will be free of charge...:D

My two pence worth, take it or leave it....:rolleyes:

3rd May 2008, 18:04
welcome to the forum...:)

3rd May 2008, 19:44
Welcome piccolapiccolo!


3rd May 2008, 20:15
Welcome to the site and "Dom the Mod" has put you on the right course it appears:xxgrinning--00xx3:

3rd May 2008, 20:16
i am testifying with my experience and not only base to what i read..
i applied schengen visa in the Ph and it took me 5 weeks waiting and it was for FREE...and when i joined with my hubs in Germany, we applied for UK visa again for FREE and 4 days waiting
again i am testifying in behalf of my friend, she applied for a spouse visa for UK in the PH and she waited 8 months and they paid for much POUNDSSSS!


3rd May 2008, 20:42
she applied for a spouse visa for UK in the PH and she waited 8 months and they paid for much POUNDSSSS!

no way she should have waited more than 3 months, her husband should have complained to the embassy and contacted his MP.

european route is no good for brits, thats one of the problems of the immigration system, 2 standards, the british immigration system and the european union one.

one advantage of the spouse visa, is being able to claim citizenship in 3yrs, while the euro route permanent resident status only comes after 5 years, not 2 years. And as permanent residence is a prerequisite for applying for British citizenship, then there's also a long delay here.

3rd May 2008, 20:48

Italy..... Dear..... Italy....:NoNo:

Home (http://www.esteri.it/visti/home_eng.asp)
Documents (http://www.esteri.it/visti/home_eng.asp#1002)
Emb. and Cons. (http://www.esteri.it/visti/home_eng.asp#1003)
Fees (http://www.esteri.it/visti/home_eng.asp#1004)


of an EU or European Economic Area citizen (http://www.esteri.it/visti/home_eng.asp#1)
of a foreign citizen with residence permit or work visa for subordinate employment, self-employment, study or religious reasons valid for no less than one year, as well as residence permit for Asylum and Familiy Purposes (http://www.esteri.it/visti/home_eng.asp#2)ACCOMPANYING FAMILY MEMBER - JOINING FAMILY MEMBER of an EU or European Economic Area citizen

visa application form (click here) (http://www.esteri.it/visti/pdf/Domanda_e.pdf)
recent passport-style photo
passport or travel document valid for at least three months after visa expiry date
copy of the EU or European Economic Area citizen’s identity document or passport along with a declaration requesting the presence of the family member in Italy and swearing to be in possession of the requisites foreseen by the law.
administrative documentation (marriage certificate, birth certificate, etc.) attesting to the familial relationship
in the case of minor children, written permission from the child's other parent for visa to be issuedFees for the processing of visa applications (expressed in Euro):

Single fee for all Schengen visas:
€ 60

Group visas (types A, B and C):
€ 60 + 1 per persona

National visas for long-term stays (type D):
€ 75

Fees to be collected in the national currency of the country in which application is made.

4th May 2008, 01:43
well done rom:xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th May 2008, 04:25
Welcome to the forum and Goodluck:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Hi Kuya Dom, I saw the lovely pics of ate jet and yours thanks for sharing it:xxgrinning--00xx3::)and the bell:D:Rasp:

4th May 2008, 14:05
oh, guys thanks a lot for the flooding infos and for the welcome! I will try to read properly the important infos you have posted and will visit the links you have provided once i get the time to do it.This site is really helpful!hugs for all of
the contributors!

4th May 2008, 16:45
i am testifying with my experience and not only base to what i read..
i applied schengen visa in the Ph and it took me 5 weeks waiting and it was for FREE...and when i joined with my hubs in Germany, we applied for UK visa again for FREE and 4 days waiting
again i am testifying in behalf of my friend, she applied for a spouse visa for UK in the PH and she waited 8 months and they paid for much POUNDSSSS!


The member that originally posted the question is joining her hubby/fiancee in the UK directly, she does not require going to another EU country.

About your friend... I concur with Joe.... No way she should have waited more than 3 months. :Erm:

7th May 2008, 21:31
welcome and good luck