View Full Version : mother single name or married name

10th May 2008, 14:45
in the marriage certificate what to put as the name of the mother of my husband...do i have to put her single name or the married name? am so worried coz what we did was putting her name on her married name without her maiden name on it just the married name itself....goes like this.....Margaret Irene Garson (married name). Her maiden name suppose to is Margaret Irene Drever.....is there any make difference at all?

10th May 2008, 14:53
Hi!! i checked my marriage contract and it's my inlaw's maiden name. i think u should have put her maiden name. but im not sure of this. i just based my answer on what's written on my marriage contract.

10th May 2008, 15:37
do u think its gonna be some problem if we did used my mom inlaws married name instead of maiden name on our marriage cert?

10th May 2008, 15:39
Im sorry i can't answer that, but to be sure ask ur civil registrar, thats my advice..so u wont get any prob in the future. But i think it wont be a problem with regards to ur visa application. good luck!!

10th May 2008, 15:58
ah ye thank you so much...it do makes me feel at ease even at least.....