View Full Version : do we have to wait 6 mos after changing a new employment?

12th May 2008, 07:16
does it really matter if my husband have to change a new employer and started to have a new job than he used to have in the past...he has wage of all his previous employment just that he started to have a new one for now....do we have to wait till he can have a 6 mos wage slip for that particular job that hes going to have for now? SO those previous wage slip are not worthed at all even if its theres no absense of months that his out of work..its just those particlar job is already end and he has a new one to start back again.

12th May 2008, 07:18
please do tell me as we suppose to submit the application, we can't wait for 6 mos...and that is too long.....anyway my husband doesnt have any month that he has out of work only that he has a new employment right now every each month from the past till now he has his previous wage slip....but am not sure if that still counted and really u have for a latest 6 mos of that particular new job...grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.........

12th May 2008, 07:34
Hello Marylen

It is very clear that you are highly worried. I am not sure why you asked about the 6 months; perhaps it is because of the probationary period for the new job.

My own view is that if your husband has an uninterrupted employment history over the last 6 months and can show wage slips covering that period, and now his most recent P60, then the fact that he changed jobs should not be an issue.

For what it is worth, I resigned the day I left the UK to get married in the Phils last December and took up my new position the day after my return to he UK in January of this year.

My wife has her submission appointment on Wednesday and I have provided the above to her; we just made a small note mentioning that I changed jobs.

I hope that helps and that you can relax a little!

12th May 2008, 07:53
Showing he was in work is enough at both places of work your be fine

12th May 2008, 08:00
wow what a quick reply..thank you so much...............................feel at ease now

12th May 2008, 10:00
yes, i've changed job to, no problems,
but you will need his latest pay-slip and bank statements.. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

if he doesn't send his lastest they might ask you for them :doh