View Full Version : Yey! Done with my CFO..

18th May 2008, 15:23
Yehey! I'm just done with my CFO last Friday. :BouncyHappy::cwm12::BouncyHappy: It took me four hours for the whole thing. I've got a question about passport thou, I have phoned the DFA online agent and was informed that the MC issued by the LCRO (local civil registrar) in SECPA paper wont be accepted by DFA. I will be getting my NSO MC on the 28th. Just want to ask if anyone here who was able to use the MC issued by LCRO in applying for the renewal of their passports? I don't want to go to DFA for renewal of my passport then be refused because all I have as of the moment is the MC from LCRO.

18th May 2008, 15:34
yes girl i guess you can.................its either way of those two..but what i have mine here was not MC in secpa its just a plain printed form from the LCRO....so yours is worth to try ..

18th May 2008, 15:43
Read this..this might be the answer of your question ....

For married women, who want to use surname of their spouse:

Personal Appearance is required

Marriage Contract (MC) in Security Paper issued by NSO or CTC issued by the Local Civil Registrar duly authenticated by NSO.

18th May 2008, 15:47
Im happy for you ate sweet , next is booking ur flight. have a safe travel in UK.

18th May 2008, 15:47
so what you have right now is i guess a CTC...a certified true copy issued by the local civil registrar duly authenticated by NSO.............................so either of those two or MC in Security Paper issued by NSO..okay girl..GOod luck

18th May 2008, 17:01
thanks Marilen. I just phoned the DFA call center and they said it would be better if its NSO MC. :Erm: I guess I just need to wait for my NSO MC. But I'm planning to pass my visa application mid of June. And it would take 7-8 days to process my passport. :rolleyes:

Thanks misscarie, not flight yet for I need to pass my visa application. I just need to undergo this CFO thing first because it is a pre-requisite in getting a new passport and if married to a foreigner. I need to complete a lot of stuffs first before fying there :bigcry:. Hopefully, like most members here, I will get my visa with flying colours. :)

18th May 2008, 17:26
Hopefully, like most members here, I will get my visa with flying colours. :)


18th May 2008, 17:58

Hallelujiah :cwm24: