View Full Version : May I ask for a little advice

1st June 2008, 14:23
My boyfriend and I want to make our home in the Philippines. I know I can get a visitors visa that can be renewed but I will need to have a bank account set up in Cebu with the equivilent of $50'000 in it. We have talked about getting married so I wonder if there is such a thing as a marriage visa such as there is for the uk. And if so would I still need to have the account in Cebu set up. :Erm:: BouncyHappy: can anyone help

1st June 2008, 15:24
:yikes: you said "little" ...that was too much $50'000...:icon_lol: x 43 (exchange rate) is that 2.150000 in pesos :doh take care

about getting bank account,yeah you can just give them Id as well as your passport as identification also

wait for other members reply about your question w/ regards to marriage visa u said and marrying here in PI

good luck :Hellooo:

1st June 2008, 15:32
let me add some...getting easy to get marriage here is depend on you...are u single..or divorced ? you can ask guys who married here in PI and staying here already like Sir Al

for sure he will reply on your thread...wait some post on other members as they are so helpful

1st June 2008, 16:19
thanks for the advice about the bank account as to my marriage status i am in the final process of divorce just waiting for the final decree.

1st June 2008, 18:13
I wonder if maybe the amount in a bank account is aimed at a guy marrying a filipino girl, because they have to show that they can support both of them i wonder if it will be different for me being a woman.

1st June 2008, 18:17
just want to ask are u a british citizen??maybe this one helps..


1st June 2008, 18:18
yeah i am british citizen but having visited the philippines and fallen for a guy there i will be much happier there. :)

1st June 2008, 18:19
yeah i am british citizen but having visited the philippines and fallen for a guy there i will be much happier there. :)

I am happy for u..:cwm38: Goodluck..:xxgrinning--00xx3:

1st June 2008, 20:17
Thanks Kimmi

Will call the embassy on Monday and see what they say. I will post what they say on here in case it helps anyone else.


2nd June 2008, 13:29
Thanks Kimmi

Will call the embassy on Monday and see what they say. I will post what they say on here in case it helps anyone else.


Goodluck sis, we're looking forward to hear the news..:):xxgrinning--00xx3:

2nd June 2008, 14:19
Hi Sonia,
the 50000USD is only needed for the Special Retirement Visa which is a residency visa issued for life. you can visit and just get three weeks, extend to two months for 2100 pesos and then to six months for another 2100 pesos. You can then exit and return (pop over to Malaysia or HK). I am not sure if it would be any different if you were married unless your husband exited with you and you entered together you might get a one year balikbayan visa even although your husband was not OFW. Ths happened to me a couple of times when I came in with my wife who WAS OFW but then even afterwards they still SOMETIMES stamped me for one year, this was hit and miss and even the officials did not semto know what the rules were. One even suggested I LOOK for him on arrival and selec his desk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2nd June 2008, 17:48
Thanks will ask about the extended visit when i call the embassy, had to work today but i will have all day tomorrow to get through to them, i know it isn't always easy.


2nd June 2008, 21:31
good luck... its a big move from the uk to the PI

2nd June 2008, 21:46
Thanks, yeah it will be a big move but the way I see it is that when life offers you an oppotunity for happiness you should take it. If it doesn't work out you can just chalk it up to expirience if does well that's great but if you don't try you will always wonder if you have lost the chance to have something very special.


2nd June 2008, 23:24
Thanks, yeah it will be a big move but the way I see it is that when life offers you an oppotunity for happiness you should take it. If it doesn't work out you can just chalk it up to expirience if does well that's great but if you don't try you will always wonder if you have lost the chance to have something very special.


nice one sonia , u hit it exactly:xxgrinning--00xx3::Hellooo:

3rd June 2008, 06:43
My boyfriend and I want to make our home in the Philippines. I know I can get a visitors visa that can be renewed but I will need to have a bank account set up in Cebu with the equivilent of $50'000 in it. We have talked about getting married so I wonder if there is such a thing as a marriage visa such as there is for the uk. And if so would I still need to have the account in Cebu set up. :Erm:: BouncyHappy: can anyone help

How about a year visa? My brod in Law applied one year visa thru Phil embassy London. His visa was granted and he's staying there for almost a year now. Try visit this page : http://www.philemb.org.uk/

4th June 2008, 20:03
Tried e-mailing the visa officer but no response yet, :NoNo: Think I will have to persaver with the phone calls until I get through.:cwm34: but thanks for asking will let you all know as soon as I have news.

5th June 2008, 13:07
Tried e-mailing the visa officer but no response yet, :NoNo: Think I will have to persaver with the phone calls until I get through.:cwm34: but thanks for asking will let you all know as soon as I have news.

there's no harm in trying Sonia,,:xxgrinning--00xx3: I think it will be better if u tried ringing them so at least u can ask them almost everything u need..

Goodluck and wishing u all the best..:Hellooo:

5th June 2008, 19:33
I wish you all the luck Sonia. you are at the right site for expert and thoughtful advice.
