View Full Version : anyone know anyone...

7th June 2008, 23:30
Hi all,

not new to the site but was just wondering...
does anyone know any couple where the girl is from the Uk and the guy from the Philippines like me and Bert? Would just like to know if the challenges are the same with visas etc??

kerry xx

8th June 2008, 01:41
Hi i have a friend called Emily from England who is married to a guy from Mindanao who have been married about 3 years..

They both live and work in Cebu..

I know she had loads of problems trying to get him to England just for a holiday and i think it was the 3rd or 4th attempt which is this summer before they had any success..

I have not been keeping up with your story but did i not read somewhere that things were not good between you both so has that changed?

8th June 2008, 03:20
Hi all,

not new to the site but was just wondering...
does anyone know any couple where the girl is from the Uk and the guy from the Philippines like me and Bert? Would just like to know if the challenges are the same with visas etc??

kerry xx

personally, no i don't know of any couples like you.

yes, exactly the same challenges, a place to live, savings and a job :xxgrinning--00xx3:

possibly more difficult for a few women on the wages and saving side, no savings, part time job, Inequality, lower pay, contract work, discriminsation of a woman supporting a man:Erm: .. etc

so just make sure you have at least £3,000 in savings, and your bank statements are not in the red, and a job of at least £17k would help..

8th June 2008, 09:06
well on the way to having 6 months bank statements not in the red, job 20K, own house - now just for the savings..... anyone know how to pick the winning lottery numbers???

From what I've read on the site though its quite normal for things to take a long time to sort out, c'est la vie!!

8th June 2008, 09:13
You should not be prejudiced or disadvantaged in any way, just because you are a woman ! I hate to see this, it makes me mad, but from what you have said, you have a good income, and a house, you should more than qualify as a sponsor, and its good to see sometimes its not always UK White boy, / Filipina relationships, so go for it and best of luck, it shouldnt be any different to the run of the mill visa applications, just follow the rules, and you will be fine.

Although it does seem that the embassy are just that little bit more protective of Female British citizens than they are of the guys, maybe its that nanny state interfering as usual.

They have in the past denied entry to Pinoy's coming to live with their UK female partners, who knows why, it does seem at times to be slanted slightly against, but in this day and age, it should not be, and you have to get on with it, and put all of these factors out of your mind, certainly if your husband/fiance was denied for any reason, I am sure on appeal, the Immigration judges would be looking very much in your favour, however, don't think about that just yet, just apply like everyone else, and best of luck with it.

8th June 2008, 10:09
well on the way to having 6 months bank statements not in the red, job 20K, own house - now just for the savings..... anyone know how to pick the winning lottery numbers???

From what I've read on the site though its quite normal for things to take a long time to sort out, c'est la vie!!

well, see if you can get a loan for a few £1000s , from a friend, relative, bank or use your credit card, leave it in your current account, but means you'll have to start collecting your bank statements after you've put the money in your account, a wait of 6 months :doh, but it soon passes quick, but gives you time to gather more evidence, letters, logs,pics etc.. but you don't really want to use the bank statement showing the few k going in your account ( case worker might get suspicious, where the money came from)

when you've got the 6 bank statements showing the few k, pay back the money :D

your pay is good, house good, you just need a bit of savings :xxgrinning--00xx3:

the fact is women are discriminated against, gov stats, just on pay, show there is a 12% difference btw pay, and i've read a few posts of women being refused spouse visas for thier husbands, was it based on the evidence or becuase it was a woman? and if it was a man would the visa have been granted ?

just get the savings sorted, get good evidence of your relationship, and they should not be able to refuse your app :xxgrinning--00xx3:

8th June 2008, 17:16
Thanks for that all. Certainly food for thought, just let them try and keep him out!! They'll have a fight on their hands, and then if still no joy I'll just emigrate with him to Australia or NZ, they'll welcome a nurse with open arms!

And Eljohno you must be thinking of someone else, me and Bert have been fine all along, thankfully!

Thanks again

8th June 2008, 17:39
Thanks for that all. Certainly food for thought, just let them try and keep him out!! They'll have a fight on their hands, and then if still no joy I'll just emigrate with him to Australia or NZ, they'll welcome a nurse with open arms!

And Eljohno you must be thinking of someone else, me and Bert have been fine all along, thankfully!

Thanks again

just make sure you have enough evidence, so start gathering more now, write a letter to him at least once a month, just as much good evidence as possible and you shouldn't fail

as for

I'll just emigrate with him to Australia or NZ, they'll welcome a nurse with open arms!

aussie has a pretty strict point system for immigrants, standard of living is high, so is the cost.. :NoNo: not sure about NZ thou..

points calculator http://www.workpermit.com/australia/point_calculator.htm

you shouldn't need to go anyway :rolleyes:

my 3,000 post, where me pack of nuts scouser keith :rolleyes:

8th June 2008, 21:21
If we can all do it then im sure you can Kerry and bert.

Dont worry we all had the same worries at the same point.

Its a tough old slog which soon as Pete often used to say will have you thinking what
was all the fuss about.

9th June 2008, 17:42
You're all very kind, I know all I seem to do is come on here and whine about things! But I really appreciate the friendly and honest words.

Just spoke to his mam in the Phils and I'm going to go there in Sept when I have my hols whether Bert is there or not, if he is all the better and we can get married (will get relevant paperwork sorted out just in case!) if not his mam will show me around!

9th June 2008, 18:33
You're all very kind, I know all I seem to do is come on here and whine about things! But I really appreciate the friendly and honest words.

Just spoke to his mam in the Phils and I'm going to go there in Sept when I have my hols whether Bert is there or not, if he is all the better and we can get married (will get relevant paperwork sorted out just in case!) if not his mam will show me around!

Well Kerry you should fit right in on this forum then:D

Not even Dom could sell all the Whine us lot create.

I hope you have a great time in Phill. I bet bert hopes he is there otherwise Mum and you will be exchanging embrassing stories about him :icon_lol: