View Full Version : circumcision

13th June 2008, 23:27
crazy question:Cuckoo:

i was watching pinoy big brother in march and one of the guys had a live circumcision on tv, me and the wife started talking about it and she tells me it is normal practise for filipino boys to be circumcised in their teens, i was horrified:omg:

the question is WHY ?????
my wife doesn't know or her friends

is it tradition ?
religion ?
cleanliness ?

13th June 2008, 23:38
crazy question:Cuckoo:

i was watching pinoy big brother in march and one of the guys had a live circumcision on tv, me and the wife started talking about it and she tells me it is normal practise for filipino boys to be circumcised in their teens, i was horrified:omg:

the question is WHY ?????
my wife doesn't know or her friends

is it tradition ?
religion ?
cleanliness ?

Its a practice and and does cleanliness too...easy to clean lol..lol...

Mrs Daddy
13th June 2008, 23:38
its basically a thing for us filipino to do it i dont know if its a religious side or culture but when i ask my parents about it before when my brother who`s youngest in the family circumsiced my mother just said so that he`s not gonna be bullied when he grows up,and I can still remember when i was small that our neighbor`s in my village been bitching about this man in our place who`s not circumcised I dont know how they knew about it:icon_lol:and as well I grew up believing that uncircumcised man couldnt have kids but I UNderstand it now that it isnt true because as far as i know (correct me guys if am wrong)majority of brit men are uncircumcise:Cuckoo:sowi!:Dwether circumsiced or not for me it doesnt really matter i still got the same result:censored:

14th June 2008, 00:01
:peepwall: :Help1: :ARsurrender: :behead: :eek: :yikes: :omg: :bigcry: :censored:

14th June 2008, 00:35
cleanliness... and thier friends here will keep on teasing them if thier not circumcised yet...

14th June 2008, 01:24
My guess is that it came from the time when the USA had control of Phils, as even now, all American males are circumcised at birth.

It is not a tradition in Spain even now, so we can rule them out.

I used to make fun of my American male friends when I lived there.
They don't even know why this is still the practice in their own country.

The origin of circumcision came from days long ago in the Middle East when it was considered to be more clean to chop the skin off to prevent the build up of bacteria when bathing was not something they used to do very often.

14th June 2008, 01:56
American Doctors could charge extra for it simple economics

I personally find all forms of child torture (and Adult) a sad commentary on the perps be it bullies or knife welding crazies:NoNo:

14th June 2008, 08:59
Its a practice and and does cleanliness too...easy to clean lol..lol...
So maybe we should slice the front off the pussy then to 'keep it clean' :doh

.......my brother who`s youngest in the family circumsiced my mother ......

.......majority of brit men are uncircumcise ......
I'd be surprised if it was anywhere near 2%, and that would drop a hell of a lot if you take out the Jews who like to abuse babies with knives, and yet get away with it under UK law.

14th June 2008, 09:04
Is there any wife here who teased and asked by filipino friends if your hubby is circumcised?

I was asked:action-smiley-081::D:omg:

14th June 2008, 09:18
Boys are circumcised in many hot countries, it is for cleanliness and to prevent infection.

14th June 2008, 09:22
Boys are circumcised in many hot countries, it is for cleanliness and to prevent infection.
Even though their is no scientific evidence.....based on rumors & religion in the vast majority of cases genital mutilation.

Isn't it great that our government preaches to African countries to put a stop to it, and yet we let the Jews hack babies in non-medical conditions? :Erm:

14th June 2008, 09:46
Hi Keith how you doing, I am not pro or anti circucis....n cant think of the ending ha ha too early brain not in gear. Dont know if it is good bad or makes no difference but if done properly I believe its not a problem.

14th June 2008, 09:49
should have looked at the title of this post for endin what an idiot a laugh tho'

14th June 2008, 09:50
When mentioned in phill normally by women i always ask if they are i tell them if they do it i will.

Convo ends there normally

14th June 2008, 09:54
Female circumcision !!! now that is brutal AAAAAaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh

14th June 2008, 09:54
Even though their is no scientific evidence.....based on rumors & religion in the vast majority of cases genital mutilation.

Isn't it great that our government preaches to African countries to put a stop to it, and yet we let the Jews hack babies in non-medical conditions? :Erm:

It is Jews AND Muslims that do this :omg:

14th June 2008, 09:58
are you pilipinas ... your hubby or fiance are circumcised?

14th June 2008, 10:02
I am English Vanessa is Filipino, her younger brother was circumcised a few weeks ago no hardship or ill effects

14th June 2008, 10:05
.... no hardship.....
I'd have thought that was the worst ill effect you could get :icon_lol:

14th June 2008, 10:07
Female circumcision !!! now that is brutal AAAAAaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh

i thought woman circumcision is in the ears to have an earings lol

14th June 2008, 10:11
I'd have thought that was the worst ill effect you could get :icon_lol:
HA HA HA HAha haha haaaaaaaa ha ha

14th June 2008, 10:13
I am English Vanessa is Filipino, her younger brother was circumcised a few weeks ago no hardship or ill effects

LOL did he tell you that or others?

My Wifes little bro had it a while back and i dont think he was grateful for the experience:icon_lol:

14th June 2008, 10:16
It is Jews AND Muslims that do this :omg:

i mention that as well which quite a few phills dont like to hear that many brits think you have to be one of the two religions to do.

Another group that do it is quite a few americans, well anything america thinks is a good idea :rolleyes:

One thing is for sure is only adult males should choose if they wish to do this.

14th June 2008, 10:20
Hi AndyPaul how ya doin bonny lad ? I didn't hear drect guess he is too yong to complain, have you guys heard of or had bag experience ??

14th June 2008, 10:22

14th June 2008, 10:26

I like the bit about violating human rights i wonder how many phill families with boys who they gave the chop to while in phill, might now in the UK sue their mum and dad for some pocket money:icon_lol:

David House
14th June 2008, 10:36
I am British and I was done, as a man in my 20s, in hospital, on the doctor's insistance as I was suffering many problems there which cleared up immediately. So it is not always so stupid!

By the way many doctors in the USA do this for free and just accept the tips as a reward.

I'll get my hat.

14th June 2008, 10:38
I am British and I was done, as a man in my 20s, in hospital, on the doctor's insistance as I was suffering many problems there which cleared up immediately. So it is not always so stupid!

By the way many doctors in the USA do this for free and just accept the tips as a reward.

I'll get my hat.

well done!!!

14th June 2008, 10:42
It's fine for medical reasons, under medical supervision, but not in the living room in front of the family with the local Jewish butcher doing it!!

14th June 2008, 11:22
...Another group that do it is quite a few americans, well anything america thinks is a good idea :rolleyes:

Nope, you are wrong. It is ALL Americans that are circumcised :rolleyes::rolleyes:

The only world superpower and they do that to their boys :cwm23::cwm23:
VERY weird.

14th June 2008, 11:27
It's fine for medical reasons, under medical supervision, but not in the living room in front of the family with the local Jewish butcher doing it!!
It has to be stated once again Keith that is it Jews AND Muslims that do this.
Muslim countries in West Africa practice female circumcision but this was not done on medical grounds but on reasons of male control over their womenfolk so they would not stray as their pleasure zones were no longer there.
It also then passed into non-muslim African countries. :cwm23:

14th June 2008, 11:28
Nope, you are wrong. It is ALL Americans that are circumcised :rolleyes::rolleyes:

The only world superpower and they do that to their boys :cwm23::cwm23:
VERY weird.

Have you been peeking in the showers again:D

14th June 2008, 11:29
It has to be stated once again Keith that is it Jews AND Muslims that do this.
Why have you told me that TWICE? :Erm: ......And Christians....AND many others..... :doh

14th June 2008, 11:30
I think it is more for cleanliness.

It is to remind guys not to betray their wives or they will wake up :yikes:...


14th June 2008, 11:32
I think it is more for cleanliness.

It is to remind guys not to betray their wives or they will wake up :yikes:...


in bed with another lady?

14th June 2008, 11:42
in bed with another lady?

You will end up like John Wayne Bobbit:yikes:

14th June 2008, 11:44
You will end up like John Wayne Bobbit:yikes:

What i will end up with a silly name:Erm:

14th June 2008, 12:07
What i will end up with a silly name:Erm:

You will end up living in Monasteries and lead a life of monk! :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

14th June 2008, 12:10
Isn't circumcise the perimeter of a circle? That's what I've been telling my students for the past 20 years!!!:Erm:


14th June 2008, 12:11
crazy question:Cuckoo:

i was watching pinoy big brother in march and one of the guys had a live circumcision on tv, me and the wife started talking about it and she tells me it is normal practise for filipino boys to be circumcised in their teens, i was horrified:omg:

the question is WHY ?????
my wife doesn't know or her friends

is it tradition ?
religion ?
cleanliness ?

Traditionally speaking yes:xxgrinning--00xx3:but as what I've heard to my brother very traumatic experience imagine he run away 3x just to avoid it but in the end he still made it:omg::D
I don't think so:Erm:

:rolleyes: It depends upon the owner:Cuckoo::yikes::icon_lol::icon_lol:

Happy weekend everyone:Rasp::Rasp::Hellooo::Hellooo:

14th June 2008, 13:18
Why have you told me that TWICE? :Erm: ......And Christians....AND many others..... :doh

Because TWICE you mentioned Jews and ONLY Jews in relation to this, it is important not to be mention only one race/religion as it appears anti-semitic.
If we mention that other religions that do it, they can all be lumped together as being barbaric. Doing very barbaric things in an age where this practice is not even necessary any longer. It is out-of-date and should be banned world-wide, particularly female circumcision because that it incredibly disgusting as the women are stopped from having pleasure as it was intended in creation, and not by God incidently, who surely is a figment of zealots' imaginations.

14th June 2008, 13:24
You will end up like John Wayne Bobbit:yikes:

When I was in China, the China News Daily (I think it was called) had an article in it describing a park in Beijing where once a week, wives who had been cheated on all got together and attached the severed members of their husbands onto balloons and they all cheered when released into the atmosphere. :BouncyHappy: or :bigcry: depending on what sex you are :yikes:
It always amused me to think of the reactions of the public who would have found these when they floated back to earth.
Ah well, the hungry birds would have had a field day :xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th June 2008, 13:26
The mind boggles what happens to the wife that cheats? Do you need one or two ballons?

14th June 2008, 13:31
The mind boggles what happens to the wife that cheats? Do you need one or two ballons?

:yikes:Shariya Law:yikes:

14th June 2008, 13:57
so bobit was married to a muslim lady:Erm:

14th June 2008, 14:06
According to my doctor professor, the main reason for male circumcision is cleanliness/hygeine. He said that male secretions that stays under the skin for a long time is cancerous:omg: Thats why uncircumsized male should retract the skin regularly to clean it off. Its not more on religion because there are some catholics who are uncircumcised, those who are so coward and chickens :icon_lol::icon_lol::D:cwm12:

14th June 2008, 14:18
omg: Thats why uncircumsized male should retract the skin regularly to clean it off. :icon_lol::icon_lol::D:cwm12:

I should be ok then:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

14th June 2008, 15:00
According to my doctor professor, the main reason for male circumcision is cleanliness/hygeine. He said that male secretions that stays under the skin for a long time is cancerous:omg: Thats why uncircumsized male should retract the skin regularly to clean it off. Its not more on religion because there are some catholics who are uncircumcised, those who are so coward and chickens :icon_lol::icon_lol::D:cwm12:

yeah ok so why haven't the bitish media picked up on this why dont doctors in the UK recomend it as a rule?

If there was any chance of cancer im sure blokes would be more willing to do just like some women have breast removed if likely to get breast cancer.

14th June 2008, 15:16
yeah ok so why haven't the bitish media picked up on this why dont doctors in the UK recomend it as a rule?

If there was any chance of cancer im sure blokes would be more willing to do just like some women have breast removed if likely to get breast cancer.

Im just qouting what my professor have said, it maybe true or not. but im not starting an argument here:xxgrinning--00xx3::D Men can hardly get cancer :Rasp:because circumsized or uncircumsized, they always retract their skin :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::BouncyHappy:

14th June 2008, 15:29
Because TWICE you mentioned Jews and ONLY Jews in relation to this, it is important not to be mention only one race/religion as it appears anti-semitic.

Utter Tosh!!!

I say what I want to see, not something to make prates happy.

I HATE THE JEWISH MURDERING GENOCIDAL GOVERMENT...Got it????? AND the Jewish people think abusing babies by mutalating them is fine. Civilised my :action-smiley-081:

So what if others do, I was talking about the Jews. :NoNo:

14th June 2008, 16:07
Is there any wife here who teased and asked by filipino friends if your hubby is circumcised?

I was asked:action-smiley-081::D:omg:

hehehhe i was ask by my friends if he is circumcised! :doh:Rasp::icon_lol:

14th June 2008, 16:11
hehehhe i was ask by my friends if he is circumcised! :doh:Rasp::icon_lol:

Me too:D:icon_lol: i answered them "secret" :icon_lol::BouncyHappy:

14th June 2008, 16:57
hehehhe i was ask by my friends if he is circumcised! :doh:Rasp::icon_lol:

i was asked too and answered the truth
and we all know their reactions..hehe
but usaully i read before europeans
not that keen on circumcision..:D

here its for:


a boy being circumcised means bye bye to childhood and hello to manhood.

14th June 2008, 18:40
Traditionally speaking yes:xxgrinning--00xx3:but as what I've heard to my brother very traumatic experience imagine he run away 3x just to avoid it but in the end he still made it:omg::D
I don't think so:Erm:

:rolleyes: It depends upon the owner:Cuckoo::yikes::icon_lol::icon_lol:

Happy weekend everyone:Rasp::Rasp::Hellooo::Hellooo:

hi Mare, we just talked about it few weeks ago..he he he I even checked him that night and yes he is..:censored::censored::D:Hellooo:

14th June 2008, 19:18
each to their own i say .
if you wanna do it go ahead but if you dont
then people should respect your decision.

14th June 2008, 21:24
The three primary reasons for male circumcision are:

Religious (only addressing Christianity here)
Jesus was circumcised as he was Jew (Luke 2: 21; Colossians 2:11-12). In the Old Testament circumcision is a covenant between God and all Jewish males. However, circumcision is not defined as a requirement in the New Testament. However, Christians are encouraged to be "circumcised of the heart" . Circumcision has, in many denominations become a symbol of that commitment and a covenant with God.

However, not all Christians agree with that and have many scriptural reasons for not doing so.

Like so many things that started off on a religious basis, in many places, the original reason has been lost and people just do it cause their parents did.

There is a lot of evidence linking a higher incidence of infection with uncircumcised penises. However, with adequate hygiene the incidence can be reduced to the same level as that of circumcised penises. Intact males should be taught as boys how to clean themselves in a particular fashion. Boys with an intact foreskin can have health advantages over those who have been circumcised. The intact foreskin protects the glans penis from ammoniacal nappies.

It is worth noting that here are also a number of medical conditions that can be treated successfully by circumcision.

Interestingly, there are some studies that show that circumcised couples both get better sensation during intercourse. The problem is that there are just as many studies refuting that argument.

The final thing missing is fashion/appearance. There are many surveys, mainly in women's magazines, that suggest that the average woman finds the circumcised instrument more pleasing to the eye!

14th June 2008, 21:34
There is a lot of evidence linking a higher incidence of infection with uncircumcised penises. However, with adequate hygiene the incidence can be reduced to the same level as that of circumcised penises. Intact males should be taught as boys how to clean themselves in a particular fashion. There are also a number of medical conditions that can be treated successfully by circumcision.

a bath a day keeps the doc away :xxgrinning--00xx3:

The final thing missing is fashion/appearance. There are many surveys, mainly in women's magazines, that suggest that the average woman finds the circumcised instrument more pleasing to the eye! :)

do you look at many womens mags :D

my misses offered to snip me, :icon_lol:,yes , sure i'm that :Cuckoo::Rasp:

:cwm24: :Bolt::xxparty-smiley-004:


14th June 2008, 21:37
do you look at many womens mags :D

Only in waiting rooms! :icon_lol::icon_lol:

14th June 2008, 21:51
Is there any wife here who teased and asked by filipino friends if your hubby is circumcised?

I was asked:action-smiley-081::D:omg:

I was too...and i just dont answer back.

14th June 2008, 21:57
i thought woman circumcision is in the ears to have an earings lol

Yes it is.As wt ive known too.

14th June 2008, 22:05
Utter Tosh!!!

I say what I want to see, not something to make prates happy.

I HATE THE JEWISH MURDERING GENOCIDAL GOVERMENT...Got it????? AND the Jewish people think abusing babies by mutalating them is fine. Civilised my :action-smiley-081:

So what if others do, I was talking about the Jews. :NoNo:

If you want to discuss the Jewish nation with reference to other things like "JEWISH MURDERING GENOCIDAL GOVERMENT" well then let's do that.
I have worked in many Muslim countries and have talked at length with Muslims about their grievances.
I also abhor Israel and the Jews for what they have done in Palestine. The historical facts of their unending expansionism are there for all to see.
I lived in the USA for many years and constantly made anyone there who would listen, to be aware of the constant use of the American veto in the United Nations to prop up the Jewish lobby there, which in turn, propped up USA governments.
And if you think that was an easy thing to do, and if you know how brainwashed most Americans are, you will know that I was battling them constantly, intellectually not physically.
I also have had a Jewish girlfriend off and on for many years (she is happily married now and my life has moved on too with my Filipina Mahal) and we have argued relentlessly with the “Palestine Issue”, so much so that I have politely asked her to “keep her politics to herself”.
But this thread was about circumcision, so it is important to make the point that it is not only the Jews that do this.

Why perceive anyone who has a different viewpoint to you as "prates"? Well, that is your prerogative. I try to see everyone's point of view, sometimes it is difficult, but it is always necessary.

So “Got It?”
From a perspective of general Xenophobia as against a balanced view on one particular abhorrent and on-going medical malpractice, no, not really.

14th June 2008, 22:08
It's fine for medical reasons, under medical supervision, but not in the living room in front of the family with the local Jewish butcher doing it!!

Its done by a doctor now adays in thephil..only in provinces thats not advance yet doing the old way..but now loads done it thru doctors.Even loads of doctors do it free or just a little payment for anesthesia.Some parents hv their child after birth,But this case some hv it done again coz it goes usually back in normal form.The skin closes back and dont hv a good form.And one thing if hvnt done..It will create odor if not properly cleaned.And thats very true,Its because of the dried sperm stocked up inside the skin.

14th June 2008, 22:21
I also abhor Israel and the Jews for what they have done in Palestine. The historical facts of their unending expansionism are there for all to see.

don't forget to include Britian in there, this country played a major part in the downfall of Palestine :NoNo:

14th June 2008, 22:21
don't forget to include Britian in there, this country played a major part in the downfall of Palestine :NoNo:


14th June 2008, 22:31
don't forget to include Britian in there, this country played a major part in the downfall of Palestine :NoNo:

The Balfour declaration wasn't exactly our finest hour either :butthead:

15th June 2008, 02:48
Boys get circumcised because their father is.
Boys that are not circumcised are not circumcised because their father is not :)

For what it is worth I would imagine that the non-circumcised man is more sensitive in the relevant part of the anatomy :)

15th June 2008, 09:25
Boys get circumcised because their father is.
Boys that are not circumcised are not circumcised because their father is not :)

For what it is worth I would imagine that the non-circumcised man is more sensitive in the relevant part of the anatomy :)

Thats what i have heard that things down there become less senstive. Which is why some prefer it off and others not i would have thought.
So if you have no staying powder start chopping:omg:

15th June 2008, 09:29
Thats what i have heard that things down there become less senstive. Which is why some prefer it off and others not i would have thought.

i can't imagine that many men who have had the chop were old enough at the time to have done a before and after comparison! :icon_lol:

15th June 2008, 12:46
It will create odor if not properly cleaned.And thats very true,Its because of the dried sperm stocked up inside the skin.

And that will happen for a girl who doen't worry about personal hygene.

In fact it will happen to armpits and feet too if not washed (the odour not the sperm!)

You'll also smell if you drink a lot of rum, or eat a lot of mutton:D

15th June 2008, 17:52
Circumcisions in the Philippine Islands has little if anything to do with America or Americans. The tuli is a hold over from the days that the islands of paradise were
controlled by the Muslims. Today it is viewed as a 'right of passage', for all
Filipino males. The boy will be teased if he is still supot, or still has a ''bag''.
The teasing stips when he is tuli or ''cut''. The cut may be done by a hospital
surgeon, a local doctor or even a 'tuliman' who is a local cutter famuliar with the
proceedure. I also was shocked when I first provided antibodics for the proceedure
about 40 years ago while at the clinic in Subic.
JJ [new member].

15th June 2008, 17:54
Welcome jayjay!

15th June 2008, 18:11
If you want to discuss the Jewish nation with reference to other things like "JEWISH MURDERING GENOCIDAL GOVERMENT" well then let's do that.
I have worked in many Muslim countries and have talked at length with Muslims about their grievances.
I also abhor Israel and the Jews for what they have done in Palestine. The historical facts of their unending expansionism are there for all to see.
I lived in the USA for many years and constantly made anyone there who would listen, to be aware of the constant use of the American veto in the United Nations to prop up the Jewish lobby there, which in turn, propped up USA governments.
And if you think that was an easy thing to do, and if you know how brainwashed most Americans are, you will know that I was battling them constantly, intellectually not physically.
I also have had a Jewish girlfriend off and on for many years (she is happily married now and my life has moved on too with my Filipina Mahal) and we have argued relentlessly with the “Palestine Issue”, so much so that I have politely asked her to “keep her politics to herself”.
But this thread was about circumcision, so it is important to make the point that it is not only the Jews that do this.

Why perceive anyone who has a different viewpoint to you as "prates"? Well, that is your prerogative. I try to see everyone's point of view, sometimes it is difficult, but it is always necessary.

So “Got It?”
From a perspective of general Xenophobia as against a balanced view on one particular abhorrent and on-going medical malpractice, no, not really.


A joy to read yours posts and many of the other new members posts. keep it up:xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th June 2008, 18:54

A joy to read yours posts and many of the other new members posts. keep it up:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Hi markieFHM :)
Thanks for reading my posts.
There are quite a few good posters on here, and some threads and/or comments are often inspirational :cwm12::cwm12::cwm12:

15th June 2008, 20:02
......and some threads and/or comments are often inspirational :cwm12::cwm12::cwm12:
Never shave pubes off during an epileptic fit.....

15th June 2008, 20:08
Is there any wife here who teased and asked by filipino friends if your hubby is circumcised?

I was asked:action-smiley-081::D:omg:

yes,mostly of my officemate when im still in phils keep asking me if hubby is circumcised:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

15th June 2008, 20:08
peeled or unpeeled? :D

15th June 2008, 22:28
i can't imagine that many men who have had the chop were old enough at the time to have done a before and after comparison! :icon_lol:

Just from what i been told by jewish lads and asian lads in particular.

but like you say they must have been old for their age in some cases:icon_lol:

15th June 2008, 23:22
Going by the 'small' quality of Asian :icon_tonguew:, I'd have thought the last thing they'd be wanting to do is cut the end off & shorten it :D

16th June 2008, 07:56
I personally find all forms of child torture (and Adult) a sad commentary on the perps be it bullies or knife welding crazies:NoNo:

It is a form of tradition, cultural or religious practice that should be confined to the history books....:NoNo:

I don't see any cleanliness issue with having a foreskin, as it act as natural protection.

I do not dispute that sometime for medical reasons it has to be disposed of, but definitively not as often as it is done nowadays.:NoNo:

Male or female circumcision should be banned, as it is, in my mind, abuse.
Nothing else but pure and unadulterated abuse....:NoNo:


16th June 2008, 08:02
Isn't circumcise the perimeter of a circle? That's what I've been telling my students for the past 20 years!!!:Erm:


Again, I have to check your spelling abilities.....:NoNo:

At this rate you will not get that Blue Peter badge you crave for.....:xxgrinning--00xx3:

16th June 2008, 08:10
According to my doctor professor, the main reason for male circumcision is cleanliness/hygeine. He said that male secretions that stays under the skin for a long time is cancerous:omg: Thats why uncircumsized male should retract the skin regularly to clean it off. Its not more on religion because there are some catholics who are uncircumcised, those who are so coward and chickens :icon_lol::icon_lol::D:cwm12:

So............. Let me get this straight....

Being of whole body and mind is dangerous to my health....????:Erm:

I am quite pleased to announce that Mr. James Riddle. a very close aquaintance of mine, is well and truly happy to be in one piece, and he will work tirelessly for many years to "come" to bring pleasure and enjoyement.........:xxgrinning--00xx3:

16th June 2008, 08:20
Ok....... Now is the turn of the religious theme thing.....:omg:

As far as I know there is no mention of a place called "Israel" in any of the holy books (that is if you have time for that sort of literature), they seem to relate to someplace called...........


And yes, I do agree to a certain extent that the Yanks are brainwashed from a very early age to believe all sorts of bunkum dished out by the ruling elite.

16th June 2008, 08:30
Multi-Quote Dom! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Actually, circumsion was an Egyptian practise for the Gods over 5000 years ago, it has nothing to do with Jews, Muslims, Christians, and other looney sects, they just stole it to use as a means to differentiate the men from the non-believers.

Things like the original Xmas & Easter were Pagan festivals stolen by the Christians.

The religeons we have today will fade away in the future, as Christianity has been doing for years in the UK, and be repalced by another God or Gods.

Maybe being replaced by one of these:


17th June 2008, 05:45
Never shave pubes off during an epileptic fit.....
Self-circumcision is a wondrous thing :icon_lol:

And from a later post you made, glad to see we are on a similar page again :)

All religion should be banned and the most important thing we should all be doing world-wide is trying to look after each other. :rolleyes:

"The God Delusion" - You bet :yikes::yikes::yikes:

17th June 2008, 09:03
"The God Delusion" - Excellent book by Dawkins :xxgrinning--00xx3:

17th June 2008, 13:56
Common guys if people want to have an invisible friend thats fine as long as i dont have to worship or fear them next you will be doubting Father Christmas

17th June 2008, 13:57
Easter Bunny road kill :D

17th June 2008, 14:01
Common guys if people want to have an invisible friend thats fine as long as i dont have to worship or fear them next you will be doubting Father Christmas

Who are YOU calling US "Common guys" :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

You have to admire good spelling mistakes at times. :Rasp::Rasp:

17th June 2008, 14:02
:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:got away with that then

17th June 2008, 20:59
Wow, this is a heavy debate.
Personally I hate cultures who barbarically chop bits off little kids in the name of religion or culture. If people believe in a God then they should believe that people are created perfect (well most of us :xxgrinning--00xx3:) so what gives you the right to start altering other people?
By the way, why do seikhs and muslims believe that heads should be covered? Isn't that why we've got hair!!!!!!!!!! Why put a stupid bit of cloth on top as well?

Anyway, circumsicion should only be done by consenting adults for medical reasons. How many other bits would you chop off if cleanliness was an issue? Hair, armpits, teeth, a...holes?
People who chop little boys bits off are just paedophiles

18th June 2008, 03:10
Never shave pubes off during an epileptic fit.....

I won't forget that one!:D

18th June 2008, 04:14
[SIZE=4]And yes, I do agree to a certain extent that the Yanks are brainwashed from a very early age to believe all sorts of bunkum dished out by the ruling elite.


Dom, if you have the misfortune to ever live there for a long period, you would be even more shocked at how brainwashed they are :yikes:

When the 911 tragedy happened, many of them wanted to "Nuke Afghanistan".
I brought up the point (in a bar, which as we know isn't always the best place for lucid dialogue) that it would also kill all the civilians.
A couple of hours later, lots of them were leaving and one guy shouted out at the top of his voice "Hey you, you commie bar steward".
Well, I could have fallen off my bar stool for laughing :icon_lol::icon_lol:
Their grip on reality, and the small matter of historical fact, makes you wonder what goes on in most peoples's heads there.
No, on second thoughts, best not to ponder the imponderables......:doh

ruling elite
Bush, Clinton............

If it wasn't for their Ivy League Universities and independent judiciary (remember when there were so many vacant spaces at a Clinton address to the Nation) there would be more unravelling than there is.

18th June 2008, 04:47
Dom, if you have the misfortune to ever live there for a long period, you would be even more shocked at how brainwashed they are :yikes:

When the 911 tragedy happened, many of them wanted to "Nuke Afghanistan".

A couple of hours later, lots of them were leaving and one guy shouted out at the top of his voice "Hey you, you commie bar steward".

Look too how many Seiks were attacked in the UK when the 9/11 and London attrocities occured. :omg:

Who also recalls the death threats one Mr Al Nino received when all the fuss about the weather phenomenon El Niño was going on? The mind boggles! :doh

I had a long conversation outside LAX airport with a traffic cop who wanted to ticket me for hesitating on a green light and could not undestand that London, England was not in a US state. :Brick:

18th June 2008, 09:08
You'll find that most of the brainwashed Yank nutters are in the North & Mid-areas, those down South, and in the West have a bit more mental freedom and realise what is going on, from those I have met anyway, but those trends do show up on the voting maps.

Real down to Earth Southerners though are still trying to figure out what happened to slavery :doh ....McCain will win, as it will be a race vote that swings it in his favour.