View Full Version : Ex-Wives

20th June 2008, 12:38
Here's one thats likely to get a few going on here, ex-wives, have any of the guys on here ever bumped into an ex-wife or ex-partner while your with you new Filipina wife and if so, what was the reaction. Personally I get on great with my ex-wife and to everyone elses amazement both her and my Filipina wife do as well.

20th June 2008, 12:48
.....have any of the guys on here ever bumped into an ex-wife or ex-partner.....
Not likely, buried mine :rolleyes:

20th June 2008, 13:20

Chance would be a fine thing. I would LOVE for my ex partner to meet Hanna. I hope and pray that one day it will happen if I can ever get Hanna over there.
Actually, Hanna said to me a while ago - 'When I go to UK and meet your ex, will she be mad at me?'

There is really no answer to that is there?


David House
20th June 2008, 16:17
When I was married to my ex we lived in a villiage next door to the pub! When we divorced we sold up and both moved away, her about 10 miles to a cottage, me much further. I don't get back there very often but on one trip I made a point of popping into the pub just to see if any of my old buddies were around. By then I was re-married and of course my Filipina wife wanted to see where I used to live etc etc. Of course, guess who was there? My ex and her new guy. It was after 10 pm and she was well into the G & Ts but was fantastic. Huge welcome to my new wife and they sat and discussed me for an hour. It was just great, they both got along so well. Big hugs and kisses at the end and since then the relationship with my ex-wife improved beyond measure. She even calls me up to ask for advice sometimes, which was more than we did when we were married.

20th June 2008, 17:48
Not likely, buried mine :rolleyes:


20th June 2008, 18:08
Not likely, buried mine :rolleyes:


21st June 2008, 13:27
My husband and his ex-wife are okay (but not really friends) bec they had daughter. When I met her the first time (bec she asked her daughter to invite me and my husband to her house so we can meet) its a very mixed emotion for me bec in Phil culture its very rare it will happen for sure for her its normal as she's been married a few times its really a culture shocked for me meeting my husband's ex-wife (may be a bit of jealousy there somehow:Erm:). Though, my husband is very supporting that he makes sure that Im happy meeting her ex or advising me that its not a big deal if I'd say No.

After that first meeting it follows a few times bec his daugther live with the mum so we visit her regularly (she's 23 yrs old now just finished in Uni) a bit of daddy's girl and we're friends so Im happy we're all okay:Hellooo:.

21st June 2008, 18:36
Not likely, buried mine :rolleyes:
