View Full Version : interview request .. can it help my visa app?

22nd June 2008, 00:17
i applied a job online since I'll be coming there soon (though I havent lodge my visa app yet) and an agent answered me. He then forwarded my CV to some of his clients, luckily, a company requested me to have a personal interview. My problem is, im not there yet! :bigcry: Can I print that email of my agent stating that the company is requesting me to have an interview with them, include it in my application. Could it possible be a help with my application? so they would approve of me immediately and it wont take like weeks to process my visa? I will hopefully pass my visa app next week, hopefully.. still waiting for some docs :rolleyes:

David House
22nd June 2008, 08:53
I don't think it will help at all. Visa applications cannot be rushed through as they have to complete various processes. You will always be told not to make any travel plans and never to book flights before receiving your visa so the same must apply to a job interview. I think it is very premature to be making job applications when you have not even applied for the visa which will take weeks to obtain. Unless it is a very specific job then why bother? The job market in the UK is very different to the Philippines and you should easily obtain interviews and in time get the work you want. It depends though on which visa you are trying to get on when, and indeed if, you will be allowed to work.

22nd June 2008, 09:02
You can't jump the queue (apart from things like family death), so you just have to sit it out like 1000's of others.

22nd June 2008, 10:34
Well i doubt they will push it forward.

But worth including to show that you will make a postive contribution to the UK.
That you will be able to support yourself.

With previous vists to the UK and this it should help your case greatly. But all depends on the backlog i guess.

Good luck:xxgrinning--00xx3:

22nd June 2008, 10:50
thanks AndyPaul, David House and Win2win. :)