View Full Version : Guilty...

Mrs Daddy
22nd June 2008, 19:43
hi guys,as I was looking for my cross stich stuff in drawers i have found my hubby`s diary dated about 2003-2005 and without his permission I have read it:NoNo: while he was in loft watching f1 car racing.now the question is should i be prosecuted:bigcry::Help1:

22nd June 2008, 20:16
yes :NEW4::ARsurrender::D

22nd June 2008, 20:47
If it's anything like the average man's diary it'll have bugger all in it as we're lazy buggers :xxgrinning--00xx3:

22nd June 2008, 22:42
Sod the diary like Mr admin says i doubt any bloke would bother filling one in.

What was he doing in the Loft watching tv did you run out of aerial cable:Erm::omg:

23rd June 2008, 01:26
What was he doing in the Loft watching tv did you run out of aerial cable:Erm::omg:

:D :xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd June 2008, 09:40
Sod the diary like Mr admin says i doubt any bloke would bother filling one in.

What was he doing in the Loft watching tv did you run out of aerial cable:Erm::omg:

you don't go in your loft andy :yikes:, i get sent there all the time, especially if i want to watch something on tv :ARsurrender:

Mrs Daddy
23rd June 2008, 10:29
loft been converted into like a small cinema for him.we have a telly downstair in lounge but he`s got the biggest one in loft and in fact we put a matress there so that when we watch telly we just laid and get comfy:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Pepe n Pilar
23rd June 2008, 10:38
What about if you have seen your partners/hubby/gf/wife/fiancee's email left open? Will you read it if you find in the inbox a name of the former gf/bf? and he/she has also a reply to it? Will you approach him/her in a nice way and tell him/her what you have read? or just leave it?
A friend of mine asks me these. She had read it but there were only 3 msgs from Jan to Feb 2007.

Mrs Daddy
23rd June 2008, 10:43
What about if you have seen your partners/hubby/gf/wife/fiancee's email left open? Will you read it if you find in the inbox a name of the former gf/bf? and he/she has also a reply to it? Will you approach him/her in a nice way and tell him/her what you have read? or just leave it?
A friend of mine asks me these. She had read it but there were only 3 msgs from Jan to Feb 2008.

definitely read it and gone ballistic:furious3::Brick::cwm23:

Cheryl Tyndall
23rd June 2008, 10:59

23rd June 2008, 14:16
hi guys,as I was looking for my cross stich stuff in drawers i have found my hubby`s diary dated about 2003-2005 and without his permission I have read it:NoNo: while he was in loft watching f1 car racing.now the question is should i be prosecuted:bigcry::Help1:

lagot ka! he send you back in pinas

23rd June 2008, 14:37
you will be prosecuted if you tell him
you read his diary. better not to tell
you will find out soon..hehe

23rd June 2008, 14:53
i will also do it sis,if i can see his diary,emails...etc....:Rasp:

Mrs Daddy
24th June 2008, 11:17
lagot ka! he send you back in pinas

he even not want me to go back home for holiday for he fears i may not come back:NoNo:

Mrs Daddy
24th June 2008, 11:19
I think if he knows about it he`ll not gonna be upset as we have nothing to hide for each other and as well sooner or later am gonna tell him.I cant lied to him:(

24th June 2008, 11:24
I think if he knows about it he`ll not gonna be upset as we have nothing to hide for each other and as well sooner or later am gonna tell him.I cant lied to him:(


24th June 2008, 11:55
I think if he knows about it he`ll not gonna be upset as we have nothing to hide for each other and as well sooner or later am gonna tell him.I cant lied to him:(
Just take the diary to him saying you found it, but haven't looked yet, and can you? :xxgrinning--00xx3: Sorted. :)

24th June 2008, 13:40
most mens diaries are empty, Doctor at 5pm, that sort of thing, I wouldnt worry about my girl reading my diary, as there is nowt in it !

24th June 2008, 13:43
Just take the diary to him saying you found it, but haven't looked yet, and can you? :xxgrinning--00xx3: Sorted. :)

GOOD IDEA BOSS KEITH!!!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

24th June 2008, 14:01
most mens diaries are empty, Doctor at 5pm, that sort of thing, I wouldnt worry about my girl reading my diary, as there is nowt in it !

very true,coz i always read my hubby diaries.
he dont mind anyway,sometimes he asked me to
checked his appointment..that sort of thing...

24th June 2008, 14:04
OOOPS!!!!!! Hope I'm not in there!!!:doh


Mrs Daddy
24th June 2008, 19:26
Just take the diary to him saying you found it, but haven't looked yet, and can you? :xxgrinning--00xx3: Sorted. :)

not a bad idea:xxgrinning--00xx3::D

24th June 2008, 20:33
hi guys,as I was looking for my cross stich stuff in drawers i have found my hubby`s diary dated about 2003-2005 and without his permission I have read it:NoNo: while he was in loft watching f1 car racing.now the question is should i be prosecuted:bigcry::Help1:

Your only crime is airing such a thing here in my opinion

25th June 2008, 06:27
hi guys,as I was looking for my cross stich stuff in drawers i have found my hubby`s diary dated about 2003-2005 and without his permission I have read it:NoNo: while he was in loft watching f1 car racing.now the question is should i be prosecuted:bigcry::Help1:

That is UNintentionally ivestigation:xxgrinning--00xx3: Read it for the benefit of the doubt:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Mrs Daddy
25th June 2008, 19:44
That is UNintentionally ivestigation:xxgrinning--00xx3: Read it for the benefit of the doubt:xxgrinning--00xx3:

tnx t penny:)

25th June 2008, 20:21
Lets hope mr daddy doesnt tune into flipuk in his loft:D

Mrs Daddy
25th June 2008, 20:27
Lets hope mr daddy doesnt tune into flipuk in his loft:D

praying for that or i`ll be in trouble:NoNo::D
or he might be at the back of me reading my post:Help1:

26th June 2008, 00:55
My slant on this might be a bit different but i think you were wrong to look in his diary no matter of the content. I think things like diarys, letters & emails are a private matter.

But i agree with Pete as normally guys have little or nothing but basic things in a diary!

14th August 2008, 11:57
hi guys,as I was looking for my cross stich stuff in drawers i have found my hubby`s diary dated about 2003-2005 and without his permission I have read it:NoNo: while he was in loft watching f1 car racing.now the question is should i be prosecuted:bigcry::Help1:

As others have said, I would not worry too much about a crummy diary.....:rolleyes:

I would have more to worry about if I find notches carved on his bed headboard......:omg:
