View Full Version : The end of the line.

24th June 2008, 14:11
Right guys. All the jokes are over for now. I have enough money to survive here for about another month!!!

Then, I am dead in the water!!!

I cannot afford to fly back to UK - Hanna's birthday is today and I bought her such a crappy present - I felt SOOOO embar....well, you know.

I have NEVER before asked ANYONE for money in my life - but - I now have to ask this favour of you all.....................

Can anyone out there................

Give me............................................

Six good numbers for next Saturday night???


Pepe n Pilar
24th June 2008, 14:24
Hi Prof Allan, Give my regards to Hanna..... I wish her the happiest birthday ever!....:xxparty-smiley-050: Nevermind if you give her the simplest gift, what matters most is you're together and happily married. Keep it up!:)

24th June 2008, 14:25
Right guys. All the jokes are over for now. I have enough money to survive here for about another month!!!

Then, I am dead in the water!!!

I cannot afford to fly back to UK - Hanna's birthday is today and I bought her such a crappy present - I felt SOOOO embar....well, you know.

I have NEVER before asked ANYONE for money in my life - but - I now have to ask this favour of you all.....................

Can anyone out there................

Give me............................................

Six good numbers for next Saturday night???


lets help Prof.AL... so that he will treat all of us in Apo island in Dauin!

24th June 2008, 14:47
Sir Alan,
Extend my greetings to your dear wifey Hannah !!! HBD!!!

and good luck for the six digit!!...Mega Lotto :D


24th June 2008, 14:52
hahaha i was thinking of that as well,hmm what about get the hannah's birth date and your birth date or age...just rumble ..who knows :rolleyes:...good luck prof :BouncyHappy:

24th June 2008, 14:55
hahaha i was thinking of that as well,hmm what about get the hannah's birth date and your birth date or age...just rumble ..who knows :rolleyes:...good luck prof :BouncyHappy:

Or perhaps your wedding anniversary, date of 1st meeting etc..
A lot of combination will come up from this...Goodluck boss :D


24th June 2008, 14:57
my warmest greetings to Hannah proof al
wish her more happiness and birthdays :)

mixed up all memorable dates for you and
Hannah maybe it will help.

good luck:xxgrinning--00xx3:

24th June 2008, 15:02
Happy birthday and more birthdays to celebrate! Being with the people who loves you is the most wonderful gift.Things will surely get better for you just keep the faith.Jesus loves you.

24th June 2008, 15:05
well AL, i'm in the same boat as you now :D

it should be pay day for me tomoz, and err work has just gone insolvent, with out paying us, 3rd time in the last 7yrs it's happened to me, funny how it always happens b4 pay day :Erm:

worse than that, it will not be put into liquidation until about 3wks time :yikes:, then 4-6wks after that i should get my wages from the govs insolvency fund, so in 2 months time i'll have something :doh

:cwm23::censored::Brick: stitched up like a kipper again :ARsurrender:

24th June 2008, 15:06
It's the THOUGHT that COUNTS not the present itself. Happy Birthday, Hanna.


24th June 2008, 16:43
Keep it up!:)

You know him well then?:omg:

24th June 2008, 16:52
hi alan send my :birthday: wishes 2 ana...:xxparty-smiley-050:.
.im still working it out how to get the 6 lucky numbers,..... lol:icon_win:....

24th June 2008, 17:08
I've just sold LAST weeks numbers to a Manc on eBay :D

24th June 2008, 20:07
Happy Birthday Hanna :xxparty-smiley-050: - it's not what you get it's who you spend the day with.

Hoping for a speedy turnaround in fortunes for you Al - or just a fortune.


24th June 2008, 22:31
Outrageous petrol costs, rising council tax bills, rising gas prices, rising food prices, fuel surcharges, come on down to Gordon Brown's intrepid Britain and help pay for his wars ! come to the country where you live in the land of the Abu's who scrounge from our welfare state funded by the British taxpayer, whilst their ninja dressed wife's pick up £680.00 a week in handouts and live in 5 bedroomed houses subsidised at the expense of the very people who they purport to hate.

I mean come on....who would want to come and live here...stay there Al if you can, I just filled my car up yesterday, it cost me £72.00 for 58 litres of unleaded petrol, I went to Wendover in Buckinghamshire this morning, I left at 8.30am, I got stuck on the A12 at Brentwood, delayed for 1 hour, I resumed my journey, shot down the M25 to Junction 21A Where I was delayed again for 1 hour while traffic heading up the M1 was narrowed to 1 lane, I then got to Wendover for 11.30am, exactly 3 hours after I left home.

The journey takes exactly 58 minutes by shortest Sat Nav route, who would want this every day ?

And every day it is, I then drove back to Brentwood, and got stuck again in traffic heading down to the A13 at Thurrock, I then headed in towards the city, stuck again going to Blackwall, and then down to the South of London, more delays, more traffic, more petrol gone, its costing me £35.00 a day in fuel, only earlier this year it was £20.00 a day, do you really want to come back to all of this.

Gordon Brown goes off to Saudi Arabia to ask the oil rich royal family to increase production and expand refining capacity, wot Gordon no reduction in fuel duty ?

2 weeks ago my fuel bill for 1 weeks commercial travelling was £245.00 can you believe it £245.00 I filled up 4 times, over P20,000 in fuel for 1 week, on top of that I paid the congestion charge 4 times, at £8.00 that is £32.00 total costs for that week, £277.00.

And that is before I start to take in any fees, I mean come on I ask you, who wants a peice of this, and then having to contend with the worlds largest car park, and I can tell you all now, its not going to get any better, we are all in for a rough ride this year, and we are stuck with this cost of living for years to come.

So for those who want to come to live in Gordon Brown's standard Britain, think again, who would want a peice of the above.

25th June 2008, 07:34
Hi Al,

Best wishes to Hannah for her birthday.

If you came back to the UK would you be able to sort something and get back on to the road to recovery, can we help gat you back to the UK ?

25th June 2008, 09:06
.......whilst their ninja dressed wife's.....

25th June 2008, 19:44
I'm sure despite what you say Pete, people will still want to come here. The fact that there's a welfare state and irrespective of the increasing cost, most people DO have cars and other luxury goods.

26th June 2008, 18:02
I'm sure despite what you say Pete, people will still want to come here. The fact that there's a welfare state and irrespective of the increasing cost, most people DO have cars and other luxury goods.

Yes agree. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Fuel price rise is worldwide, not just in this country. Wherever you live it will have a bad effect :NoNo:

Sure it's cheaper to live in PI but if I'm outside in UK and my mobile rings, I can answer it and not go into a panic in case a snatcher hears it. :rolleyes:

26th June 2008, 22:05
I'm sure despite what you say Pete, people will still want to come here. The fact that there's a welfare state and irrespective of the increasing cost, most people DO have cars and other luxury goods.

I agree with what you said Gavanddal. Beside the welfare state, Western countries are still seen as the 'Big Apple'.
The migration of people from poor countries will not going to stop. It is a natural cycle, where there is benessere people will migrate and this will go on and on and on.
It is our human instinct that drives us to search for a greener pasture and seek abundancy in another land to make our lives and those of our family more bearable.

27th June 2008, 19:52
HAppy Birthday Hannah, better late than never..:)

29th June 2008, 05:37
To our respected Prof Al better half....Belated Happy Birthday Hanna:BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy:

29th June 2008, 08:28
I just checked my lotto numbers, Al......

And they didn't come up....:NoNo:

I was looking forward to a few extra millions to fill the car tank with, so I can get to work and back on Monday....:omg:

Very happy birthday Hanna!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

29th June 2008, 09:16
I just checked my lotto numbers, Al......

And they didn't come up....:NoNo:

I was looking forward to a few extra millions to fill the car tank with, so I can get to work and back on Monday....:omg:

Very happy birthday Hanna!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Never mind mate - my numbers didn't show either. Playing for years and never even had one single number come up!!!

Pick the same numbers every week: 50 - 52 - 55 - 61 - 63 - 74.


29th June 2008, 09:49
Never mind mate - my numbers didn't show either. Playing for years and never even had one single number come up!!!

Pick the same numbers every week: 50 - 52 - 55 - 61 - 63 - 74.


What are those, the birthdays you have had parties on? :)

29th June 2008, 10:22
There's always light at the end of the tunnel :xxgrinning--00xx3:

So you and Hanna can keep your chin up! :xxgrinning--00xx3: