View Full Version : Engagement Rings

5th July 2006, 11:38
Hi there,

Could i have a bit of advice please.

I am currently considering my options on buying an engagement for my mahal, now she told me she saw one in the mall for 400 pounds and i could not beleive it and how cheap that could be.

So am i deluding myself here - any experience of purchasing rings out there quality etc.


5th July 2006, 11:52
We bought Mel's engagement ring in Bohol last year, had it made to her own design, gold plus diamond cluster (that's as technical as I can get on this subject :D), ready in a couple of days, and a lot less than 400 quid! The ring has been perfect and still is, so don't worry about it: nearly everything's cheaper over there :) Just wish we could have got our wedding rings there too, but we didn't leave ourselves enough time for that. Anyway, if your fiancee likes it, just go for it! :rolleyes:

Ivor and Mel

5th July 2006, 12:48
I would not really consider £400 cheap for a ring but if you are going to spend that price over there you would need to make sure its good quality.

5th July 2006, 13:18
She wants me to surprise her though.

My sister says its gotta to be over a months salary so that's over £1000 :yikes:

But i think shes not expecting anything too expensive - difficult situation if i buy it out there how do i know its good quality or di buy one here for like 750 hmmmmmmmmmm

5th July 2006, 13:30
hello there..im a filipina and i agreed to ivor that products in philippines are cheaper than to compare here in UK..and the standard of quality is excellent..your fiancee made the right choice regarding the engagemement ring that she wants..because for us £400 is really worth enough..

5th July 2006, 13:31
hello there..im a filipina and i agreed to ivor that products in philippines are cheaper than to compare here in UK..and the standard of quality is excellent..your fiancee made the right choice regarding the engagemement ring that she wants..because for us £400 is really worth enough..

5th July 2006, 18:20
She wants me to surprise her though.

My sister says its gotta to be over a months salary so that's over £1000 :yikes:

But i think shes not expecting anything too expensive - difficult situation if i buy it out there how do i know its good quality or di buy one here for like 750 hmmmmmmmmmm

I do not think many follow that rule anymore of it being a month wage..

My wife told me that many filipino couples cannot afford engagement rings so most do not have one so i am sure your girlfriend will be very happy just to be getting one.

I am not sure many here would want to discuss the amount they spent on a ring but mine was less than what you are spending but be careful as my wife got a price told to her near where she lives but when we both arrived to look at it the price went up so make sure wherever she is looking for rings do not know she is marrying a white guy...:doh

5th July 2006, 19:12
I wouldn't mind saying how much we paid, but Mel would kill me :D But it was certainly less than 400! And good point about keeping out the way - maybe I should have done that! :Brick:

5th July 2006, 20:59
As Ivor says, Mel and any of the other ladies here at the forum, would not be happy with everyone knowing how much their engagement ring cost, or their wedding ring, but its correct to say, that you can get a much better quality ring made in the Philippines than in UK, my wife's engagement ring was bought the provinces, my wife said that its is better value, I wont disclose how much we paid for it, but she was very happy with the money that was spent on it, as for the wedding rings, I left that to my wife, she just told me how much was required, but I have one, and she has the same one, with diamond clusters on them, I never thought I would wear one, but I have got one, I think what you paid is a private matter, as everyone has different incomes and wealth.

The fact of the matter is, if it is given from the heart, then it doesnt matter how much the ring cost, one has to spend according to ones cloth, I would say I am not kuripot, and am generous to my wife where I can be, but we dont waste money, its a personal thing.

5th July 2006, 21:26
Spot on, Pete :) No point in adding to that.

Mel told me to say that :D

5th July 2006, 22:39
A months wage :yikes: I'd have to buy a diamond mine :Rasp:

6th July 2006, 12:33
Like it!

Thanks for your help guys


6th July 2006, 14:02
Im not too keen about expensive engagement ring, I won't bother at all if I got one or not but then my husband was eager to get one and his reason was because I deserved it. I did insist that its too much but then he never listen, must be the english thing...aww romantic?.:)

6th July 2006, 16:50
Im not too keen about expensive engagement ring, I won't bother at all if I got one or not but then my husband was eager to get one and his reason was because I deserved it. I did insist that its too much but then he never listen, must be the english thing...aww romantic?.:)

That was well said Ervenescene, and your husband was eager to get you one wasnt he ? good man !, and he is right, it is because you deserved it, as does Mel, Rhea Rose, Ping, Elsa, Gina, and all the other ladies whose other halves come to this forum, you all deserved a nice ring to wear, my wife also insisted that it was too much, but of course we wont listen, cos we want the best we can afford for you, see !! English man not kuripot...hehehehehehe

6th July 2006, 18:33
A nice shiny ring & a new mop :D

10th July 2006, 13:40
your gf is very lucky..400 pound here se high equivalent..
be proud of her..

10th July 2006, 23:52
Get her one of those lovely plastic ones out of an old christmas cracker. She would love it because it comes you you. lol

I think 400 is a bit steep for a really nice ring, but like Pete says, its all down to wealth and income and what you can realisitically afford. And as everyone else says the quality is excellent there. As our local jeweller commented when we took it to be cleaned recently.

11th July 2006, 08:37
Argos - £20 ;)

14th July 2006, 23:24
you can find it here too http://www.thediamondshop.co.uk/

15th July 2006, 07:46
A nice shiny ring & a new mop :D

....or a new ironing board!

This really happened to me! :Rasp:

15th July 2006, 08:06
Free pint... now Mrs F's offering to do all our ironing! You're a saint, Mrs F! :)