7th July 2006, 13:02
hello everyone.. its really good to know that eventhough we really don't know each other, you are all still here, trying all the best you can to find a solution and give information to all the questions that really bothers us..thanks for all the efforts..but anyways, i needed some help from you guys.. I am trying my very best to complete our documents..I am planning to get my husband this year. We will submit some pictures that we are together to satisfy the Entry Clearance Officer that we have met. Do you think that pictures will be paste on a white paper or just let it be? how about the letters rom us? Is it also fine to include my papers when I was operated here in UK last June 9? Do you really think that the dependant of a person holding a limited leave to remain visa can be granted a visa? Is there a really big chance about it since its a non-settlement visa? I have already read mostly of the UK visa websites, but I really need your suggestions 'coz most of us here already encountered some experiences with regards to UK visa processing...thanka for the all take care