View Full Version : I have been in Cebu for 2 days.

2nd July 2008, 11:30
I have been in Cebu for 2 days.


2nd July 2008, 11:34
I have been in Cebu for 2 days.


Hi kid, hope you and Hanna are having a great time.

Where are you staying in Cebu..???

2nd July 2008, 11:39
Have a great time Al and Hannah, you both deserve it

2nd July 2008, 12:39
Hope your enjoying the sun Al and Hanna. Think of us lot on the UK, shivering in the rain, paying sky high prices for everything and just being rather envious of you.

BBC reports today that a single person needs £13,400 a year to live in the UK. :NoNo:. And that doesn't include housing. Oh joy :cwm3:


2nd July 2008, 13:38
I have been in Cebu Prison for 2 days.


2nd July 2008, 13:46
Lol cant quote u boss cause that was only icon,was laughing out loud on sir Al words that he been in Cebu prison for 2 days :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

Hi kid, hope you and Hanna are having a great time.

Where are you staying in Cebu..???

Mod,u mean having great time in prison both of them :Erm::icon_lol::icon_lol:

2nd July 2008, 13:55
The only time I have been in prison - thank GOD - was to do some teaching to the prisoners. Would not exactly be my number one choice of life.

Actually went to Cebu for a job interview.

Got the job!!!! :BouncyHappy:

Now comes the hard bit - finding a cheap roof over my head. The job is in Mactan.


2nd July 2008, 14:14
Congratulations Al.

Is that making or drinking ?

Mactan is half Mackeson half Tartan isn't it ??

2nd July 2008, 14:29
Now comes the hard bit - finding a cheap roof over my head. The job is in Mactan.


Seen plenty of cheap roofs around Mactan airport from the plane. They're rusty corrugated steel usually. I guess you don't want THAT cheap eh?

2nd July 2008, 15:23
I think loads of properties around Mactan area, for rent or for sale. Just shop around and try to look at Cebu properties in the net.

Congrats and goodluck.

2nd July 2008, 15:57
That's really great news about the job - well done and good luck with the home hunt!

2nd July 2008, 17:27
Great news on the job my friend. I knew it! Well done. I'm truly delighted for you!

2nd July 2008, 17:44
Now comes the hard bit - finding a cheap roof over my head. The job is in Mactan.


Al's new house :xxgrinning--00xx3: .....idiots left the tap running :rolleyes:


2nd July 2008, 18:01
I have been in Cebu for 2 days.


Prof Al, that is a great news! Are you going to get a big villa so we can spend holidays with you and Hannah?:D


2nd July 2008, 18:16
Great news Al, well done on the job front, I hope they are paying you a decent wage, you and Hanna deserve it after the horror story of your buisness and the owner in the UK:BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy:

2nd July 2008, 18:33
The only time I have been in prison - thank GOD - was to do some teaching to the prisoners. Would not exactly be my number one choice of life.

Actually went to Cebu for a job interview.

Got the job!!!! :BouncyHappy:

Now comes the hard bit - finding a cheap roof over my head. The job is in Mactan.


You can stay at my house Al. PM me to know more details :xxgrinning--00xx3:

2nd July 2008, 19:24
You can stay at my house Al. PM me to know more details :xxgrinning--00xx3:
...I'm off to change my name to Al :D

2nd July 2008, 20:03
...I'm off to change my name to Al :D

So i'll just call you AL then Mr Admin:D

2nd July 2008, 20:05
You can call me Al :rolleyes:

2nd July 2008, 20:18
A man walks down the street
It's a street in a strange world
Maybe it's the Third World
Maybe it's his first time around
He doesn't speak the language
He holds no currency
He is a foreign man
He is surrounded by the sound
The sound
Cattle in the marketplace
Scatterlings and orphanages
He looks around, around
He sees angels in the architecture
Spinning in infinity
He says Amen! and Hallelujah!

If you'll be my bodyguard
I can be your long lost pal
I can call you Betty
And Betty when you call me
You can call me Al
Call me Al

oooh beetttyy

Sounds like me if i went op noorrff

2nd July 2008, 20:29
You can stay at my house Al. PM me to know more details :xxgrinning--00xx3:

lancashire:omg: thats one long jeepney ride to and from work:D

Only joking thats a very lovely offer to Al who hopefully is going to get some good luck go his way:xxgrinning--00xx3:

2nd July 2008, 20:51
...I'm off to change my name to Al :D

So how are you Boss Al?:icon_lol:

2nd July 2008, 20:54
lancashire:omg: thats one long jeepney ride to and from work:D

Only joking thats a very lovely offer to Al who hopefully is going to get some good luck go his way:xxgrinning--00xx3:

:icon_lol: I wonder how long will it take on jeepney to get to Lancashire? :Erm:

I've got a house in Lapu-lapu you see, and it's currently empty, and it will only rot without anyone in it, so I thought I'll offer it to Sir Al and the missis :xxgrinning--00xx3:

2nd July 2008, 21:13

And if you like Sir Al, you can also have full use of my Broom Broom :xxgrinning--00xx3:

What do you think?:smileybigtmouth:

2nd July 2008, 21:23
A man walks down the street
It's a street in a strange world
Maybe it's the Third World
Maybe it's his first time around
He doesn't speak the language
He holds no currency
He is a foreign man
He is surrounded by the sound
The sound
Cattle in the marketplace
Scatterlings and orphanages
He looks around, around
He sees angels in the architecture
Spinning in infinity
He says Amen! and Hallelujah!

If you'll be my bodyguard
I can be your long lost pal
I can call you Betty
And Betty when you call me
You can call me Al
Call me Al

oooh beetttyy

Sounds like me if i went op noorrff

I love the song :xxgrinning--00xx3:

2nd July 2008, 21:53
What do you think?:smileybigtmouth:

I claim the 5th amendment :xxparty-smiley-004:

2nd July 2008, 22:01
I claim the 5th amendment :xxparty-smiley-004:

Is that you Boss Al? :D


2nd July 2008, 23:32
Hi kid, hope you and Hanna are having a great time.

Where are you staying in Cebu..???

Hi Dom. We always stay at Fuente Pension.


2nd July 2008, 23:45
BBC reports today that a single person needs £13,400 a year to live in the UK.

Wow Rob, that must be, by now, almost 12 pints!!!!!!:xxgrinning--00xx3:


2nd July 2008, 23:56
Hi everyone.

As usual, many thanks for all your good wishes in this thread. (BTW - I have PMd. Tish - isn't that an unbelievable offer??) Just goes to prove about the wonderful 'family' here.

My job is at a private, English Language school (Cleverlearn English Language Institute - CELI) teaching English to, mainly, Koreans and Japanese.
The pay is not wonderful, but obviously better than nowt - and should be enough to keep me in dried fish and tuba!!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

I am supposed to go back there tomorrow for an induction day - but - as usual - can't get off the mountain at the moment - God is having a shower again.

I'll keep you posted!

Couple have twins - father has accident and can't attend the Christening - so his brother goes in his stead.
Afterwards, father says to uncle -
'So, what did you call the girl?'
Uncle replies:
That's a nice name' father replies - 'and what about the boy - what did you call him?'


3rd July 2008, 00:27
Daphne :icon_lol::icon_lol:

To Tish,
U are really that kind,keep up :cwm38::)

3rd July 2008, 07:11
Hi Dom. We always stay at Fuente Pension.


Al what is that pension house like?

We always stay at LS which is not far from Robinsons and if i remember costs 700 per night for a double room.

We will arrive in Cebu Saturday week!


3rd July 2008, 13:27
Al's new house :xxgrinning--00xx3: .....idiots left the tap running :rolleyes:


Yeah - but I'm REALLY proud of my garden! Mind you, I almost drown when I turn the soil.:rolleyes:


3rd July 2008, 13:36
Al what is that pension house like?

We always stay at LS which is not far from Robinsons and if i remember costs 700 per night for a double room.

We will arrive in Cebu Saturday week!


Hi John. Basically, Hanna and I stay there because we have always stayed there. Very popular, very clean, nice rooftop bar with great food - inexpensive. Food served until 10.00p.m. - bar open all night if you want.

990Pesos for 24 hours - in other words you don't have to check out by a certain time - you check out per 24 hour period - if that makes sense.

You can get cheaper of course, but a tenner for a good room - cable, free telephone, aircon etc... well, put it this way, Hanna and I are more than happy with Fuente pension.

2 minute walk to Robinsons - 50P taxi ride to Ayala Mall - about 70P to SM Mall. About 250P (or less) from the airport.

Hope that helps you John.

God bless,


3rd July 2008, 17:16
Yeah - but I'm REALLY proud of my garden! Mind you, I almost drown when I turn the soil.:rolleyes:


Like Paddys mates digging his grave when he asked to be buried at sea:)

3rd July 2008, 23:37
Like Paddys mates digging his grave when he asked to be buried at sea:)



4th July 2008, 04:44
Al what is that pension house like?

We always stay at LS which is not far from Robinsons and if i remember costs 700 per night for a double room.

We will arrive in Cebu Saturday week!


Pia and I stayed at the Midtown! That was nice!

4th July 2008, 08:46
Like Paddys mates digging his grave when he asked to be buried at sea:)

...And to keep the PC :action-smiley-081: happy, Paddy could be Irish, Polish, Israeli, or from any other country of the world :doh

5th July 2008, 03:04
Hi Al,

must not be that far from the one i normally use as its close to Robinsons also..

Will check that one out another time as cheaper is what i want for this trip as i have to pay for 2 rooms..

5th July 2008, 12:06
...And to keep the PC :action-smiley-081: happy, Paddy could be Irish, Polish, Israeli, or from any other country of the world :doh

He may have been called Doug:D

5th July 2008, 12:37
He may have been called Doug:D

old one's eh, take his spade from him and call him dougless :doh

5th July 2008, 23:59
Well guys, it's a lovely, sunny Sunday morning here in Valencia.
I could not go on the 'Induction' on Friday due to the terrible rain here.

I phoned the school and they said - OK, be here at 8.00 a.m. Monday (Tomorrow) and you can start!!

:omg: Start??? What's the curriculum? What are their teaching policies? What about my work permit? My Visa runs out Tuesday!!! Still nowhere to live (although going to look at Tish's house later today (bless you again Tish)):omg:

Don't miss the next exciting instalment of - HEEEEELLLLLLPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!

P.S. Wasn't Pacman sensational?
Good luck MARK WEBBER - a fantastic second place on the grid.


6th July 2008, 08:34
Great news al, hope we see each other when we are in Cebu, do you still have same mobile number. Ricky and Ging

6th July 2008, 08:40
Prof Al,
to be honest,:D sometimes i can't get your words:Cuckoo: either its humor or true already :Erm: :icon_lol::icon_lol:

7th July 2008, 12:47

I really wish Rochelyn was near you in Mactan as I would have no hesitation in paying for some extra hours English learning for her.
She could really do with some help as she is such a shy lady from the province and we have now made the decision to get her some lessons after we marry in August and whilst she applies and waits for her visa to be accepted.
The only problem is that she will live in Daanbantayan which is at the North end of Cebu Island. It is almost 4 hours by Ceres liner to get there from Cebu City and it is a small town.
She says there is a tutor up there so I will meet him soon and find out what he charges.
You sound like the perfect man to help her, I just wish she lived nearer to Mactan where you will work. :rolleyes:

13th July 2008, 10:22
Great news al, hope we see each other when we are in Cebu, do you still have same mobile number. Ricky and Ging

Yes Ricky - same cell number.


13th July 2008, 10:23
Prof Al,
to be honest,:D sometimes i can't get your words:Cuckoo: either its humor or true already :Erm: :icon_lol::icon_lol:

Jedc - neither can I all at once again yesterday.


13th July 2008, 10:25

I really wish Rochelyn was near you in Mactan as I would have no hesitation in paying for some extra hours English learning for her.
She could really do with some help as she is such a shy lady from the province and we have now made the decision to get her some lessons after we marry in August and whilst she applies and waits for her visa to be accepted.
The only problem is that she will live in Daanbantayan which is at the North end of Cebu Island. It is almost 4 hours by Ceres liner to get there from Cebu City and it is a small town.
She says there is a tutor up there so I will meet him soon and find out what he charges.
You sound like the perfect man to help her, I just wish she lived nearer to Mactan where you will work. :rolleyes:

Apo, you are right - it is a great shame. I would love to help her with her English.
Thank you for thinking of me to teach her however - I am honoured.


13th July 2008, 12:54
Apo, you are right - it is a great shame. I would love to help her with her English.
Thank you for thinking of me to teach her however - I am honoured.


Just a suggestion from a Londoner so treat it with the contempt it deserves:D

Can Mr Alan not help Rochelyn with her Englsih via the Telephone and MSN/yahoo im?

Most Phills i know write and read to a very good standard but speaking and understanding spoken English (the UK version anyway) is where they have difficulty once in Blighty.

Spoken English is also in many social and even many work situations far important to have a good understanding of in my Wifes experience at least.

Mr Alan could become the E English Teacher for those with loved ones in phill who need to develop, improve their English skills.

When my wife took her ilets exam it was hard to find decent online material (well four years ago it was) and that we did find was good for the exam but didn't prepare the Wife for slang and everyday terms we all use so much but rarely appear in any text books.

With a big downturn happening in the UK jobs will be hard to get hold of and those with poor English skills will not find it easy.

14th July 2008, 11:16
[QUOTE=andypaul;76494]Just a suggestion from a Londoner so treat it with the contempt it deserves:D

Can Mr Alan not help Rochelyn with her Englsih via the Telephone and MSN/yahoo im?

Most Phills i know write and read to a very good standard but speaking and understanding spoken English (the UK version anyway) is where they have difficulty once in Blighty.

Spoken English is also in many social and even many work situations far important to have a good understanding of in my Wifes experience at least.

Mr Alan could become the E English Teacher for those with loved ones in phill who need to develop, improve their English skills.

I appreciate this post mate - very much.

I shall do anything I can to help anyone with English (or maths, or French.)

Peanutz, if you are reading this - I know I have not got back to you yet - forgive me and please appreciate that I have been trying to find a job for myself - and somewhere to live. However, I am now 'partially settled' and will soon be in a position to do - 'E lessons.'

English 'A' Level - no problem - piece of cake - eat it - 'Marie Antoinette, 1789'
Maths - up to 'A' Level.
French - anything from beginner to Degree level - and conversation.

Keith - sorry if this sounds like an ad. for my services. IT IS!!!! Hope you allow it.


14th July 2008, 11:40
Hi Alan,

I am now back in Cebu with my sweetheart Rochelyn.

We are progressing with our marriage arrangements and hope to tie the knot late July/early August before going on our honeymoon, but onto a direct question:

If you are settled in September onwards, will you be in a position to teach English to Rochelyn?

I have asked Rochelyn if she would occasionally like to stay in Cebu and see you for these lessons.
Of course I undertsand you are busy with your new job and also house-hunting by the sounds of it.
If private lessons are still a possibility with you, I would like to pop over to Mactan to visit you soon to discuss this further.
Obviously, it would put both me and more importantly, Rochelyn's mind at ease with meeting someone new.

Please phone or text me on this Smart-buddy Phils phone number 09195399047 and I will phone back asap if you are interested.
If not please PM me :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Thanks and best wishes,

14th July 2008, 20:58

French - anything from beginner to Degree level - and conversation.


How about "O" level french..........???


15th July 2008, 07:59
u are all talking about cebu, waaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh!
makes me miss the sunny cebu!

18th July 2008, 23:08
No worries Prof Alan, when you are settled already and have more free time, just give me a shout!
I am interested, as I am going to pursue my study in higher level.:D

Hope you and Hannah are doing well.

Take care!

19th July 2008, 00:04
[quote=andypaul;76494]Just a suggestion from a Londoner so treat it with the contempt it deserves:D

Can Mr Alan not help Rochelyn with her Englsih via the Telephone and MSN/yahoo im?

Most Phills i know write and read to a very good standard but speaking and understanding spoken English (the UK version anyway) is where they have difficulty once in Blighty.

Spoken English is also in many social and even many work situations far important to have a good understanding of in my Wifes experience at least.

Mr Alan could become the E English Teacher for those with loved ones in phill who need to develop, improve their English skills.

I appreciate this post mate - very much.

I shall do anything I can to help anyone with English (or maths, or French.)

Peanutz, if you are reading this - I know I have not got back to you yet - forgive me and please appreciate that I have been trying to find a job for myself - and somewhere to live. However, I am now 'partially settled' and will soon be in a position to do - 'E lessons.'

English 'A' Level - no problem - piece of cake - eat it - 'Marie Antoinette, 1789'
Maths - up to 'A' Level.
French - anything from beginner to Degree level - and conversation.

Keith - sorry if this sounds like an ad. for my services. IT IS!!!! Hope you allow it.


The pleasure is all mine sir.

It was a real effort and strugle to help the Wife develop her UK English skills when she was studying for her ILets. Which i recomend yet again any phill coming over who hopes to intergrate, work or study in the UK takes as it gives you both something to aim for and a good indication of the level of your English skills.

It helped my Wife get a job when she first came over as it showed she had a good enough level of english to perform the job. It also gave her confidence.

I know a lot of Phils take this exam for traveling to uk,aus,new zealand, canada, the us etc. Or very similar exams. So word of mouth could get you a lot of work which would be good news:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Alan the E by gum teacher :D

Remeber Sir Alan of Oldham and Cebu us nerdy types will help however we can with any techy issues.

19th July 2008, 07:54

The pleasure is all mine sir.

It was a real effort and strugle to help the Wife develop her UK English skills when she was studying for her ILets. Which i recomend yet again any phill coming over who hopes to intergrate, work or study in the UK takes as it gives you both something to aim for and a good indication of the level of your English skills.

It helped my Wife get a job when she first came over as it showed she had a good enough level of english to perform the job. It also gave her confidence.

I know a lot of Phils take this exam for traveling to uk,aus,new zealand, canada, the us etc. Or very similar exams. So word of mouth could get you a lot of work which would be good news:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Alan the E by gum teacher :D

Remeber Sir Alan of Oldham and Cebu us nerdy types will help however we can with any techy issues.

Thanks again Andy. My hours of work mean that I am able to teach most afternoons and evenings after 3.00 p.m. and at weekends.
Word of mouth would be great - I am so very, very grateful for your and everybody's help on here. Have a drink on me.:xxgrinning--00xx3:
