View Full Version : Forgive & Forget

18th July 2008, 11:25
Most of you know the relationship between the Brits & Germans.....WE WON :Hellooo: .....They LOST :D....The French & Italians :ARsurrender: :icon_lol: ......but it's all in a good humoured way, the battlefield is now on the football field. :xxgrinning--00xx3: (Well done SPAIN :))....

....But how do Filipina's think about the Japs? Forgive & forget? Hope the burn in the darkest depths of Hell?

18th July 2008, 12:18
It all boils down on the gravity of one’s experience. My great grandparent’s family and relatives had a few share of such.

There are numerous sympathizers and supporters for the justice struggle of Filipina elders who suffered from systematic sexual assault. Some of them died while waiting for justice while others are still fighting for their rights with high hopes. They are now mostly in old age…and dying…

18th July 2008, 12:30
Such a sad thought really. Some of them didnt get the justice they deserved. I am still a bit weary with japanese. I know it was past...and i live in the future. I'll try to keep an open mind about it.

18th July 2008, 15:12
well, before, every time a Filipino parents see a Japanese men, they will tell their daughter to hide, but nowadays they will ask their daughter to get dress and be presentable coz Japanese are there...and they even allow their daughter to go to Japan and be a Japayuki...:icon_lol:

18th July 2008, 15:43
i just hate the japanese i am so sorry to say, my grandmothers a victim of their cruelty, i dont think i can ever forgive, i am learning to forget but hell i cant forgive!

18th July 2008, 16:32
well, before, every time a Filipino parents see a Japanese men, they will tell their daughter to hide, but nowadays they will ask their daughter to get dress and be presentable coz Japanese are there...and they even allow their daughter to go to Japan and be a Japayuki...:icon_lol:

before they are hiding when they knows the japanese men are coming but now if they knows japanese men are coming the legs are open wide to get ready lol

18th July 2008, 16:37
i just hate the japanese i am so sorry to say, my grandmothers a victim of their cruelty, i dont think i can ever forgive, i am learning to forget but hell i cant forgive!

is your mum got a compensation from the japanese government,coz i heard the japanese govrnment gives a compensation to the victims of what their men did to the filipino women.

18th July 2008, 17:26
is your mum got a compensation from the japanese government,coz i heard the japanese govrnment gives a compensation to the victims of what their men did to the filipino women.

nah we didnt really look into compensation my grandmother is really old now and we just want her to have a happy life we do not want to stress her with talks of compensation, we feel that a simple apology will do. i have heard of stories of what they did to my grandma and it is not pleasant, what hurts most is they dont even show remorse for what they have done.

18th July 2008, 17:58
Unfortunately countries at war will resort to barbaric acts.

People associate concentration camps with the Germans, but it was the British that first used them, rounding up whole families, putting them in concentration camps and then burning their homes.

The British in India were not much better at times.

But, it was not the present generation that carried out such barbaric acts, so the unfairness comes in tarring the whole lot with the same brush.

I'm not convinced that America acts in the world's interests, and they are certainly not innocent of wrongdoings even today.

What about the dropping of atomic bombs on Japan, and the hundreds of thousands of civilians killed, I would imaging that some Japanese would be hateful because of that.

Different cultures have different beliefs, and maybe some cultures don't see that remorse for a war time attrocity is needed. It does not mean that the present generation from that culture condoned the wrongs of the past, just that they are the past.

I understand that when you or your family are personally involved it is very different than me looking at it from the sidelines, but I think it would be to everybody's benefit if we could recognise these things for the terrible things they are, and work towards them never happening again, then our children and grandchildren won't need to have the deap seated emotions that some now have

18th July 2008, 23:59
i remember my Chinese friend telling me, how the Chinese were protesting, because the Japanese had changed what had really happened in WW2 in the kids history books at school a few years ago.

as for dropping atomic bombs on Japan, it ended the war, saving life's, but costing many life's, the Japanese would not have surrendered if they hadn't, the first bomb was dropped on the 6th of aug, why didn't they surrender then, the second on the 9th, and they finally surrendered on the 15th. more than 220,000 dead thou :NoNo:, and if they had not surrendered the Americans were planning to drop more bombs :NoNo:

as Russia had just declared war on Japan, were the Japanese trying to surrender to the Russians, but the Americans would never allow it ?

19th July 2008, 07:57
I would like a PS3.


19th July 2008, 11:54
Hatred and vengeance will not make you happy.

Why waste time to mull over it. Life is too short, there are more important things to do to make this world a better place for our children and the generations to come.

19th July 2008, 14:51
Unfortunately countries at war will resort to barbaric acts.

But, it was not the present generation that carried out such barbaric acts, so the unfairness comes in tarring the whole lot with the same brush.

What about the dropping of atomic bombs on Japan, and the hundreds of thousands of civilians killed, I would imaging that some Japanese would be hateful because of that.

So true... almost all nations have a dark history - but that doesn't have to mean we condemn any nation's future generations. "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone" comes to mind.

19th July 2008, 15:24
Some people pay to be tortured....naked.....:cwm24:......or so I've heard :rolleyes:

19th July 2008, 15:34
Some people pay to be tortured....naked.....:cwm24:......or so I've heard :rolleyes:

you've been reading the "want ads" again... :omg:

19th July 2008, 19:24
you've been reading the "want ads" again... :omg:

scouser keith has not been reading them, their his ad's :yikes:
