View Full Version : Fact Or Myth??? :-)

22nd July 2008, 21:25
Just for fun!!!

"I was in this car accident!! I got so shocked!! My hair went grey overnight!!":yikes:....a familiar claim in Britain but....

Can somebodies hair really go grey overnight? Can anyone confirm whether this is fact or myth? :rolleyes:

We've all seen those scenes on the TV, where the powerful female singer hits that high note, which 'causes a wine glass to smash!!:yikes:

So, is there really some female singers that can break glasses with their singing like that? Is it fact or myth? :rolleyes:

Any ideas?? :Erm: :rolleyes:

22nd July 2008, 21:41
You hair can only change colour at the follicles that produce them, so it would only change at the speed of which your hair grows......and yes, you can break glass with sound as it hits a critical frequency.

22nd July 2008, 23:02
If you choose the right hair dye it can be grey in about an hour

23rd July 2008, 03:49
You hair can only change colour at the follicles that produce them, so it would only change at the speed of which your hair grows......and yes, you can break glass with sound as it hits a critical frequency.


23rd July 2008, 20:17
"Dowsing" is an apparent ability to find water under the ground by using two "L" shaped sticks....:Erm:

I think it's a load of tosh! What do you guys think?:rolleyes: