View Full Version : Life in UK...now

23rd July 2008, 22:44
Hi to all. Everytime I visit this forum loads of new stories, successful visa and new post:). As I said before I work and work all the time (just to keep my self busy, as I am on my own here in UK, no family and single:rolleyes:) I work 70 hrs/week the most as I'm doing it for about 4 years now Im used to it and its like Im addicted to my work now:Erm: Sometimes when I don't have extra hours at work I feel bad coz it mean less money:bigcry:.

Anyway, I met a few filipina in my place who just arrived here in UK (some are spouse of a British citizen and some are spouse of filipino working here) I heard some of their stories how happy they are the time they get their visa till the time they arrive in UK. I met a new filipina in the church 2 weeks ago (spouse of a British)and she said she's been here in UK for about a year now and she's a bit frustrated that since then she managed to work for only 3 months thru agency (its hard to find a fulltime job now here I guess:NoNo:) and till now she's still looking for a permanent job as her family back home needs her help most of the time and she can't help them regularly.

My filipina workmate just got his husband 2 months ago and untill now he can't find a job (not much factories here in our area) as they're paying £400/month on a room they renting at the moment from £250/month for single occupancy. So, they're both frustrated as well as bills are double and only one wage coming in at the moment as their planning to get their 2 children before Christmas....:Erm:

May be some of the Britons here quite well off that their filipina wife may not need to go to work that's good for our kababayans. But for those who need to work to help their Brits husband to pay some bills and at the same time has a family to support in the Phils I hope they can find work if they're desparate to work and if the husband needs an extra support financially. I have a good filipina friend whose married to a Brit they met online a few years ago she said to me at the beginning of their relationship he said that if she's in UK already she needs to work to help him to pay some bills and if she wants to help her family back home (which is fair enough I guess as Brits are not rich as what filipinos in the Phils think) I think finding a job here now is a bit hard even in nursing home I am working now before Britons only last for just a day to work and gone the following day but now I can't believe it even young people now working there and it seems that they will stay for long.

UK is a nice place for me to work (as a work permit holder) as I get 100x on what I earned in the Phils but UK govt is trying to get rid of us caregivers:NoNo: that they might put us in Tier 3 as they think we're low skilled...which I beg to disagree:furious3:

Sorry to bore you guys...ingat!

23rd July 2008, 22:51
Awwww sorry to hear your not to happy at the moment..:NoNo:

I work 50 sometimes 60 hours a week, it's not fun..:NoNo: and I think the amount of holidays we get in England is pitiful..

Nevermind, the flowers still grow eh?:xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd July 2008, 22:58
I'm not working those hours presently but was previously doing 70 plus and not including travelling. I get 25 days holiday but in US standard is 2 weeks.

23rd July 2008, 23:04
:yikes::yikes: In the U.S. the standard holiday is two weeks???:yikes::yikes::yikes:

All filipino's should know that living in Britain isn't that great, sure it's great in some respects, but we work like hell just to break even...that's what it feels like..:Brick::Brick:

Still, it seems we've got a great sense of humour here in Britain..we've put up with Gordon Brown telling us to eat our leftovers so I guess we must have!!:icon_lol:

Mrs Daddy
24th July 2008, 16:42
I am only doing part time job but i am having like 5 weeks holiday,which is good:D

24th July 2008, 16:54
i used to work like 40 to 50 hours a week( good money:Cuckoo:) Not now hahahaha when i go back to work after my maternity leave i can work any day i want to..which is brilliant:xxgrinning--00xx3: just partime :)

my husband doesnt want me to go back to work... but its good to earn ur own money. and u can always give something to ur family in the phils if they needed something.though he always give me money and i keep all the cards lol!

24th July 2008, 19:11
A great post Chessewhiz.

I think many of us could learn a lot from that and like you say young brits are looking for jobs in the care home industry which as a tough and sadly not very well rewarded job (either moneywise or in respect from others in the comunity) does show how the working enviroment as changed dramtically in the last year.

All those looking for Jobs will need to ensure they have the skills and qualities needed and may need to either improve on or gain new ones skils and qualifications.

The good times are over for most where they could fall into a job
Walking round london I rarely see staff required in shops or cafe and the like, also the numbers working in them seems to have decreased.

24th July 2008, 19:22
Hi cheesewiz nice post:) Where are you in UK?

I know that getting a job right now here is a bit harder:NoNo: When I arrived here 5 years ago one of the biggest factoryin our area (employed about 2500 people) every week they advertise on newspaper (ofcourse loads of East European people there working specially Polish) but now they don't hire directly its all thru agency so they can get rid of them anytime they want.

My husband not forcing me to work form the very start but he said if I work I could add a bit to the house like food etc and at the same time I can help my family in the Phils if I need to. Actually, I get a lot of favour from my hubby like free transpo to my work everyday and loads and loads of favours. Next year I am thinking of just getting a part time job so he won't need to drive me to work everyday and let my hubby work harder:ARsurrender:

24th July 2008, 19:36
im sorry about what you are experiencing cheezwiz..
truly its hard to get a job here in the UK currently..
i started out as a temp with my current company... one of the other temps that i work with, who is originally from the UK, is still out temping as it is hard for him to get a permanent job currently. and that is from someone who is experienced in his field..
Times are hard right now in the UK... for everyone.. :(

25th July 2008, 08:54
im sorry about what you are experiencing cheezwiz..
truly its hard to get a job here in the UK currently..
i started out as a temp with my current company... one of the other temps that i work with, who is originally from the UK, is still out temping as it is hard for him to get a permanent job currently. and that is from someone who is experienced in his field..
Times are hard right now in the UK... for everyone.. :(


well, i'm actually experiencing it now, no work yet til this time, although i'm still in my third week here in UK but i'm so eager to work just to lessen a bit on boredom being at home. also, it would be much better if i have my own income and not rely all my personal needs from my hubby's earnings.

25th July 2008, 19:06
Hi to all. Everytime I visit this forum loads of new stories, successful visa and new post:). As I said before I work and work all the time (just to keep my self busy, as I am on my own here in UK, no family and single:rolleyes:) I work 70 hrs/week the most as I'm doing it for about 4 years now Im used to it and its like Im addicted to my work now:Erm: Sometimes when I don't have extra hours at work I feel bad coz it mean less money:bigcry:.

Anyway, I met a few filipina in my place who just arrived here in UK (some are spouse of a British citizen and some are spouse of filipino working here) I heard some of their stories how happy they are the time they get their visa till the time they arrive in UK. I met a new filipina in the church 2 weeks ago (spouse of a British)and she said she's been here in UK for about a year now and she's a bit frustrated that since then she managed to work for only 3 months thru agency (its hard to find a fulltime job now here I guess:NoNo:) and till now she's still looking for a permanent job as her family back home needs her help most of the time and she can't help them regularly.

My filipina workmate just got his husband 2 months ago and untill now he can't find a job (not much factories here in our area) as they're paying £400/month on a room they renting at the moment from £250/month for single occupancy. So, they're both frustrated as well as bills are double and only one wage coming in at the moment as their planning to get their 2 children before Christmas....:Erm:

May be some of the Britons here quite well off that their filipina wife may not need to go to work that's good for our kababayans. But for those who need to work to help their Brits husband to pay some bills and at the same time has a family to support in the Phils I hope they can find work if they're desparate to work and if the husband needs an extra support financially. I have a good filipina friend whose married to a Brit they met online a few years ago she said to me at the beginning of their relationship he said that if she's in UK already she needs to work to help him to pay some bills and if she wants to help her family back home (which is fair enough I guess as Brits are not rich as what filipinos in the Phils think) I think finding a job here now is a bit hard even in nursing home I am working now before Britons only last for just a day to work and gone the following day but now I can't believe it even young people now working there and it seems that they will stay for long.

UK is a nice place for me to work (as a work permit holder) as I get 100x on what I earned in the Phils but UK govt is trying to get rid of us caregivers:NoNo: that they might put us in Tier 3 as they think we're low skilled...which I beg to disagree:furious3:

Sorry to bore you guys...ingat!

i agree in all you said...

i got fortunate of having a job as a room attendant in a hotel quickly when i arrive here in uk last year, well thats because my hubby Is also working on desame place and he recommend me. But maintaining it is really hard, coz the nature of my job is really difficult,most of the time i get back pain and lots of bruses. Some people who sees my bruses think my hubby hurt me...well nop nop nop:NoNo: (we argue but he wouldnt dare to hurt me physically,,,,he is a gentle giant)
but i manage to stay on desame job for almost a year now....most of my co worker are polish and almost all of them just last 2 to 3 months then they resign...even the students who is taking hospitality course and would like to get an experience in hotel and on desame time get some extra cash dont last in our job...

with my salary i can able to share half of our bills and expenses with my hubby,send support to my family in PI and on desame time buy stuff for my self...well at the end of the month all those hard working and bone crashing job is worthied.
My hubby is not forcing me to work or stay in that job,most of the time when he see me very tired and cant almost stand up from the sofa, he carried me to the bedroom and even ask me to stop working the next day and just resign...but this job is really helpfull not only for me but to every one at the moment,,,so i keep on saying to him no....until i get a new job i wont give up my current job...

i been trying to apply in other establishment for a much better job but unfortunately i still cant get any...thats why im still in my current job.

well anyway,,,your story didnt bore me...235

im glad somebody realize and understand other peoples situation....:xxgrinning--00xx3:

keep on smiling:BouncyHappy:

25th July 2008, 21:11
i agree in all you said...

i got fortunate of having a job as a room attendant in a hotel quickly when i arrive here in uk last year, well thats because my hubby Is also working on desame place and he recommend me. But maintaining it is really hard, coz the nature of my job is really difficult,most of the time i get back pain and lots of bruses. Some people who sees my bruses think my hubby hurt me...well nop nop nop:NoNo: (we argue but he wouldnt dare to hurt me physically,,,,he is a gentle giant)
but i manage to stay on desame job for almost a year now....most of my co worker are polish and almost all of them just last 2 to 3 months then they resign...even the students who is taking hospitality course and would like to get an experience in hotel and on desame time get some extra cash dont last in our job...

with my salary i can able to share half of our bills and expenses with my hubby,send support to my family in PI and on desame time buy stuff for my self...well at the end of the month all those hard working and bone crashing job is worthied.
My hubby is not forcing me to work or stay in that job,most of the time when he see me very tired and cant almost stand up from the sofa, he carried me to the bedroom and even ask me to stop working the next day and just resign...but this job is really helpfull not only for me but to every one at the moment,,,so i keep on saying to him no....until i get a new job i wont give up my current job...

i been trying to apply in other establishment for a much better job but unfortunately i still cant get any...thats why im still in my current job.

well anyway,,,your story didnt bore me...235

im glad somebody realize and understand other peoples situation....:xxgrinning--00xx3:

keep on smiling:BouncyHappy:
Intresting read and hopefully your have some good news soon:xxgrinning--00xx3:

26th July 2008, 21:35
Intresting read and hopefully your have some good news soon:xxgrinning--00xx3:

thanks andy paul...i have applied again to another job (hehehehe i never stop) and i have an interview on wednesday... hopefully i can post a positive news next time....

any way...

good luck every one...


26th July 2008, 22:13
:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: A job is not the only way to make money you know...I'm thinking of starting an e-bay shop.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

26th July 2008, 22:22
thanks andy paul...i have applied again to another job (hehehehe i never stop) and i have an interview on wednesday... hopefully i can post a positive news next time....

any way...

good luck every one...


Great news and good luck.

26th July 2008, 23:06
Hi to all. Everytime I visit this forum loads of new stories, successful visa and new post:). As I said before I work and work all the time (just to keep my self busy, as I am on my own here in UK, no family and single:rolleyes:) I work 70 hrs/week the most as I'm doing it for about 4 years now Im used to it and its like Im addicted to my work now:Erm: Sometimes when I don't have extra hours at work I feel bad coz it mean less money:bigcry:.

UK is a nice place for me to work (as a work permit holder) as I get 100x on what I earned in the Phils but UK govt is trying to get rid of us caregivers:NoNo: that they might put us in Tier 3 as they think we're low skilled...which I beg to disagree:furious3:

Sorry to bore you guys...ingat!

Hey, life is never fair nor easy for all. Look positive and make plans, I mean long term plans. The government is just being fair to the locals. Its all about demand and supply. I was not born with a silver spoon either, but you just have to make the best of what you have. Working hard alone is not enough, you got to work smart to go up in life.

Best Wishes

26th July 2008, 23:17
:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: A job is not the only way to make money you know...I'm thinking of starting an e-bay shop.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

thats a good idea...
my hubby is selling 2nd hand laptop in ebay,,,and it went alright,,,good source of extra income for us...


26th July 2008, 23:22
thats a good idea...
my hubby is selling 2nd hand laptop in ebay,,,and it went alright,,,good source of extra income for us...

cheers!!! I've been selling my old record collection, it was mostly rare/collectable records. An Alanis Morrisette vinyl L.P. (Jagged Little Pill) I auctioned went for £62!!:yikes: It was bought by a guy in Canada!:)

26th July 2008, 23:29
I've been selling my old record collection, it was mostly rare/collectable records. An Alanis Morrisette vinyl L.P. (Jagged Little Pill) I auctioned went for £62!!:yikes: It was bought by a guy in Canada!:)

wow cool!!!
good for you!!!


27th July 2008, 00:27
Sorry to hear your story cheezwiz, sounds like many share the same issues.

I'm not working those hours presently but was previously doing 70 plus and not including travelling. I get 25 days holiday but in US standard is 2 weeks.

Good point Toks,... also, Americans don't usually have a job contract and can be removed from their job at any time. Most Brits have a job contract at least. Like me, I bet you worked the 70 hours but only got paid for 35!

Sorry to hear that work life is so tough for new settlers in the UK but work life is tough for everyone just now and in most countries (even France is scrapping the 35 hour week) - but it will get better! The company I work for just laid off several hundred employees in the US and UK. My advice for people would be to look to the long term and get re-educated. When the upswing comes you'll be ready to take advantage of new job openings that will come along and be able to benefit from much higher rates than if you stay as you are.

The 2 Filipinas that work in the same company as me did exactly this and now earn higher than average UK rates of pay.

Good luck to everyone in today's challenging employment environment!

27th July 2008, 09:41
:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: A job is not the only way to make money you know...I'm thinking of starting an e-bay shop.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Great idea.....think I'll give it a go :rolleyes: ........Selling Filipina's :icon_lol:

27th July 2008, 10:22
The 2 Filipinas that work in the same company as me did exactly this and now earn higher than average UK rates of pay.

Good luck to everyone in today's challenging employment environment!

What is the average salary in the UK now? I heard that it was £19k a couple of years ago.:Erm:

27th July 2008, 10:26
What is the average salary in the UK now? I heard that it was £19k a couple of years ago.:Erm:

Hi Ben

The results of the 2007 Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE) show that median weekly pay for full-time employees in the UK grew by 2.9 per cent in the year to April 2007 to reach £457, i.e. approx. £25K per annum. Median earnings of full-time male employees was £498 per week in April 2007; for women the median was £394. What a disparity!

The top 10 per cent of the earnings distribution earned more than £906 per week, while the bottom 10 per cent earned less than £252.

The occupations with the highest earnings in 2007 were 'Health professionals', (median pay of full-time employees of £1,019 a week), followed by 'Corporate managers' (£702) and 'Science and technology professionals' (£670). The lowest paid of all full-time employees were 'Sales occupations', at £264 a week. I am truly surprised by the gross earnings of sales occupations but i guess it includes some that are poorly paid in the retail sector.

27th July 2008, 11:10
The occupations with the highest earnings in 2007 were 'Health professionals', (median pay of full-time employees of £1,019 a week), followed by 'Corporate managers' (£702) and 'Science and technology professionals' (£670). The lowest paid of all full-time employees were 'Sales occupations', at £264 a week. I am truly surprised by the gross earnings of sales occupations but i guess it includes some that are poorly paid in the retail sector.

i've got no problems with health consultants and E and A staff earning the top wages, with the stress of the job, what price can you put on saving someone's life :Erm:

as for ebay,' People making the odd trade online to get rid of unwanted Christmas presents or personal possessions are not considered traders, says Hartlib. But anyone who is specifically buying goods to sell for a profit online, making items to sell and make a profit, selling or buying goods on behalf of others for a commission, or providing a service and receiving payment in cash or in kind is trading.' and i think you need to tell the tax man :yikes: :Erm:

27th July 2008, 12:19
Hi Ben

The results of the 2007 Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE) show that median weekly pay for full-time employees in the UK grew by 2.9 per cent in the year to April 2007 to reach £457, i.e. approx. £25K per annum. Median earnings of full-time male employees was £498 per week in April 2007; for women the median was £394. What a disparity!

The top 10 per cent of the earnings distribution earned more than £906 per week, while the bottom 10 per cent earned less than £252.

The occupations with the highest earnings in 2007 were 'Health professionals', (median pay of full-time employees of £1,019 a week), followed by 'Corporate managers' (£702) and 'Science and technology professionals' (£670). The lowest paid of all full-time employees were 'Sales occupations', at £264 a week. I am truly surprised by the gross earnings of sales occupations but i guess it includes some that are poorly paid in the retail sector.

I think your right about the sales section including shop workers and remeber a lot of sales people actually have low salaries its all commision.

Many sales people i know all ways plead poverty and have alsorts of ways of getting paid which reduce the way its declared to the tax office.

27th July 2008, 12:26
it includes some that are poorly paid in the retail sector.

£264? Where did they get that figure from. If I worked full-time at Morris's Son, I would NOT get that.

Most retailers pay either National Minimum or a few pence above it (Morris's son is a good example). The retailer I work for now is paying 30p above National Minimum, which is way above the norm in the retail sector, with a 20p rise per hour coming in October.

27th July 2008, 12:32
Sorry to hear your story cheezwiz, sounds like many share the same issues.

Good point Toks,... also, Americans don't usually have a job contract and can be removed from their job at any time. Most Brits have a job contract at least. Like me, I bet you worked the 70 hours but only got paid for 35!

Sorry to hear that work life is so tough for new settlers in the UK but work life is tough for everyone just now and in most countries (even France is scrapping the 35 hour week) - but it will get better! The company I work for just laid off several hundred employees in the US and UK. My advice for people would be to look to the long term and get re-educated. When the upswing comes you'll be ready to take advantage of new job openings that will come along and be able to benefit from much higher rates than if you stay as you are.

The 2 Filipinas that work in the same company as me did exactly this and now earn higher than average UK rates of pay.

Good luck to everyone in today's challenging employment environment!

Good advice im surprised how few people at work even in a fast moving and everchanging industry like the one im in. Just dont bother keeping up to date with existing skils and even more importantly learning new ones.

Also keep up to date with the direction the industry you work in is moving and see what skills employees will need. Better to be proactive and help yourself than wait for someone to train you up.

The more skills and usefulness you have to company the more they will wnat to hold on to you.
Companies are there to earn a return for their owners, if employees or areas of the business dont make them money and bring no other benefits to the company they will try and get rid of them. One of the easist ways to get rid of people (in the morden working enviroment) is to not pay them rises and make them not feel wanted or as Andy says lay them off.

Its worth sitting down and looking at what you bring to the table for your employer or prospective employer and seeing how you can make your self more indisposable or attractive to them.

Some of the people i meet or know of already when i discover how they got their current very nice job many have put in a lot of hours of study and carry on doing so.

Your never to old to learn or change

27th July 2008, 15:55
Hi Ben

The results of the 2007 Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE) show that median weekly pay for full-time employees in the UK grew by 2.9 per cent in the year to April 2007 to reach £457, i.e. approx. £25K per annum. Median earnings of full-time male employees was £498 per week in April 2007; for women the median was £394. What a disparity!

The top 10 per cent of the earnings distribution earned more than £906 per week, while the bottom 10 per cent earned less than £252.

The occupations with the highest earnings in 2007 were 'Health professionals', (median pay of full-time employees of £1,019 a week), followed by 'Corporate managers' (£702) and 'Science and technology professionals' (£670). The lowest paid of all full-time employees were 'Sales occupations', at £264 a week. I am truly surprised by the gross earnings of sales occupations but i guess it includes some that are poorly paid in the retail sector.

Thanks mate for the information. £25k seems a little high for an individual, looking at some of my friends here.

27th July 2008, 18:05
Great idea.....think I'll give it a go :rolleyes: ........Selling Filipina's :icon_lol:

WOW, how much??? Do you pay the shipping charges? More importantly, do you take Amex? :Cuckoo:

27th July 2008, 18:56
Thanks mate for the information. £25k seems a little high for an individual, looking at some of my friends here.

Lets be honest london and some of the very top earners distort the national avg wage.

27th July 2008, 20:04
....do you take Amex? :Cuckoo:

Western Union only....accounts in Nigeria :rolleyes:

27th July 2008, 20:58
Lets be honest london and some of the very top earners distort the national avg wage.

For the employees working for me in my department (creative) minimum is 23k, based in Bradford (not the most prosperous city in the UK by a long way) - and they are all HEY graded and so I take it's the same for other design companies in the North.

27th July 2008, 21:05
Western Union only....accounts in Nigeria :rolleyes:

Just a minute, this is beginning to sound familiar now... was it you that sold me the deeds to a biofuel quarry in Western Sahara? :doh

27th July 2008, 21:20
Just a minute, this is beginning to sound familiar now... was it you that sold me the deeds to a biofuel quarry in Western Sahara? :doh
With as much free sand as you could carry......sure was :xxgrinning--00xx3:

27th July 2008, 23:17
For the employees working for me in my department (creative) minimum is 23k, based in Bradford (not the most prosperous city in the UK by a long way) - and they are all HEY graded and so I take it's the same for other design companies in the North.

Im sure there are people on higher amounts who deserve the money but i know many professions have London weighting.

Then there are the silly salaries in the city and west end i can think people I know who are glorified admin staff on 2-3 times even more for some PA's:omg: many cant belive the amount they get.

28th July 2008, 23:33
Im sure there are people on higher amounts who deserve the money but i know many professions have London weighting.

Then there are the silly salaries in the city and west end i can think people I know who are glorified admin staff on 2-3 times even more for some PA's:omg: many cant belive the amount they get.


I guess as Toks mentioned, the median should be the guide and not a falsely weighted "average".

31st July 2008, 09:36
i've got no problems with health consultants and E and A staff earning the top wages, with the stress of the job, what price can you put on saving someone's life :Erm:

as for ebay,' People making the odd trade online to get rid of unwanted Christmas presents or personal possessions are not considered traders, says Hartlib. But anyone who is specifically buying goods to sell for a profit online, making items to sell and make a profit, selling or buying goods on behalf of others for a commission, or providing a service and receiving payment in cash or in kind is trading.' and i think you need to tell the tax man :yikes: :Erm:I agree, People that save lives are worth more than their weighting gold. My work involves ensuring that new drugs don't kill the patients they are prescribed to once licensed. Does that count? :) If so, I'll tell my boss.

I think your right about the sales section including shop workers and remeber a lot of sales people actually have low salaries its all commision.

Many sales people i know all ways plead poverty and have alsorts of ways of getting paid which reduce the way its declared to the tax office.That's a good point. It says this figure relate to earnings but i am uncertain whether it takes commission into account. I'm always look for ways to reduce my tax. It's totally ridiculous at the best of times. I hate looking at deduction lines on my pay slip.

£264? Where did they get that figure from. If I worked full-time at Morris's Son, I would NOT get that.

Most retailers pay either National Minimum or a few pence above it (Morris's son is a good example). The retailer I work for now is paying 30p above National Minimum, which is way above the norm in the retail sector, with a 20p rise per hour coming in October.Is that how the name Morrison's was derived? I just learned something :xxgrinning--00xx3: - it does make sense though.

Good advice im surprised how few people at work even in a fast moving and everchanging industry like the one im in. Just dont bother keeping up to date with existing skils and even more importantly learning new ones.

Also keep up to date with the direction the industry you work in is moving and see what skills employees will need. Better to be proactive and help yourself than wait for someone to train you up.

The more skills and usefulness you have to company the more they will wnat to hold on to you.
Companies are there to earn a return for their owners, if employees or areas of the business dont make them money and bring no other benefits to the company they will try and get rid of them. One of the easist ways to get rid of people (in the morden working enviroment) is to not pay them rises and make them not feel wanted or as Andy says lay them off.

Its worth sitting down and looking at what you bring to the table for your employer or prospective employer and seeing how you can make your self more indisposable or attractive to them.

Some of the people i meet or know of already when i discover how they got their current very nice job many have put in a lot of hours of study and carry on doing so.

Your never to old to learn or changeToo true. I have my eye on China currently and am learning Chines (very slowly). Given the population, increasing wealth, and changing regulatory environment it will be so many times more influential than India has become in terms of raw material supply, drug manufacture, new product development and clinical testing.

Thanks mate for the information. £25k seems a little high for an individual, looking at some of my friends here.I think certain sectors and regional differences strongly temper these trends.

Western Union only....accounts in Nigeria :rolleyes:What is it with you and Nigeria? :icon_lol:

Just a minute, this is beginning to sound familiar now... was it you that sold me the deeds to a biofuel quarry in Western Sahara? :doh:)


I guess as Toks mentioned, the median should be the guide and not a falsely weighted "average".
:xxgrinning--00xx3:I agree!

31st July 2008, 12:25
Man that's a shocking amount of working hours/wk.

Do you receive much vacation for working 70 hours per week?

1st August 2008, 01:44
Man that's a shocking amount of working hours/wk.

Do you receive much vacation for working 70 hours per week?

I don't know about Toks, but I rarely take my full 5 week allowance. The company travel part does have its perks though, when in the US I get weekends away (in Maine on the beach last weekend) - skiing weekends in winter in New Hampshire, or when I go to China, I usually do some travel to other countries, Japan etc. The long hours plays havoc with social life and body clock!

How about you Toks?

1st August 2008, 01:57
I don't know about Toks, but I rarely take my full 5 week allowance. The company travel part does have its perks though, when in the US I get weekends away (in Maine on the beach last weekend) - skiing weekends in winter in New Hampshire, or when I go to China, I usually do some travel to other countries, Japan etc. The long hours plays havoc with social life and body clock!

How about you Toks?
AndyDitto Andy. I get weekends in great locations too. I had a series of European meetings recently. My boss happened to be over from the US and we spent a couple of days in Dijon sampling fine wines, doing tours and enjoying excellent cuisine. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Because I often work weekends etc when I take a few days off it rarely comes out of my entitlement. I have not had any formal leave so far this year. In fact, even when I do have days off I do work anyway. I have not taken my full holiday entitement for years. That will change though now that Pia will be here. My marriage comes first and having adequate time together is important to me. My pc will no longer be by my bed with me waking up to check emails etc. :NoNo:

The nice thing is that my company expects the best people it can employ to work hard but also values family. Thus, it is common to see wives and gfs of employees milling around the hotel during conferences and joining us for corporate dinners, etc. :)

I have drastically reduced my travelling for the time being. I hit platinum status this year in 3 months travelling economy to primarily European destinations. Phew!! I have not travelled on business since June 26th and wont do so until it is absolutely necessary and Pia is settled. Even then i will try to make them EU day trips for now. :Hellooo: