View Full Version : we were denied today

25th July 2008, 00:36
please pete and win -win frances and i need your help yesterday frances had her interview and was denied the reason jackie lewin gave was that she did not belive there was a wedding taking place {how wrong she was} she told frances that she belived the document from the caterer was false as the embassy telephoned 3 times only to be hung up on,i have spoken to the caterer today and she told me she has had no such call.the other reason was last year frances aunt invited her to the uk to visit her and also we were going to take the oppertunity to meet each other at the same time,but jackie lewin said why did she not mention me in the application fo the visit visa.we did not hide this as i mentioned in my support letter that when her visit visa was denied i decided to go to the philippines.as far as i can see we met all the requirments ,how can they deney us when we had eveything?.please all you experts what should our next step be ? were not giving up without a fight i meam were never giving up until were together.that lady redused my fiancee to tears and put words in her mouth i wonder if she can sleep at night?

25th July 2008, 00:57
oh no.... sorry to hear about that philip...

25th July 2008, 06:56
Philip and Frances

Pia and I were really so sad to hear what happened.

I am presuming you had evidence of relationship (chats, etc) from spannin a period prior to Frances' denied visit visa application for the UK last yearto now. So its not unreasonable to determine that you have a relationship and were going to meet last year, your chats would support that.

Re. the caterer, it could be that the caterer misunderstood something or the ECO called te wrong people. It can happen but what a bout the church booking and also the hall details, etc. They could have verified that way. Did you have booking details, quotes relatng to a particular day etc.?

The reason why i ask these things is because it seems to me that an appeal could be appropriate depending on your answers to these and similar questions. You could then get lettrs from the caterer stating that she/he received no calls etc.

We are truly sorry about this. I was waiting yesterday for Frances' posting and even sent her a message asking how it went.

God bless you both!

Pia and Toks

25th July 2008, 07:23
hi Toks and Pia!
First of all i wanted to congratulate the two of you,Phillip and I were happy to read your posting yesterday.
Thank you for the kindness,anyway i did not get your message yesterday.Yes we had all the chat logs since last year up to our application.
My only fault was that when I applied last year i did not mention in my application that I will visit Phillip,for fear that the embassy would think i would not be coming back,and since it was my aunt who invited me and send the letter of invitation.
We had the the provisional booking for the church and for the caterer as well.
For now we will just wait for the letter of refusal to arrive so we could address them.
God Bless you and Pia.

25th July 2008, 07:46
Frances and Philip, so sorry to hear this news, we really feel for you at this time.
From what you have said, in my opinion you have a strong case for appeal, the reasons for rejecting your application seam very weak and I am sure you can prove to the embassy your intent to marry and clarify any misunderstanding..

Good luck, we pray for your successful appeal.

25th July 2008, 08:00
Thank you for the prayers John and Vanessa.
Good luck on your application we are also praying for you.

25th July 2008, 08:39
hi sis... i feel sad to hear that....

25th July 2008, 08:47
hello sis please continue praying for us.Thank you

25th July 2008, 08:50
hello sis please continue praying for us.Thank you

I will sis....

25th July 2008, 09:02
My only fault was that when I applied last year i did not mention in my application that I will visit Phillip,for fear that the embassy would think i would not be coming back,and since it was my aunt who invited me and send the letter of invitation.

And this is why we constantly tell EVERYONE to never hide ANYTHING from the immigration authorities, as in most cases it will come back and bite your ass. They will then consider your application, and any future ones to contain misleading information.

You have two options, appeal or marry in the Phil.

With an appeal you only need to concentrate on the reason you failed, and that means doing it from the embassies point of view. Look at it from their side and figure out what evidence of proof you would like to see.

One of the ways of 'confirming' the details is to use an independent, but known respectable solicitor (yer right!! :icon_lol:). Make a list of all the wedding contacts, dates, plans, caterer, church, etc, with all contact addresses & phone numbers etc, and have him verify them, and then give you an official letter verifying that they are true.

PLUS get letters from all those on the list verifying that a wedding will be taking place.

Doing all that gives solid proof of wedding plans, that cannot be questioned.

You can also add more solid evidence you can think off as well, even if you think it is meaningless. It all puts the puzzle together.

Refuses visa's do not mean they are saying you cannot ever come to the UK, but that on that occassion you did not supply enough proof to satisfy them.

Do I get some REP now? :D

25th July 2008, 09:07
And this is why we constantly tell EVERYONE to never hide ANYTHING from the immigration authorities, as in most cases it will come back and bite your ass. They will then consider your application, and any future ones to contain misleading information.

You have two options, appeal or marry in the Phil.

With an appeal you only need to concentrate on the reason you failed, and that means doing it from the embassies point of view. Look at it from their side and figure out what evidence of proof you would like to see.

One of the ways of 'confirming' the details is to use an independent, but known respectable solicitor (yer right!! :icon_lol:). Make a list of all the wedding contacts, dates, plans, caterer, church, etc, with all contact addresses & phone numbers etc, and have him verify them, and then give you an official letter verifying that they are true.

PLUS get letters from all those on the list verifying that a wedding will be taking place.

Doing all that gives solid proof of wedding plans, that cannot be questioned.

You can also add more solid evidence you can think off as well, even if you think it is meaningless. It all puts the puzzle together.

Refuses visa's do not mean they are saying you cannot ever come to the UK, but that on that occassion you did not supply enough proof to satisfy them.

Do I get some REP now? :D

Very well said boss...:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

25th July 2008, 09:08
thanks win 2 win but i did state in my supporting letter that when frances was denied her visit visa that i just had to go to the philippines to meet her,so we did not hide the fact she was denied the visit visa.

25th July 2008, 09:14
but what does it matter after all frances is comming here to to mary me ?

25th July 2008, 09:15
Thank you Mr Administrator!
I admit it was my fault because i did not mention last year when i applied for visit visa.
Your post is a big help. : )

25th July 2008, 09:25
thanks win 2 win but i did state in my supporting letter that when frances was denied her visit visa that i just had to go to the philippines to meet her,so we did not hide the fact she was denied the visit visa.

You didn't hide it!

Thank you Mr Administrator!
I admit it was my fault because i did not mention last year when i applied for visit visa.
Your post is a big help. : )

You did hide it!

25th July 2008, 09:46
Hi Phillip

I think what Keith is saying is that they are questioning Frances' application as she did not mention that she said had a bf and was planning to meet him while there on her visit visa.

Unfortunately, they are now assuming that she had something to hide as visiting a bf is probably a stronger case for an application than just visiting an aunty. Maybe because that does not add up to them they are querying other things. Anyway, this has happened. We now need to find a way to get you guys together asap. I think an appeal is the way forward for you. Between what Keith has advised and the rest that will come I am sure you will be successful.

I believe that Keith summed up the requirements for an appeal really well and like Sconnie i believe you have a good case to lodge an appeal. i'm sure that if you do it really well you will be successful. I really wish you the best with that and will keep you in prayer.

Regarding marrying in da Phils. I have seen it said her on a couple of threads that it is probably easier to apply for a Spousal Visa than it is for a Fiancee Visa. But i really believe your appeal could be the answer.

God bless you both!

25th July 2008, 10:08
i dont see the problem in frances not mentioning me in her visit visa,why does it matter as now we have decided after my visit to the philippines we want to spend our lifes together.what do they think were trying to do ?we just want to be together.maybe they want us to spend another £500 pounds ?

25th July 2008, 10:18
Yes Piamed we think it's our best option we are going to appeal just waiting for the refusal letter to arrive.
Amigo do you think I can share with you the refusal letter?
I know you can give us insights how to address it.
Thank you once again.
Regards to Pia.

25th July 2008, 10:26
i dont see the problem in frances not mentioning me in her visit visa,why does it matter as now we have decided after my visit to the philippines we want to spend our lifes together.what do they think were trying to do ?we just want to be together.maybe they want us to spend another £500 pounds ?
That is the problem though. You are supposed to tell them every single thing that concerns the application. You are building trust with the UK authorities, and by skipping on certain information that they later discover you missed out is not the way of building trust.

As far as they are concerned, they were mislead once, so where else are you doing it? Hence the hiccup with the caterer. They cannot contact them for one reason or another, so why should they believe you when you've already tried one over on them previosuly?

Look at it this way, you are interviewing applicants for the job of looking after a dying family member 24/7 and the one you were going to employ you discover missed some vital information out of the application. Would you still trust them enough to look after said dying family member?

25th July 2008, 11:31
That is the problem though. You are supposed to tell them every single thing that concerns the application. You are building trust with the UK authorities, and by skipping on certain information that they later discover you missed out is not the way of building trust.

As far as they are concerned, they were mislead once, so where else are you doing it? Hence the hiccup with the caterer. They cannot contact them for one reason or another, so why should they believe you when you've already tried one over on them previosuly?

Look at it this way, you are interviewing applicants for the job of looking after a dying family member 24/7 and the one you were going to employ you discover missed some vital information out of the application. Would you still trust them enough to look after said dying family member?Unfortunately, I think that what Keith says is very true. But that is the past, what we will focus on now is making sure you guys are together soon Phillip. People on here will do all they can to help.

Yes Piamed we think it's our best option we are going to appeal just waiting for the refusal letter to arrive.
Amigo do you think I can share with you the refusal letter?
I know you can give us insights how to address it.
Thank you once again.
Regards to Pia.
Absolutely amiga, I will do all I can to help. God bless you and Phillip. I know how frustrated you must both feel and am sorry about that.

25th July 2008, 11:45
please pete and win -win frances and i need your help yesterday frances had her interview and was denied the reason jackie lewin gave was that she did not belive there was a wedding taking place {how wrong she was} she told frances that she belived the document from the caterer was false as the embassy telephoned 3 times only to be hung up on,i have spoken to the caterer today and she told me she has had no such call.the other reason was last year frances aunt invited her to the uk to visit her and also we were going to take the oppertunity to meet each other at the same time,but jackie lewin said why did she not mention me in the application fo the visit visa.we did not hide this as i mentioned in my support letter that when her visit visa was denied i decided to go to the philippines.as far as i can see we met all the requirments ,how can they deney us when we had eveything?.please all you experts what should our next step be ? were not giving up without a fight i meam were never giving up until were together.that lady redused my fiancee to tears and put words in her mouth i wonder if she can sleep at night?

Good to hear that you are not giving up! The ECOs seem to be really strict and picky. :NoNo:

I'm not sure how long the appeal process will take. Perhaps, a spouse visa approach might be quicker.

Best Wishes

25th July 2008, 14:16
I remember my ECO interview for spouse visa years ago, he stressed as well about not mentioning my meeting with my bf then when I got my tourist visa. I remember saying that it was my bestmate who invited me in the first place. The ECO didnt even look at my spouse visa application when he was interviewing me or should I say interrogating me, he just concentrated on my past tourist visa papers. He kept asking the same questions over and over, then will change the topic, then will ask you same questions again. You know how nasty ECOs are, they intimidate you, until you get confused...then they will say you are lying...until you are almost in tears.

Obviously they do that just to catch you whether you are really telling the truth. Anyway I said to him, if I got bad intentions, I should have stayed in UK instead rather than going back here and waste my time/money in this interview. I was so upset that time and thought I wouldnt get my visa anyway. Surprisingly when I got my passport back, he approved my visa.

As someone suggested, better marry in Philippines.

25th July 2008, 14:57
Frances and Phillip. Sorry to hear this.

25th July 2008, 15:14
Sorry to hear that.
Last year my cousin got here fiancee visa easy, i don't know how.
Hope you would'nt be denied next time. Best of luck.

25th July 2008, 15:37
I think you should definately appeal. They might reconsider if you do because firstly they dont need the hassle and secondly I think their reasons for refusal seem a bit shaky to say the least. :cwm23: When she applied for a visit visa sponsered by her aunt, the fact that she also had a bf in the UK and she was going to see him at the same time should not have come in to it.

25th July 2008, 16:28
so sorry to hear they denied your visa. we are in our 4 weeks of waiting for our visa too. do not lose hope, we will all be here no matter what.:)

25th July 2008, 16:35
thanks ian for your support greatly needed at this time.yes it was my thinking to last year when frances aunt invited her and sponsered her our relationship was still in the early stages ,we were going to take to oppertunity to meet who would'nt.i think its so unfair i cant see what they are gaining by refusing us were going to marry anyway but it looks like in the philippines now.i just cant understand it ,maybe is another £500 there after,or maybe there justifying there jobs by refusing so many %.its a great pitty when its someone as genuine as us,i'm trying hard here to build up my business here i've never had a day off work sick in my life and always paid my taxes,i feel like throwing it all away and living of the state like so meny people here.i guess i might have calm down a little by tomorrow

25th July 2008, 17:09
thanks ian for your support greatly needed at this time.yes it was my thinking to last year when frances aunt invited her and sponsered her our relationship was still in the early stages ,we were going to take to oppertunity to meet who would'nt.i think its so unfair i cant see what they are gaining by refusing us were going to marry anyway but it looks like in the philippines now.i just cant understand it ,maybe is another £500 there after,or maybe there justifying there jobs by refusing so many %.its a great pitty when its someone as genuine as us,i'm trying hard here to build up my business here i've never had a day off work sick in my life and always paid my taxes,i feel like throwing it all away and living of the state like so meny people here.i guess i might have calm down a little by tomorrow

Hi Phillip, I understand your frustration. My wife's visa was rejected in Jan before we got married. Now I'm waiting for the spouse visa to be approved.

We need a better system (e.g. sponsor deposit). :Erm: It is because of the numerous illegals and overstayers from the Philippines making it difficult for genuine cases.:cwm23:


25th July 2008, 18:13
hello sis please continue praying for us.Thank you

ate Frances , so sorry to hear the news...they are right..you need to appeal for this case...if they interview you again ,Please tell all...i will pray for u to get ur visa soon.God bless po...

25th July 2008, 19:10
i would be intrested to hear from anyone who has appealed and what was the outcome and how long did the process take

25th July 2008, 19:11
From what I remember, everyone who has appealed on here following all the advice given have passed.

25th July 2008, 19:47
an appeal could take many months, and appeals have a success rate of about 66%..

long shot, i don't think the embassy will allow it thou, contact the caterer and get them to state on headed paper that the documents supplied were genuine, and that she had never received a call from the embassy, and try and contact the case worker and see if they will reconsider the visa app with a fax or scanned letter from the caterer., like i said i doubt it thou.

25th July 2008, 20:08
the only trouble is the caterer is a very small opperation like part time when somone local to the village gets married .she is so good at her job and have been to several weddings in the village.its not a big firm just a one man band with local friends helping her.i know i could get letters from couples she has catered for ,were a close nit comunity here on exmoor.the wedding was only going to be a small affair my perants and brother are the only family i have and just close friends.

25th July 2008, 20:13
why do you think they denied us we are so genuine,is it just to keep the numbers down?

25th July 2008, 20:14
small op then maybe she never answered or missed the calls from the embassy then :Erm:

i would have thought with a little chance of reconsideration you would have to be very quick, or they will tell you to appeal, i take it, in the letter they said you could appeal?

25th July 2008, 20:19
it was only yesterday the interview i sent an email asking to check again with the caterer.i asked father miller from the church where the wedding was to take place he said they never contacted him.yes the carerer has a job and does the funtions when asked by local villagers like myself.she does it from home

25th July 2008, 20:20
think frances will get a refusal letter next week

25th July 2008, 20:23
Do I get some REP now? :D

Dont like 69 anymore Boss? :D

25th July 2008, 20:35
i asked father miller from the church where the wedding was to take place he said they never contacted him.

a warning to others, the embassy do random checks, i know for all the visa's i've appiled for (5) , no one was ever contacted by the embassy.

25th July 2008, 20:45
Sorry to hear that the granting of your visa has been delayed to you both.

But you have lots of useful advice and help.

I would serously get to work on getting them letters testfiying all was in place from the church and caterers etc to the embassy asap.

I would also ask J lewin what number she called on and when? did they have the current number and was there a reason why the call may have not got though.
I.e tuesday afternoon the caterers phone line was being repaired.

As joe mentioned pete wrote from others experince the days after a denial are vital as it can be reconsider in some cases.

have you tried your MP (again a long shot but worth tryign anything?)

Its worth a try.

25th July 2008, 22:15
thanks for all your help

25th July 2008, 22:50
i would be intrested to hear from anyone who has appealed and what was the outcome and how long did the process take

Hi sorry to hear your bad news:( Though I didn't follow your case or what visa you're applying? But on my friend experienced (they're both filipino) she applied for dependant visa for her husband last year (usually only takes 15 days for them to wait for the visa, no interview) unfortunately it was denied on the grounds that the ECO don't believed that they are genuine couple the reason is they check the NSO office (one of the random check of the embassy I guess) and found out that the husband is married to diff person (therefore she is not married to his husband). Though its my friend fault as well that they didn't submit in the application his annulment paper.

To make the long story short, the appeal went to the high tribunal court here in UK and the appeal granted they waited for 9 months to get the good news and his here now in UK:) so happy ending.

I wish you both the best. Anyway, if they allow you to appeal the case I believe you don't need to pay for visa fee again? Good luck

25th July 2008, 23:24
appeals (http://www.ukvisas.gov.uk/en/howtoapply/infs/inf19appeals)

i think there is a time limit that you have to lodge an appeal, but the others will know for sure.

good luck

26th July 2008, 08:58
please pete and win -win frances and i need your help yesterday frances had her interview and was denied the reason jackie lewin gave was that she did not belive there was a wedding taking place {how wrong she was} she told frances that she belived the document from the caterer was false as the embassy telephoned 3 times only to be hung up on,i have spoken to the caterer today and she told me she has had no such call.the other reason was last year frances aunt invited her to the uk to visit her and also we were going to take the oppertunity to meet each other at the same time,but jackie lewin said why did she not mention me in the application fo the visit visa.we did not hide this as i mentioned in my support letter that when her visit visa was denied i decided to go to the philippines.as far as i can see we met all the requirments ,how can they deney us when we had eveything?.please all you experts what should our next step be ? were not giving up without a fight i meam were never giving up until were together.that lady redused my fiancee to tears and put words in her mouth i wonder if she can sleep at night?

sorry to hear this bad news from you phillip and frances, guys you need to sort this straight away i think the embassy give you a notice to appeal but i don't know how long will its take.

26th July 2008, 13:01
hi everyone! Thank you for all prayers and support.
Phillip has been writing the embassy but he did not receive any reply.
I got the letter of refusal today.
We are planning to proceed with our appeal.
Can anyone suggest where is the best to submit the appeal,here at the British Embassy Philippines or send the directly to the UK?

26th July 2008, 13:25
sorry to hear the news

dont give up, your in our prayers

26th July 2008, 13:30
thank you jimcarie!

26th July 2008, 14:06
Hi Jimcarie

Im not an expert on this but my wife was denied a visitor visa to visit her sister in uk.

They appealed in the uk and it took 6 months before they had an appeal date here in the uk.The appeal hearing took a couple of hours then the visa was granted.

Hope this helps.

26th July 2008, 14:08
thank you stuart888

26th July 2008, 14:10
Hi sis...just don't give up...everything will be fine....

26th July 2008, 14:14
Thank you sis!

26th July 2008, 14:22
Thank you sis!

I sent you a private message

26th July 2008, 16:51
Sorry about the visa status. Just keep on pushing. With the assistance of the helpful forumers, it`s going to be a success the next time around. :) Good luck!

26th July 2008, 17:11
i apply my visa last may 2007,im just bring all my documents and fill up all the form and the lady says we wait about a months or it might be i have my interview or not,so we wait just month and they send all my document,im so lucky just pray!!!and good luck

27th July 2008, 01:25
hi everyone!

Where is the best to lodge the appeal here or in the UK?

Thank you