View Full Version : lost cat

26th July 2008, 10:36

i'm in a bit of a panic! I've been looking after my friends 2 cats while she's gone away for a few days. Thye've been here before and don't normally go far from the back yard.

This time though, one of them, the more timid of the two has disappeared. She's been gone for about 36 hours now, I've been out looking for her, shaking the cat food jar - which only brought the horses in the field running over, left tuna out to entice her back, been searching the areas round about but no sign of her.

What am I going to do?

Thought I'd put a poster in my front window and one in the paper shop, thing is I can;t really describe her very well either.

K xx

26th July 2008, 10:45
Last time my parnets left me to look after the cat it went missing. When they got back my dad found it and had to peel it off the road. :cwm24:

.....but that's probably the last thing you want to hear now :xxparty-smiley-004:

26th July 2008, 10:49
.. sharp intake of breath....

I already checked the roads round a bout here, there's not many and I didn't find it splattered yet....

26th July 2008, 10:58
how far away does your friend live from you ? maybe its tried to go back there :Erm:

26th July 2008, 11:02
Cats can be sneaky....cats can live in the neighbours house for days with you being completely unaware of it! So it's worth knocking on neighbours doors and asking...maybe that catnip stuff will entice it back? :Erm: You'll probably end up with every cat in the neighbourhood except the one your looking for! :icon_lol:

I once lost a cat I was looking after, sent out a frantic search part for it, looked everywhere, was getting really worried, and where was it? Behind the sofa! :doh

26th July 2008, 11:08
Hey don't worry! It may be that the cat has a habit of disapearing for days! Some cats are like that, and if that cat is never found it's hardly your fault anyway! Your just the unfortunate one who was looking after it when it decided to bugger off somewhere!!:doh

26th July 2008, 12:09
Thanks Nigel, its definetely the truth and I've still got the other one she left with me, one out of two ain't bad!

26th July 2008, 12:19
Hi Kerry, Do you have any Chinese Neighbors?:doh

26th July 2008, 13:02

If anyone has seen Kerry's pussy, please contact her.

26th July 2008, 13:09
One of my 2 cats, has on occasion, gone missing for a few days, but turns up when she's ready.
Yours might have been duffed up, by one of the local moggies & maybe hiding somewhere?
Cats generally like their own territory. Maybe better, if your friend leaves them there & you go and feed them.
I left mine at home for 2 weeks recently, when I went to the Phils. A friend of mine came & fed them, plus they could get in or out through the catflap.
They had a bit of a grumble, when I got back, but so did I. :)

Hope it turns up soon.

26th July 2008, 14:58

If anyone has seen Kerry's pussy, please contact her.

will have a look outside our house boss:)

26th July 2008, 16:53
What would you do if a cat reguarly dirty:action-smiley-081: your garden?

26th July 2008, 17:38
What would you do if a cat reguarly dirty:action-smiley-081: your garden?
Cats bury their pooh! They have a complex social life, and failing to bury pooh is a sort of threat to other cats...so they bury their pooh as a sort of sighn that they are being submissive. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

They say dogs mark their territory by poohing! So there like "I've poohed here and I'm proud of it!":doh

26th July 2008, 17:48
Nigel did you swallow a Encyclopedia britannica recently?

26th July 2008, 17:53
Nigel did you swallow a Encyclopedia britannica recently?
Jiss :Erm:

26th July 2008, 17:57
Jiss :Erm:

All the facts he keeps posting i thought Nigel was studying for mastermind:D

Ps boss dont look up your reply on urban dictonary:D

26th July 2008, 18:13
dont worry too much :) its probably in a house somewhere safe, just like our situation here at home, i have a little westie :), and last night we found her little ginger cat friend asleep on her bed. according to my son the darn cat has been here for 3 days now going in and out the dog door, and i didnt even notice it ;).. hope your cat turns up soon tho!

26th July 2008, 20:37
I have been reading a lot lately..:) I thought I might jazz things up a bit with my true or false/fact or myth stuff...:)

How do you make a cat go woof? - Pour petrol on it....

I think this cat might be going woof when they find it..:rolleyes:

26th July 2008, 21:15
Maybe just been locked at your neighbours garage.

26th July 2008, 21:28
I have been playing a lot lately..:) I thought I might jizz things up ......


26th July 2008, 23:01
One of my 2 cats, has on occasion, gone missing for a few days, but turns up when she's ready.
Yours might have been duffed up, by one of the local moggies & maybe hiding somewhere?
Cats generally like their own territory. Maybe better, if your friend leaves them there & you go and feed them.
I left mine at home for 2 weeks recently, when I went to the Phils. A friend of mine came & fed them, plus they could get in or out through the catflap.
They had a bit of a grumble, when I got back, but so did I. :)

Hope it turns up soon.

Somehow I don't think I'll be asked to catsit again....