View Full Version : Bringing a Laptop to the Phils?

28th July 2008, 23:26
Hiya all.

Ok, when I go to the Phils this Jan, I was gonna buy my babe a portable dvd player, but am now thinking of a Laptop for her, as for not too much more money, I can get a decent 2nd hand, or new one from fleabay, lol
This will also be good for us, as we can maintain our relationship after my visit chatting in messenger/Skype, and her sister who lives with her can study, by using it also..
Will there be any problems from Customs over there, and would it be cheaper to buy one locally??

Any advice would be appreciated:D


28th July 2008, 23:28
on our experience we don't have a problem bringing our own laptop to Phils everytime we go home...its more cheaper here so just bring one there for sure its not a prob. Good luck to your relationship.

28th July 2008, 23:46
Great stuff.:)
Thanks for the advice my friend.
What a great forum this is:D
Is better for me coz I can preconfigure it with XP pro for her, and not the dreaded Vista.:NoNo:
I'm sure after a couple of service packs Vista will be ok, lol

As we know here in the UK, computer stuff is getting cheaper every day.
I built my Core 2 Intel Desktop, and got a 22in TFT, half a terabyte of storage, dual DVD burners, dual layer of course, for around 600 quid.

Just wasn't sure of the prices in the Phils.

She will be so thrilled to bits, but deserves it, as she is such a great girl:)

Thanx again.


29th July 2008, 00:14
For internet access to the laptop, you might want to consider this:


29th July 2008, 08:38
Hiya all.

Ok, when I go to the Phils this Jan, I was gonna buy my babe a portable dvd player, but am now thinking of a Laptop for her, as for not too much more money, I can get a decent 2nd hand, or new one from fleabay, lol
This will also be good for us, as we can maintain our relationship after my visit chatting in messenger/Skype, and her sister who lives with her can study, by using it also..
Will there be any problems from Customs over there, and would it be cheaper to buy one locally??

Any advice would be appreciated:D

Philip....hi, much nicer if u bring for her a laptop than dvd player coz dvd is so cheap in phil..just tell the custom its for personal use only.

29th July 2008, 15:03
For internet access to the laptop, you might want to consider this:


Hi Ben.

Looks very interesting, and will arrange it before we arrive.
Thank you so much my friend.
This forum is priceless for information:D

All the best.


29th July 2008, 15:05
hi, much nicer if u bring for her a laptop than dvd player coz dvd is so cheap in phil..just tell the custom its for personal use only.

Yeah, I can get a really good Dell, for 100 or so pounds with wi-fi DVD burner, large hard drive, and will pre load all my pirate softwares, lol
Besides, she is my good perfect girl, and I adore her so:)


29th July 2008, 19:26
Most whiteys have a laptop it seems when they go to phill so very few custom officers take any notice.

If you had two they might.

Worth creating a ghost disk so if it goes all wrong pop the disk in and it will re set up the pc (well just about with a few updates)

Also worth making sure you get a little table or support (to lift the unit at the rear or whereever the inlet/outlets are so the airflow is increased as the constant heat and humitdy really creates chaos with ant electrical equipment.

Also worth doing is using an external hdd with it to reduce wear on the HDD.
So the users use the external directory for some of the operations and back up any important info/data (ie archive messagner chats/emails etc)

Spend some time setting up and the ghost disk etc and you will thank yourself as technical problems when your 8000 miles away are not fun. Been there and doen it.
the Worst is IT help for the Wifes relations and friends when they speak Taglish.

Worth also setting up pc for remote access and from personally expereince make sure hijack is loaded so a file can be created which you can read and delete many nastys which can end up on the pc.

29th July 2008, 20:48
Most whiteys have a laptop it seems when they go to phill so very few custom officers take any notice.

If you had two they might.

Worth creating a ghost disk so if it goes all wrong pop the disk in and it will re set up the pc (well just about with a few updates)

Also worth making sure you get a little table or support (to lift the unit at the rear or whereever the inlet/outlets are so the airflow is increased as the constant heat and humitdy really creates chaos with ant electrical equipment.

Also worth doing is using an external hdd with it to reduce wear on the HDD.
So the users use the external directory for some of the operations and back up any important info/data (ie archive messagner chats/emails etc)

Spend some time setting up and the ghost disk etc and you will thank yourself as technical problems when your 8000 miles away are not fun. Been there and doen it.
the Worst is IT help for the Wifes relations and friends when they speak Taglish.

Worth also setting up pc for remote access and from personally expereince make sure hijack is loaded so a file can be created which you can read and delete many nastys which can end up on the pc.

Yes, very true, as i have a cooling plinth for my old Dell Lappy at home after the little rubber feet got lost, and the thing kept shutting down due to lack of airflow.
A very good point to take one to her. I didn't think of that, and thank you.
Nice to see a fellow tecchie, lol
I won't do remote access, as I don't want her to think that i'm spying on her:)
XP restore point has been helpful in the past, but of course backing up to a separate physical drive is best in my opinion, and back up regularly using Acronis True Backup for example, but how many people actually do it, hehehh

Thanks for the advice mate.


29th July 2008, 22:48
Yes, very true, as i have a cooling plinth for my old Dell Lappy at home after the little rubber feet got lost, and the thing kept shutting down due to lack of airflow.
A very good point to take one to her. I didn't think of that, and thank you.
Nice to see a fellow tecchie, lol
I won't do remote access, as I don't want her to think that i'm spying on her:)
XP restore point has been helpful in the past, but of course backing up to a separate physical drive is best in my opinion, and back up regularly using Acronis True Backup for example, but how many people actually do it, hehehh

Thanks for the advice mate.


No probs

I dont know how technically able your Mahal and her close family are.

But i have it set up so the Ghost disk (ok disks) if loaded in will wipe and then restore a clean win xp with the base programs on it ( ie your messagners, office and adobe etc).

So in most cases if it all goes pete tong a quick reload will sort out all the problems.

Best to have one with the broadband software (if required) loaded on.

This has saved a lot of hassle and so easy to be done.

The remote access just use microsofts so they have to give permission but if your mahal has a problem then you can help.
As well as peeps in phill i have helped out mates here but worth letting her know how it works and what to do her side to save time if needed.

Also worth putting software on there which will help with the VIsa app.

Adobe, and a pdf creator if not full adobe.

Office, a compression file,photo editors

Also worth buying there a AIO you know the Printer scanner combos. So any emgency copying scanning and printing can be done at home. Came n Handy for us.
Get a printer which the local shop can refill with ease.

We have a four year old AIO which has served many projects for the family.Still on its first ink cart:D

29th July 2008, 23:05
i don't think puter parts in the phils are much if at all cheaper than in the uk.

as andy says, set the portable up for her, get it working over there, then use something like nero to make an image of the hdd and burn it to a dvd, if worse comes to the worse, she can just boot from the dvd and restore it, to same as when you burn't it.

30th July 2008, 19:07
i don't think puter parts in the phils are much if at all cheaper than in the uk.

as andy says, set the portable up for her, get it working over there, then use something like nero to make an image of the hdd and burn it to a dvd, if worse comes to the worse, she can just boot from the dvd and restore it, to same as when you burn't it.

IF computer parts are like many other technical items i have seen many are grade b (for want of a description)
Like the reason a Euro Nokia (i.e one made in Finland is worth far more when reselling than a made in china equivalent)

Many pcs i have seen in phill for sale even in large city stores when i first started browsing for the wife three-four years ago were recons or im sure not grade A.
I know from first hand experience not with pcs but other electrical and I.T equipment sadly this is done by several very very large companies.

Also many spare parts (not all of course) are counterfiet or made to a standard would never pass H and S regs in the west.

I have personally vetoed many items that were going to be bought and have upgraded several power supplies that the family use as when i check them out they dont meet standards i would expect for customers of mine so why would i allow it with my family?
Just as a Doctor would do on health reasons.

We did used to buy battries for items like mobiles in phill but now unless i can verify they are geniune either made by the manufacuter or well known companies like ora for example who make cheaper versions.

Heres some info on ghost disks


31st July 2008, 19:31
Hi guys.

Yep, as I have a rapidshare account, I get nero8, not to mention office, etc all cracked.
Am a bad boy, lol
Indeed as it will have only 1 HDD I will back up a DVD with nero with the base things on it, but also buy a cooling plinth.
Better for all the components in the long run.
Although a bit buggy, the latest nero is really great, as I use it alot for .VOB joining, recoding, etc.

I would really like to get her a Dell if I can, but i'm sure most of the other makes are ok, but so long as it has XP over Vista:D
Vista is a Spanish word for view.
I my opinion, bad view, hehehehh

