View Full Version : bad news guys i failed it again!!!

31st July 2008, 17:57
:bigcry: im really disappointed i lost hope,i dont know if i can do it again..i felt like i let my hubby n kids down only one silly mistake that i did not stop at the pedestrian crossing which is i am, i can see its clear but see this old couple along side the road decided to cross over..but i cant make sense why he failed me for that..:bigcry:im really sad..i tried my best but i think its not going to happen i fell so useless i hate the place where i lived im in the middle of nowhere..n hoping to drive oneday:doh what im going to do guys???pls help!!just want ur opinion:Erm:i fell that i cant do it:NoNo::bigcry::Help1:

31st July 2008, 18:04
its always good to show a bit of caution on crossings ;)... but do not give up, just try again, and remember to watch out for crossings, cyclists and buses!

31st July 2008, 18:09
keep trying, it took my misses 7 times to pass :D

and most fails were caused by stupid situations, not really her fault :NoNo:

31st July 2008, 18:16
Always stop at a crossing until you know what people are going to do........once you've passed you can then happily run them over :icon_lol:

31st July 2008, 18:27
Keep trying Joy, you will pass I am sure next time, you are so close now,

31st July 2008, 18:39
dont give up joy... :):):)

31st July 2008, 18:42
yes and while your taking the test, if you think your doing badly or think you've made a mistake, don't give up, carry on..

the misses 7th test, damn number rules my life, someone cut her up half way thru her test, causing the misses to nearly crash, shaked up, the driving instructor said did she want to carry on or end the test, and the driving instructor would drive them back. the misses being a filipina knee's knocking togther carried on, expecting a fail at the end, was amazed to get a pass :xxgrinning--00xx3:

so do'nt give up and keep on plodding :D

31st July 2008, 18:52

It took me 4 times to pass my driving test, and I've lived here all my life! keep trying, you'll get there :)

31st July 2008, 18:57
hi Joy,

don't give up..I know u can make it..:)

31st July 2008, 19:11
:bigcry: im really disappointed i lost hope,i dont know if i can do it again..i felt like i let my hubby n kids down only one silly mistake that i did not stop at the pedestrian crossing which is i am, i can see its clear but see this old couple along side the road decided to cross over..but i cant make sense why he failed me for that..:bigcry:im really sad..i tried my best but i think its not going to happen i fell so useless i hate the place where i lived im in the middle of nowhere..n hoping to drive oneday:doh what im going to do guys???pls help!!just want ur opinion:Erm:i fell that i cant do it:NoNo::bigcry::Help1:

JOY I still admire you:xxgrinning--00xx3: for doing such things, exams and driving. I am a fighter but when it comes to driving I always feel scared. I have speed phobia before and was lost when I joined my hubby in his lorry for 2 months. I studied driving in the Philippines and still having this phobia while driving. Hubby gave me his old car about 7 months ago and still I can't manage to drive. The car is now covered with bird shits:NoNo::Brick:

Cheer up! there's still chance!

31st July 2008, 19:36
Not being able to drive stops you from washing? :Erm:

31st July 2008, 23:16
Don't give up. My brother passed on his 6th go.

1st August 2008, 00:37
I remember that horrible crushing feeling of failure when I failed my test - and like you it was over something stupid.

I had failed exams before but failing my driving test was the worst day of my life.

I was just so determined I would do it the next time, so I put in for the test straight away. When the big day came the first thing the examiner asked me to do was reverse around a corner, which I did succesfully, but 2 cars on my side of the road stopped for me and then started again when I began to reverse, nearly causing a collision, which I felt was my fault. I thought 'oh well you just failed again because of 2 pillocks, so I raced around the test and fast as the legal limit would take me, and didnt really care if I made a mistake or not. I fell out of the car when he told me I passed, and for the rest of the day I had a smile on my face like the cat who licked up all the cream - AND YOU WILL TOO WHEN YOU PASS YOUR TEST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:Rasp:

1st August 2008, 01:47
:transam-front-ramaiKeep trying Joy, you WILL pass next time:transam-front-ramai

1st August 2008, 02:02
Just think of it this way, this failure just means that the taste of success will be even sweeter when you pass!! (which you will do next time!)

Kimmi - get your cheering gear on, Joyce needs it!

Good luck next time,

1st August 2008, 08:53
thanks guys for your supports it's makes me realised that i should'nt give up...but im still down....thanks

1st August 2008, 09:14
:REDancedancer08::REDancedancer08::REDancedancer08::REDancedancer08::REDancedancer08::REDancedancer08: my best substitute for Kimmi's cheer leading!!!! go joy.... go joy.... go joy...

just lift your head up, passing the test here is not so easy just keep trying have faith you WILL pass

1st August 2008, 09:20
so sorry to hear that ...don't give up.....Maurizio and Richie

1st August 2008, 09:35

Don't worry, just be positive...you will pass! I suggest you read this http://www.2passforum.co.uk/ to help you with your practical test.

I passed mine 2nd time however I've been driving in Manila since I was 18 so that gave me the edge. I remember my 1st examiner was a lovely lady, I was relaxed during the test but she failed me for being in a wrong lane in a roundabout. My 2nd examiner was a grumpy old man, I couldnt even open the car door! I can see he was getting impatient bec I pressed the key several times and yet doors were still locked. He said are you sure you're pressing the right one?! I can see my instructor running towards us then I just realized I was pressing the 'lock' key. We got in eventually but I was already shaking like a leaf, from the examiners tone he wasnt happy. In the end, to my surprised he passed me.

Good luck!

lady n black
1st August 2008, 14:28
Don't lose your hope everything has a purpose why it happened...just holding on...

2nd August 2008, 15:50
... i did not stop at the pedestrian crossing ...

No one stops at pedestrian crossings here! In fact, I'm not really sure what is the significance of a Pedestrian crossing in Phils. Pedstrians have to run between, and dodging, the cars, just like they do on any other bit of road.

2nd August 2008, 15:59
Hi joyce, sorry to hear it..just keep trying n don't give up!

2nd August 2008, 18:18
Kimmi - get your cheering gear on, Joyce needs it!


do I hear it right Andy???u need my cheering??? ooopppssss it's for JOY..:doh:doh

:REDancedancer08::REDancedancer08::REDancedancer08::REDancedancer08::REDancedancer08::REDancedancer08: my best substitute for Kimmi's cheer leading!!!! go joy.... go joy.... go joy...

just lift your head up, passing the test here is not so easy just keep trying have faith you WILL pass

Thanks Kuya Scott..GO JOY, GO JOY..we know u can make it..:)

2nd August 2008, 22:00
do I hear it right Andy???u need my cheering??? ooopppssss it's for JOY..:doh:doh

:Hellooo: Thanks for the thought Kimmi but sorry, no need to cheer for me - yet anyway!

But please give Joyce your lucky cheering support, she needs it most to get through the test! :icon_win::icon_win:

2nd August 2008, 23:35
Hey, don`t worry about it. I failed my first driving test.For going thru a stop sign no less!(it was a trick the tester put me thru) And look at me! (on second thought dont pay TOO much attention to my driving record):cheeky-smiley-024:Been driving for 24 years now.Now 13 cars and 34 wrecks later I can be confident of myself to pass any test they give me. And confidence is the key to passing the test baby.

3rd August 2008, 09:22
i heard that driving test in uk is really hard and strict. unlike in our place you have the option to do it the legal way or simply give the officer 500 php for a license :icon_lol:

and remember those old slum book question during elementary days:

Q. what is your motto in life?
A. try and try until u succeed :xxgrinning--00xx3:

3rd August 2008, 09:35
Hey, don`t worry about it. I failed my first driving test.For going thru a stop sign no less!(it was a trick the tester put me thru) And look at me! (on second thought dont pay TOO much attention to my driving record):cheeky-smiley-024:Been driving for 24 years now.Now 13 cars and 34 wrecks later I can be confident of myself to pass any test they give me. And confidence is the key to passing the test baby.

Do us all a favour, please...

Before you decide to go out and about on your car, would you please post the time and day for us all to see, so that we can remain indoors.......:D

3rd August 2008, 15:14
Hey, don`t worry about it. I failed my first driving test.
I failed my first two tests ... once on a 'trick junction'. The second time for lack of control when reversing round a corner on a steep downhill section - my Dad thought that he was being helpful by increasing the idle speed in order to minimise the risk of stalling, but it didn't help to control the speed in that maneouver.

However, I passed on the next two times ... the most recent was here in Phils. I thought that I just had to go along to DTO, fill in some forms, and pay the fees, to convert my UK licence to a Filipino one. I learned that I had to take both a written and a practical test, which I did without any preparation. I didn't even understand some of the questions in the written test but I came away, at the end of that day, with a shiney new licence.

11th August 2008, 10:26
I hope I'll pass my first driving test which I rebooked it next month. Supposed my driving test was today, but we did a mock test two weeks ago and I failed!!!!

I had 2 dangerous, 3 serious and 17 minors....:icon_lol: and it was raining so badly that day. I felt so gutted because I thought I was ready for my exam and also there's a time that I feel so confident while driving but I guess only time can tell whether we can pass the exam or not, just like ash_joy2008 experienced, if there wasn't a pedestrian she could passed her test.

Goodluck to all the learners (including me):xxgrinning--00xx3:, just try and try until we're broke:cwm3: