View Full Version : The Great Potato Poll

1st August 2008, 12:45
My fave is mashed with butter. How about you?


1st August 2008, 12:50

1st August 2008, 14:36

1st August 2008, 14:52
with black pepper and nutmeg added to, sometimes a little grated cheese or fried onions and of course a white variety not red.............hmm i better get peeling:xxgrinning--00xx3:

1st August 2008, 17:58
My fave is mashed with butter. How about you?


Drowned in gravy.........:D

1st August 2008, 18:25
with rice

1st August 2008, 20:30
French fries! or fried in small cubes...

1st August 2008, 23:21
Sweet.... :Rasp:

1st August 2008, 23:28
Baked, fried, boiled, mashed

Question for the evening can you bake or mash rice:Erm:

If not does that makes spuds better than rice:Erm:

1st August 2008, 23:35
Question for the evening can you bake or mash rice:Erm:

If not does that makes spuds better than rice:Erm:

Rice makes nice booze though!!! Sake anyone?

1st August 2008, 23:38
French fries!

Funny how the Americans call them Freedom Fries....cwazy Yanks :Erm:

1st August 2008, 23:47
YEah, Cwazy Yanks... and funny how the French don't call them "French Fries"... pommes frites I think? :Erm:

2nd August 2008, 06:10
YEah, Cwazy Yanks... and funny how the French don't call them "French Fries"... pommes frites I think? :Erm:
We call them "frites", "pommes frites" is what is written on restaurants menu.

2nd August 2008, 08:05
Rice makes nice booze though!!! Sake anyone?

The original Vodka is made from spudz.....:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Ahhhhh, the immense relaxation coming from getting absolut..ely smashed on King Edwards.....:D

Memory lane......

Now I can get over the top just by sniffing wine gums....:NoNo:

2nd August 2008, 08:08
We call them "frites", "pommes frites" is what is written on restaurants menu.

I always known them as "pommes pont neuf".....
The problem of having a catering background, I guess.


2nd August 2008, 09:12
Due to :furious3: Health & Safety we can no longer read last weeks news on our chips :NoNo:

2nd August 2008, 11:02
Rice makes nice booze though!!! Sake anyone?

Very true and spuds you got Vodka, which one to have:Erm:

2nd August 2008, 11:52
Due to :furious3: Health & Safety we can no longer read last weeks news on our chips :NoNo:

You've just made my mouth water Keith!! When I was a nipper, my mum and I used to visit my nan every Wednesday. On the way back we would get off the bus and get fish and chips (cooked in real fat) wrapped in newspaper, with lashings of salt and vinegar. Cost - 1s/6d. (One shilling and sixpence - or 7 1/2p)

Aaaah! Nostalgia is not what it used to be!!

People say 'The good old days' and 'things were safer then.' Of course they were safer - there was nothing worth nicking! The worst you could expect was a couple of blokes in the Dog and Duck trying to sell you a hot mangle!

Sex education never existed either!!! I remember my father sitting me on his knee and telling me about the birds and the bees......ah! to be twenty six again!
He told me that a menstrual cycle was something only women had - for the next five years I thought it was a pink one with a basket and a bell!!

Of course, today, people are a lot more open about sex! A guy asked me the other day if I was gay, and I replied that I was quite happy!! In fact, happiness is an abstract concept isn't it really? I mean, you can meet your best mate in the street who shouts over - 'Hey Al, you ok?' You reply - 'Yes mate, couldn't be better' - and because you are looking at him - you walk straight in front of a Ceres Liner!!!!

Speaking of Ceres Liners, I went on a cruise once - well, I say a cruise, it was really a rowing boat in our local park boating lake! But it felt like a cruise to me - I was afloat on the briny - cast away from the safety and security of Moss Side!! I rowed, eventually, to a desert island in the middle of the boating lake. I say eventually because it took me three hours to realise that both oars had to be manipulated in the same direction - mind you, the dizziness I felt was a lot cheaper than 12 pints of John Smiths!

Arriving exhausted on the island I met a VISION!!!! She was stunningly beautiful - and what's more - completely naked!!!! Stroking her bush, which I think was a privet - she asked me seductively if I would like to play around.

'MY GOD!!!!' I thought, 'She has a set of golf clubs hidden away!!!!'

And then, just as I was getting my balls ready and hoping for a hole in one, I heard that never-to-be-forgotten phrase floating through the depths of Stamford Park boating lake - 'Come in number 37!'

Yes, I remember good old fish and chips!!!!!


2nd August 2008, 11:54
Run out of Prozac again Al? :icon_lol:

2nd August 2008, 12:34
What have you been smoking....????:Erm:

2nd August 2008, 12:38
cynthia likes her potatoes on my plate:ARsurrender:

2nd August 2008, 16:11
Ruby misses the Fish & Chip shops from the UK.

But me ... like Alan, I love my spuds mashed with some milk, lots of butter, a little salt, and a little more ground black pepper.

2nd August 2008, 16:43
Milk :vomit-smiley-011:

My mother does that, may as well chuck in a spoonfull of whale sperm as well :rolleyes:

2nd August 2008, 17:34
I'd like mashed potato with pork, yorkshire puddings n gravy as well...plus plus english breakfast i really like it...Oh, fish n chips also...what else? i forgot some hehehehe!

2nd August 2008, 18:26
I'd like mashed potato with pork, yorkshire puddings n gravy as well...plus plus english breakfast i really like it...Oh, fish n chips also...what else? i forgot some hehehehe!

All on one plate:Erm:

2nd August 2008, 18:34
Milk :vomit-smiley-011:

My mother does that, may as well chuck in a spoonfull of whale sperm as well :rolleyes:

Moby Dick huh if it was done in UK waters its punishable under the impropriety with sea going mammals act

2nd August 2008, 18:46