View Full Version : Just wanna drop by to say Hi... and May you all welcome me in this great community

1st August 2008, 18:53
Whoa! I am 28-year old filo guy living in Thailand as an educator. You can simply call me asiansmiler as I love to smile. I would love to learn more from you and hopefully make friends through this great community of forumers.

1st August 2008, 19:04
hi asiansmiler,
welcome to the forum..:)

1st August 2008, 19:17

1st August 2008, 19:30
Hi there, just wanna tell you guys of my story, I have met my partner on the 16th of March this year in Bangkok. We fell in love, spent time together. When he went back to the UK, we continue communicating daily through telephone visits, MSN chats, occasional text messages and emails. Till we decided to have me enrolled in an english course in the UK at a college nearby where he resides, we so believe in this way we could nourish the early relationship.

As mentioned during my intro here, I am currently working as a teacher in South East Asia and I opted to study the minimum 15 hours of study, which is permissible in the UK immigration. I had a Bachelor's degree from the Philippines and I chose to be enrolled in a Business English course, which is very elementary to my academic and english qualifications. Because we both wanted to ensure a sure visa, I dove in to take the IELTS exam and I had an IELTS score of 6.5 which I took last May.

My partner and I prepared every single document we needed for this to materialise. He even flew to Thailand a couple of months after our first meeting in March. We spent time together in June for 10 days here just to collate all my documents ready for the solicitor's checking and preparation of the letter and stuff, aside from our own personal statements. Reserved and paid for my airline ticket.

I waited for two weeks before I get all my documents back to me, ready for submission to the VAC/VFS. My partner's birthday falls on the 22nd JULY and we are hoping I could get my student visa. The best gift for both of us in his birthday--- a "YES' visa.

24th of July, I undertimed and excused myself from the school to collect for my visa, my partner was calling me during that time as I approached the Visa Centre. It took me a couple of minutes waiting to be at the counter. The Lady gave me back the big piling folder which was provided to me by the solicitors we hired, and an envelop, the decision was made on the 22nd of July; checked the remaining pages of my passport, I have seen blank pages with no stickers(vignette) with my passport-sized pic attached by a clip, the ECO's decision; REFUSED!

I was numb, lost and... lost...

1st August 2008, 20:47
I chose to be enrolled in a Business English course, which is very elementary to my academic and english qualifications. Because we both wanted to ensure a sure visa,

dupe post :NoNo:

was this the reason for your refusal?, why did you think this would ensure you got a student visa ?

some reasons the ECO can give for refusals..

'Special care should be taken when dealing with applications from persons who:

* propose to follow less-advanced courses or those with low educational standards, i.e. where students appear to be marking time rather than progressing;

* have enrolled for the exact minimum number of hours;

* apply for an entry clearance on the strength of a letter of enrolment for a course of training at a school of hairdressing, beauty culture, photography, dancing or some similar craft without demonstrating genuine interest or background in the subject or plans to use skills acquired in the future;

* plan to recommence studies with further courses which do not bear any relation to previous ones;

* are unable to explain satisfactorily poor attendance records for previous study.

In such cases, the applicant's motivation for choosing a particular course should be explored in greater detail in order to establish that he is not merely seeking entry to the UK with the intention of seeking work.

1st August 2008, 20:54
Hi asiansmiler, What are the reasons for visa refusal? I presume you did not have an interview either? is it to do with proving the availability of sufficient funds for the course?

1st August 2008, 20:56
joebloggs - you beat me this time!!! :cwm24:

1st August 2008, 21:06
joebloggs - you beat me this time!!! :cwm24:


and congrats on your spouse visa :xxgrinning--00xx3:

thou people shouldn't have to give congrats, feels like you passed an exam :doh, when it should be your legal right to bring your wife and family to live with you :NoNo:

1st August 2008, 21:12

and congrats on your spouse visa :xxgrinning--00xx3:

thou people shouldn't have to give congrats, feels like you passed an exam :doh, when it should be your legal right to bring your wife and family to live with you :NoNo:

I absolutely agree!

I'm planning to write a complaint letter with recommendations to the homeoffice.:cwm34:

1st August 2008, 21:22
might not be much point as Liam Byrne will probably be out of office in a year or so, and under aTory gov, i don't think things will get better, if anything worse :cwm24:

the only way is the court of human rights, why is it that a non British, European in the uk has more rights than a British citizen in regards to immigration, and the blatant discrimination against its own citizens, the rights to a family permit should apply equally to all citizens.

seems the european courts decide on everything but the British immigration system. i emailed my MP about this, and i never got a reply :NoNo:, well he will never get my vote again :D

2nd August 2008, 14:16
Hi Asiansmiler,
Welcome to the forum. :xxgrinning--00xx3:
Louella & Iain.

2nd August 2008, 14:45
might not be much point as Liam Byrne will probably be out of office in a year or so, and under aTory gov, i don't think things will get better, if anything worse :cwm24:

the only way is the court of human rights, why is it that a non British, European in the uk has more rights than a British citizen in regards to immigration, and the blatant discrimination against its own citizens, the rights to a family permit should apply equally to all citizens.

seems the european courts decide on everything but the British immigration system. i emailed my MP about this, and i never got a reply :NoNo:, well he will never get my vote again :D

joe makes some good points to check about your application many people abuse the system sadly which makes it harder for others.

On who makes your laws Joe the Uk is insigficant now just face it.

Having watched space films as a kid i know soon it will be a world goverment then leader of the universe.

Then it will be all down to the Rebel alliance agaisnt the Empire.

2nd August 2008, 14:52
Another point that came to light recently with another couple application.

Is you should consider mentioning a partner or loved one if applying for any type of visa or they may possibly use it agaisnt you in a later application.

Wheter you really need to or not is up to you both after seeking Legal advice.

2nd August 2008, 14:52
Hi Asiansmiler, you are welcome n enjoy here.

2nd August 2008, 20:24
Thanks for welcoming me here... and also, thanks for your feedback and comments

2nd August 2008, 20:38

3rd August 2008, 06:35

11th August 2008, 16:09
hello welcome to the forum!

12th August 2008, 05:31
Hello asiansmiler!!! Welcome aboard. :Hellooo: :Hellooo: :Hellooo:

12th August 2008, 07:50
welcome to the forum.

22nd January 2009, 14:57
Thank you guys for welcoming me... I didnt logged in here for so many months since my first refused my student visa application. Since then, I just lived my life each day. My English partner (not yet civilly registered) went to Bali for our trip in October. Since then, we decided to put it off for a while, because he told me with all the recession and redundancy going on in the UK, it all adds up to the reality that, it is not easy to live a life in the UK for the time being. Having said that, he kinda lie low communicating with me, I am so in love with him and I really wanted to be with him, so he asked me to understand him and his situation... We are marking our first year anniversary being in the relationship this coming march 2008. Having said that, I proposed to him, that I would like to apply for another type of visa, which is VISIT VISA, I hope this a good idea. I am planning to submit all the papers within February next month and hopefully I could fly to him on April 7 for a month... my dear forum friends here, please give some ideas on how to win this visa application... is there any chance I would be granted, given that i had been refused once when i applied for a student visa last July 2008... I would really appreciate any thought... Thank you guys

22nd January 2009, 17:27
WELCOME HeRE!!! i thought it was a marriage proposal ha haha!

22nd January 2009, 17:45
Goodluck to your application asiansmiler:D

23rd January 2009, 10:29
Thanks for the good luck, hope it works well... but hey, as I apply for my visit visa application, Do I need to include pictures and proof of our relationship? or not? any view on this regard?

23rd January 2009, 15:54
Thanks for the good luck, hope it works well... but hey, as I apply for my visit visa application, Do I need to include pictures and proof of our relationship? or not? any view on this regard?

Hope Fhara can read it. She applied for a visit visa and still here in the uk:)
Try to send her a message asiansmiler im sure she will be pleased to help you:)

27th January 2009, 19:12
Hope Fhara can read it. She applied for a visit visa and still here in the uk:)
Try to send her a message asiansmiler im sure she will be pleased to help you:)

Thanks a lot, I found Fhara's thread. Really, a big help!

girl england
27th January 2009, 19:53
hi asiansmiler,
welcome to the forum

28th January 2009, 13:39
hi asiansmiler,
welcome to the forum

Thanks, girl england! Yea, it's been a while since the last time I have visited this community. Actually I have learned heaps since I got back, I am keeping on eye of the different helpful and useful information regarding visa application... eventually, I am praying I could apply it too, and become an icon amongst those who have been successful with their visa application. Till then, I am still on a journey leading to that. Let us keep our hopes high!

28th January 2009, 17:29
Welcome to the forum asiansmiler..
Best of Luck on your next application..

28th January 2009, 18:41
welcome to the forum :)

28th January 2009, 22:03
:Hellooo: welcome to the forum asiansmiler

30th January 2009, 15:49
Thanks for visiting and dropping by to say Hi, very kind of you guys, here!

18th February 2009, 18:05
oh by the way, guys i am going to the VFS to pick up my visa application result this monday, after three days from the date of application. I hope and pray God is with me, positively and grant this visit visa. Wish me luck, people... Thanks

Pepe n Pilar
18th February 2009, 20:42
Welcome to the forum Asiansmiler, hope you get the VV this time. Best of luck:)