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Thread: 6 letters and/or other documents as evidence

  1. #1
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    6 letters and/or other documents as evidence

    when your applying for ILR, you better take or send more than 6 letters or documents as evidence you've been living together for 2 years, i've read a few posts where people have gone to PEO's and the case worker was not happy with some of the documents that were produced, even thou some were listed on the app form as acceptable types of evidence.

    reasons were the letter was not printed with any coloured ink on the pages, so it could be a copy, a bank statement was not strong enough evidence that you live togther.

    so take or send more just in case their not happy with what you produce. i wondered if this would happen, as they reduce the numbers so much, would they be stricter on what evidence you produced, maybe its just teething problems

    when i applied for the misses, i sent at least 30 bits, every bit of evidence i had with both our names on, most of the docs i had with the wife's name on and the rest with just mine name on, at least 1 for every month of the 2 years.

    i don't know if they would refuse your app for this, but incomplete apps is one of the main reasons why apps are refused, as for some visa types ,they will not ask you for extra evidence, they will judge your app on only the evidence you just submitted

    so be wise folks

  2. #2
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    Thanks for that info joebloggs

    You are right the more the better
    Thats what i do with our papers. I sorted it out by months so it would be ready, its too many now

  3. #3
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    when your applying for ILR, you better take or send more than 6 letters or documents as evidence you've been living together for 2 years, i've read a few posts where people have gone to PEO's and the case worker was not happy with some of the documents that were produced, even thou some were listed on the app form as acceptable types of evidence.

    reasons were the letter was not printed with any coloured ink on the pages, so it could be a copy, a bank statement was not strong enough evidence that you live togther.

    so take or send more just in case their not happy with what you produce. i wondered if this would happen, as they reduce the numbers so much, would they be stricter on what evidence you produced, maybe its just teething problems

    when i applied for the misses, i sent at least 30 bits, every bit of evidence i had with both our names on, most of the docs i had with the wife's name on and the rest with just mine name on, at least 1 for every month of the 2 years.

    i don't know if they would refuse your app for this, but incomplete apps is one of the main reasons why apps are refused, as for some visa types ,they will not ask you for extra evidence, they will judge your app on only the evidence you just submitted

    so be wise folks
    Many documents are not printed by INK i know that for a fact and are printed on devices which would be capable of printing computer edited images or copying them.
    I know you would be privy to that Joe, but recently i was sorting though paperwork we had used in applications. I was working out which were the copies and the orignals in some cases it was dam hard.

    I think you cracked it why the number droppped and i would not be surprised if they were getting complaints that 20 was a little to many for many.
    Some of the paperwork we submitted was what we took in case and a bit random for example a letter addressed to my Wife from the company who supply oyster cards (a payment system for london transport) it came in her first month in the UK (just) after the lady had this she was ok mate you provide most of the paper work.

    My Mum when the Wife and I were preparing for our visit. To lighten the mood tried to see quickly if Dad and her could pass the test with out really think about it.

    They found it very hard many of the documents were in one or the others name many of the accounts they have produce very little paperwork.
    They are both retired so no job documentation, they had not used the NHS at that point for two years so no paperwork from them. The mortgage is paid off so paperwork for that in the form of statments.
    Many of the savings accounts they have are have the old fashioned cash books.
    Their home phone, broadband and mobile all from one company so one lin one name if they had gone paperless as offered they would not even have that. They just had analogue tv so just one piece of paper a year for that in my Dads name.

    The amount of proof they were had was low. This is a married couple who are fairly well off with their own house. who still insist on paper bills where possible.

    Now with paperless billing the cheapest option and many internet banking etc. It must be very very hard unless you play the system and go out of your way to get paperwork sent to you.

    those who are the sponsor start this process before the applicant ENTERS the country and take it seriously, it will make your life a lot easier.

  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    Many documents are not printed by INK i know that for a fact and are printed on devices which would be capable of printing computer edited images or copying them.
    I know you would be privy to that Joe, but recently i was sorting though paperwork we had used in applications. I was working out which were the copies and the orignals in some cases it was dam hard.

    i think the case worker might have meant it was not on proper headed paper

    as i've worked for printing companies, i know, esp with the colour lasers now and editing s/w, its so easy to produce a document or certificate that looks real .

    and your right, i've scanned every doc and cert i've sent to the embassy, and its really difficult to tell which is the original , i've even managed to copy my misses IELTS cert , even thou they've used anti photocopying/scanning techniques on it, (greenish colour, lots of gray scales) and if i had decent paper you wouldn't know which was the copy or original.

    to others, always have a copy of anything you send, especially originals, you might never see them again

  5. #5
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post

    i think the case worker might have meant it was not on proper headed paper

    as i've worked for printing companies, i know, esp with the colour lasers now and editing s/w, its so easy to produce a document or certificate that looks real .

    and your right, i've scanned every doc and cert i've sent to the embassy, and its really difficult to tell which is the original , i've even managed to copy my misses IELTS cert , even thou they've used anti photocopying/scanning techniques on it, (greenish colour, lots of gray scales) and if i had decent paper you wouldn't know which was the copy or original.

    to others, always have a copy of anything you send, especially originals, you might never see them again

    I know what you mean either headed note paper or watermarked.

    But even now some Companies printed the headed section at the same time to save costs and to ensure no huge stocks of paper
    Im sure as things get tighter and eco friendly more will do the same.

    From what i picked up sitting in the PEO (lovely chairs apart) is that the ECO's asking for the paperwork are so pressed for time that you need to be ready to explain anything out of the ordinary. Quickly, simply and politely.
    For example the BT bills used to be in my name but when i asked them to be in both names which they said they couldn't do (at least back then) they changed it to just my surname for example Bloggs rather than J. Bloggs as before (you didn't know we were related did you Joe

    The lady said the ones with no intial could not be accepted as neither both of us or one of us is mentioned just our surname which could of been someone else.
    But I could see she used her common sense to say to herself well thats not there fault its BT. But its further evidence for her that they are the real mccoy but i just need some evidence i can file. Which we had plenty of. Due to the quanties we had (Over two folders worth crammed in.) I was suprised she took far less than 20 examples.

    Other people had tiny little small folders or plastic bag sheets which sit in ring binders and took far far longer than us.

    Again its less paperwork for her to copy and file while she knows that we would have had to spend months created all that paperwork if we were forgers. We had organised and labeled it all, she could see loads of examples as we flicked though the folders as we looked for the dates she asked for.

    Sometimes its not just the evidence they can use, many ECOS due to time constraints have to rely on their intitution and common sense i suspect. Although not technically right, i guess it has to be done. So they can spend more time helping those with less evidence.

    I did also notice the ECOs that I saw while there, were very very helpful and understanding of those having problems. they were if everything seem in order trying to help you not be agaisnt you.

    Again it helps to be polite friendly and basically do whatever they say.
    When my Wife was called I only sat down once asked I was asked, I only spoke once the lady addressed questions to me even though my Wife allthough could easily speak to her was looking for me to carry the convo (just nerves and know situations like that are common place for me)

    In the end as others have mentioned and I saw for myself with other ECO's they normally speak to the sponsor particulary if its clear there English is their mother tongue (white or Brown) if it wasn't for the applicant. Of course dont do this untill they speak to you, its their domain so their rules within reason.

    I also noticed when we picked up our paperwork we were to wait at a certain point, some others were very pushy. We waited and some attempted to get dealt with asap. There was method to their proceudre i could see, so we both just sat there and waited our turn. I noticed that the lady dealt with my Wife far better than some others who were a little offish.

    Same rule around the world never pee off a person in power.

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