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Thread: I don't get this....

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Angry I don't get this....

    Is it me or is this a bit of a cleverly concoted con....?

    On the one hand I understand that Jet will not require a Schengen Visa to go to Italy....

    And on the other.......... She does.........

    Can anyone read it better...???

    PLEASE NOTE: The EU Directive 2004/38/CE has been implemented in Italy. Therefore, for family members of EU citizens who do not have the nationality of a Member State, Residence Cards Permits will be deemed equivalent to short-stay visas and for short stay in Italy (less than 90 days) they will not need to apply to this Consulate for a SCHENGEN VISA.
    Please note that your Residence Card should bear a clear reference to the fact that you are a family member of an EEA National.
    If you have doubts about your status or the validity of your Permit, please contact us by mail (
    Please note that for long stays (above 90 days) for whatever purpose, all aliens are required to hold a visa, even if they are nationals of countries which do not require transit or short-stay visas.

    Spouses of EU Citizens who require a visa must apply in person to the embassy of their Spouses origin.

    Spouses and family of U.K./E.U. citizens (whose diplomatic mission is not in the UK, may apply for a visa without an appointment on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday from 9.30 to 11.30. You are required to submit the following documents: application form, 2 photos, passports including that of E.U. member, travel/medical insurace or European Health Insurace Card, original marriage licence or original FULL birth certificate of E.U. child/family member (this must bear the visa applicant's name). All certificates must be originals and if issued outside the UK and are not in english they must be officially stamped and translated by the appropriate authority. Plese also supply flight and accomodation booking and all photocopies of documentation including passports and UK visas.

    Anybody able to explain it better, before I waste inordinate amount of time trying to get in touch with the Consulate on monday...???

  2. #2
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    The two immediate questions that come up are

    !, how long is the visit?

    2, Is the visa in Jets passport the equivalent of a residence permit

    I still have my R,P for Germany its a seperate card very popular

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by keithAngel View Post
    The two immediate questions that come up are

    !, how long is the visit?

    2, Is the visa in Jets passport the equivalent of a residence permit

    I still have my R,P for Germany its a seperate card very popular
    I just checked Jet's Passport, and on the lovely little shiny Visa thingy it says "Residence Permit".....

    A few extra bob saved.........

  4. #4
    Respected Member A_flyer's Avatar
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    I would check by sending a mail as indicated... just to avoid to be refused entry in Italy.

    Be careful that I suspect this to be implemented in Italy only (never heard of this in France), I would not try this when entering France...

    And as it's not a Schengen visa, it should be valid in Italy only and not allow you to travel outside Italian Frontier.
    Best regards.

  5. #5
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    I just checked Jet's Passport, and on the lovely little shiny Visa thingy it says "Residence Permit".....

    A few extra bob saved.........
    I will drop by the wine bar

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