Hi Guys.

Am not sure how to put this question, but here goes!
Ok, the fact as some of you know is that i am seeing my gf Hanzell from Cebu in Jan, after a year of knowing each other, and we are so much in love, although we have never physically met.
How nuts is that lol
Just kidding heheeh

Does anybody know about divorce law please?
Although it's over with my Peruvian Wife, we are both pretty cool about the situation.
The fact is, we learned each others languages, and find that we don't have too much in common anymore, and that love has died quite some time ago.
We are adults, and although it's sad, we have accepted it.
I don't anticipate any arguments with her, as she says that she will be ok on her own, but if push comes to shove, i wonder where i will stand in the legal scheme of things if it got messy?????
I am a full UK Citizen, who pays for everything regarding the mortgage, and upkeep of the house, and she pays nothing, and only has indefinite leave to remain, and not full UK status.
I wonder how the courts will favour this, as there are no children involved?
These questions are in my head, and would like opinions please if possible?
Of course i am not without a heart, and will make sure that she is ok, and in fact she has just started a new job, so that will help her along.

I just want to move on that's all

Has anybody had the same experience that can advise me please?

A great many thanks in advance.
