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  1. #1
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    A Philippines Holiday to Remember !

    Hi everyone,

    Just checking in a couple of days before I return home back to Council tax and high fuel prices, so how is it going back in UK everyone ? I will have to be forgiven for not being on the net too much in last 3 weeks, quite frankly I have had no desire at all to go online, I think the Phils does that to you.

    Gina and I are having a fantastic time out here in the Philippines, we started with a fantastic 4 days in Hong Kong, and just wanted to let Rob know just how cheap Hong Kong seems to be these days, we had a budget of about UK500.00 for our 4 day stay, but only managed to spend UK250.00 apart from putting theme park tickets on my visa, Disney and Ocean Park, taxis seem to be cheaper than ever, and food also, I am so tempted to pick up a new camera in Nathan road, on my way back through on Saturday, sssssh don't tell GINA she will Reklamo.

    Its been really great though out here, very little heavy rain, most days, glorious sunshine, ok so Diesel is 60 pesos a litre or thereabouts, but to be honest, we have not noticed that it ate into our budget, rice 43.5 pesos a Kilogram, I mean who is complaining, we went to Boracay for 3 days, rained heavily on the 1st day, and we could not take the boat from the normal terminal, we had to use the back up terminal at the other side, and take a boat across to the rear of Boracay, those of you who have been this way will know what I mean.

    The only thing that spoilt things is this incessant badgering for money both at arrival at the jetty, and pushy vendors trying to ply for our trade, Gina really hates it.

    We had a fairly typical experience on landing at NAIA in Manila, you still can't seem to get in a taxi, without 4 or 5 guys trying to take your bags, and then having to pay each one for the privilidge, nothing has seemed to have changed in that department.

    Driving in Bacolod City has not changed, no lights or turn signals, and multi cabs and jeepneys stll have this incessant desire to stop unnanounced without any warning, actually its beginning to make life easier, since now I am getting used to the lack of social order again on the roads.

    After being in UK allround in a typical year, we all get used to the social order and rules, then you arrive in Philippines having vaguely forgotten how life is, only to find that actually it all works, but you still cannot understand how it does so, is it really cheaper to employ 2 guys directing traffic than it is to install working traffic lights, the answer is simply yes.

    Its a bit of a wind down period this week, as we are flying back to Manila on Friday for a day in the city, a relaxing day out in Mall of Asia, and a nice meal out in Toni Roma's Glorietta 4, for those that know it, a wander around Green belt, Robs stomping ground from old, before a bright and early start on Saturday am. me bound for Hong Kong, Gina bound back to Bacolod City for the rest of her 6 week holiday, lucky her, just to let everyone know, we flew Qatar throgh Doha, thats my first time with them, have to say, service on the London-Doha route was great, and the Doha-Hong Kong service was great also, no complaints, the in flight attendants were superb at their job, I thought Doha airport although with some nice shopping is fairly small, however, its a lay over airport.

    The Free wi-fi in Doha airport is a plus for me, and also at Hong Kong, which makes the lay over a little more enjoyable.

    Well everyone will be back in UK on Sunday, so take care, here endeth the report, take care.

  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    You didn't know? Petrol has dropped, no taxes, government refunds, free nuclear elecrtic power, road tax scrapped, daily bin collections.....we're rolling in it
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    .we're rolling in it
    You what?!

  4. #4
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by walesrob View Post
    You what?!
    You live in the Welsh quiet
    Keith - Administrator

  5. #5
    Respected Member telford's Avatar
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    welcome back pete...we miss you and your informative advices...

  6. #6
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    You live in the Welsh quiet

  7. #7
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    hello pete and gina.... welcome back

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    You live in the Welsh quiet
    Jeez, that reminds me - summer holidays, we're being overrun with Scousers and Brums here in Aber

  9. #9
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    welcome back Kuya Peter and Ate Gina..

  10. #10
    Respected Member PeterB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ginapeterb View Post
    Driving in Bacolod City has not changed, no lights or turn signals, and multi cabs and jeepneys stll have this incessant desire to stop unnanounced without any warning ...
    And pedicabs travelling 5 abreast in 2 lanes?

    actually its beginning to make life easier, since now I am getting used to the lack of social order again on the roads.
    Well, the locals around Davao seem to have almost come to grips with traffic lights, but roundabouts get treated just like any other road junction - keep edging forwards until you create a gap. The real laugh is that they've started creating 'yellow box' junctions in Tagum!

  11. #11
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    Welcome back Pete n Gina, glad you had a great time, wish I was off to HK soon..

  12. #12
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    Which part of Utopia are you living in Win2Win?

  13. #13
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scouse View Post
    Which part of Utopia are you living in Win2Win?
    Keith - Administrator

  14. #14
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Morning everyone, landed yesterday morning at our well known and beloved London Gatwick with the worlds longest walk from an arriving aircraft to the immigration area, thanks a lot British airports authority.

    Just to let everyone know, all Cebu Pacific flights both domestic and international now use the new Terminal 3, have to say its a welcome breath of fresh air, as Gina and I both checked in in the same area, domestic depatures to the left, international to the right, this is great for couples who are departing in different directions as in our case we were.

    The new terminal looks a little light on passenger traffic at present, but i am sure that will change, facilities.i.e. shops, and restaraunts are virtually non existent, which is laughable really, when you see Hong Kongs terminal 2, a superb inviting terminal.

    Terminal 3 has all the hall marks of a typical Filipino attempt to make a new international airport, all jobsworthys and no finesse, but hey I am not complaining, I am surprised shoemart or someone else has not set up shop in there, there are no airside facilities whatsoever, maybe that will change in the future.

    Had a rather long flight back from Hong Kong to Doha, with the usual hanging around and doing well nothing actually, and another rather long tiring flight back from Doha to LGW, weather not bad guys actually, it was 19 degrees in London in the sun, shame it turned sour in the afternoon, but then again, we all know how that can be.

    Lots of stories to tell, when I can remember them, and the most amazing freindships made out in Philippines, so many people asking me why I dont leave UK and come for good, I am so tempted to go for a year and then come back and make some money, its just so cheap, and even with higher petrol and diesel prices and food slightly higher, we found it was actually much cheaper to eat breakfast out, and lunch and dinner, and not buy groceries from SM and others.

    Jollibee is my best freind, breakfast in the morning, a Longanissa, garlic rice and egg, try out the pancake sandwich, of 2 pancakes, burger steak, egg, absolutely fantastic, and 3 of us ate for about P250.00 where can you get that ?

    I went to Tesco yesterday afternoon to pick up a few essentials, some coke, milk, orange juice, ice cubes, and a t.v. dinner, £15.00 or around P1350 or thereabouts, not much for my money.

    Well we cannot complain, holidays are exactly what they are, holidays, it wont be the same here, not now not ever, although I noted that petrol has dropped to 112 per litre, wow where was I when this happened, when I left 3 weeks ago, it was 120 per litire, just goes to show how much international news once sees in the Philippines.

    Well its Monday, and everyone works on Mondays .....see you all in due course.

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