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Thread: Wanted Gentleman...

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  1. #1
    Respected Member Ana_may365's Avatar
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    i think its not right that u find her a man,its like u selling ur sistah!
    i think much better if she's the one who find her man even from what country is it.
    the important is they know each other and love each other.
    like what NIGEL said tell her go to the dating website or any website that she can meet her dream partner.

  2. #2
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ana_may365 View Post
    i think its not right that u find her a man,its like u selling ur sistah!
    i think much better if she's the one who find her man even from what country is it.
    the important is they know each other and love each other.
    like what NIGEL said tell her go to the dating website or any website that she can meet her dream partner.
    For dream partners thats the good advice then she cant blame anyone but herself and if she find him on line it must love

    Not a curry fan then?

  3. #3
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by keithAngel View Post
    For dream partners thats the good advice then she cant blame anyone but herself and if she find him on line it must love

    Not a curry fan then?
    I like curry keith but I dont know someone who married a pakistani.Some pakistani friend That I have met online when I was in college were pervert I hope God`s Forbid it will not come to the point of blaming me one day
    to loved and beloved is the greatest joy on earth...

  4. #4
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ana_may365 View Post
    i think its not right that u find her a man,its like u selling ur sistah!
    i think much better if she's the one who find her man even from what country is it.
    the important is they know each other and love each other.
    like what NIGEL said tell her go to the dating website or any website that she can meet her dream partner.
    Excuse me but for whatever reason am not trying to sell my sistah I just thought I was helping her but if thats your interpretation.go for it
    to loved and beloved is the greatest joy on earth...

  5. #5
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ana_may365 View Post
    i think its not right that u find her a man,its like u selling ur sistah!
    i think much better if she's the one who find her man even from what country is it.
    the important is they know each other and love each other.
    like what NIGEL said tell her go to the dating website or any website that she can meet her dream partner.
    I totally disagree, an introduction is just that, an introduction. What happens after that is up to the two people who have been introduced. She is not trying to sell her sister, she is mearly trying to introduce her to a prospective husband.

    If anyone is interested and does reply to her posting in that way and an introduction happens, the chemistry will either work or it won't. Even if they only meet online, there will have to be a certain amount of physical attraction and personal chemistry for the two people to want to pursue the relationship beyond online chatting and emails etc.


  6. #6
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby View Post
    I totally disagree, an introduction is just that, an introduction. What happens after that is up to the two people who have been introduced. She is not trying to sell her sister, she is mearly trying to introduce her to a prospective husband.

    If anyone is interested and does reply to her posting in that way and an introduction happens, the chemistry will either work or it won't. Even if they only meet online, there will have to be a certain amount of physical attraction and personal chemistry for the two people to want to pursue the relationship beyond online chatting and emails etc.

    tnx Iain
    to loved and beloved is the greatest joy on earth...

  7. #7
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    good sister mrs daddy

  8. #8
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby View Post
    I totally disagree, an introduction is just that, an introduction. What happens after that is up to the two people who have been introduced. She is not trying to sell her sister, she is mearly trying to introduce her to a prospective husband.

    If anyone is interested and does reply to her posting in that way and an introduction happens, the chemistry will either work or it won't. Even if they only meet online, there will have to be a certain amount of physical attraction and personal chemistry for the two people to want to pursue the relationship beyond online chatting and emails etc.

    but Ian dream partners are so much less demanding than real ones

  9. #9
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by keithAngel View Post
    but Ian dream partners are so much less demanding than real ones
    There are many members on this forum, including myself, who first met there wives, fiancees or gf's online and I don't think many of them would have looked upon them as just "dream partners", by whick I assume you mean "unreal".

    There has to be something real there for both partners, a genuine attraction Especially for the man (most often) who is eventually prepared to fly 6,000 miles to a strange third world country to meet his cyber gfand move things on to another level.

    I also know from girls I have spoken to and from postings on this site, how hard the girls work on preparation for the arrival of their, "up until now" cyber bf, quite often losing much needed earnings and even borrowing money to make everthing perfect for him. There has to something there for both parties before each would decide to take things this far.


  10. #10
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby View Post
    There are many members on this forum, including myself, who first met there wives, fiancees or gf's online and I don't think many of them would have looked upon them as just "dream partners", by whick I assume you mean "unreal".

    There has to be something real there for both partners, a genuine attraction Especially for the man (most often) who is eventually prepared to fly 6,000 miles to a strange third world country to meet his cyber gfand move things on to another level.

    I also know from girls I have spoken to and from postings on this site, how hard the girls work on preparation for the arrival of their, "up until now" cyber bf, quite often losing much needed earnings and even borrowing money to make everthing perfect for him. There has to something there for both parties before each would decide to take things this far.

    I agree about to do it myself after more than a thousand cyber hours mostly of skype calls

    Dream partner was a somewhat tounge in cheek remark first used by Anna-May

    I suspect that the vast majority of cyber relationships never meet in reality and only when they do does it become real beyond the projections of both sides clearly here there is a much higher percentage of relationship beyond chatting online by the nature of the forum .

    I wonder what percentage of commited relationships here met on line first?

    Present company excepted (this means every one here) the common attraction you refer to may in the odd case be Sex and Security

    Its a tough medium to establish a genuine life partner and one has to be lucky , which is great or very persistant hopefully thats all of us right

  11. #11
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby View Post
    I totally disagree, an introduction is just that, an introduction. What happens after that is up to the two people who have been introduced. She is not trying to sell her sister, she is mearly trying to introduce her to a prospective husband.

    If anyone is interested and does reply to her posting in that way and an introduction happens, the chemistry will either work or it won't. Even if they only meet online, there will have to be a certain amount of physical attraction and personal chemistry for the two people to want to pursue the relationship beyond online chatting and emails etc.

    very well said Iain..

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