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Thread: filipino attitude

  1. #1
    Respected Member cheesewiz's Avatar
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    filipino attitude

    We have a new filipina in our work place my colleague already complaining about her (in only 2 days) like the way she's doing the bed badly, talking tagalog with co filipino in front of others and not good english etc. So our senior carer told me to tell her things that they're not happy about her way of working so I did tell her everything they said and everything they complaining regarding her. Well, its sounds that she's not happy about me saying it to her (like she said she's been in her previous work here in a residential home for 3 years without a complain) but I keep on explaining to her nursing home is different bec its quite big and more people she's going to work with now. Then I told her about not speaking to me in tagalog in front of our colleague coz its not nice. Though I just been working with her for 2 days now and I would say my colleagues has a point they way she's working (not good actually) despite being here for 3 years now But its hard for me to tell her everytime she's doing the job not properly bec she's a carer for 3 years now for goodness sake So I said to my colleagues now that if they have a complain about her please just tell her directly as I don't want to look like antagonist. Im glad I only work twice in a week with her

    Sometimes working with your co-flipino is not always okay. Some Britons once you had a disagreement the following day its like nothing happened, but with filipinos we take it so serioulsy or you will be a talk of the town among filipinos in your area. We filipinos don't know how to accept criticism positively

  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    I'd just say something to her like:
    "Wow!!! That is the best made bed I've ever seen in my a retard"
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #3
    Member Sis Suze's Avatar
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    There is no way you should be put in the position of telling your co-workers anything to do with their work in that way. It's up to the senior carer to reprimand workers, that's the job!

    I hope tis gets sorted soon and that you don't get too much bd feeling for what you've been made to do.

  4. #4
    Respected Member cheesewiz's Avatar
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    thanks everyone! I don't know how the system works in a residential home. In a nursing home we have a senior carer and a nurse. Like the last time one of the patient is bleeding instead of reporting it to the nurse she just called me just to tell me that someone is bleeding.

    The problem with filipinos its hard for us say what we're not happy about in a person bec we're not open for communication (always worried that we might hurts someone feeling or we're just being clever or being bossy...oh what an endless possibilities) But if I don't keep on reminding her I know we're both in trouble bec we're in one team, in our work place what's other faults is everyone's fault.

  5. #5
    Member Sis Suze's Avatar
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    Hi again...I can see the position that you're in so what I would suggest is that you ask for supervision with your senior care/manager and explain to him or her what you've said in here. In the meantime, make sure that when you work with this person that you do YOUR job correctly so nobody can criticise you. It's not a good position for your boss to put you in...I hope its resolved soon. xx
    P.S. Do we have to be in this forum for long before we are allowed o start a thread? I don't seem to have the option on my log in.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sis Suze View Post
    P.S. Do we have to be in this forum for long before we are allowed o start a thread? I don't seem to have the option on my log in.
    You can start a thread anytime you like, but as a newbie you cannot post links until you reach a certain number of posts.

  7. #7
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    think you`re in between of the two rocks.its good though that you told you senior carer to confront her if they`re not happy with her job and as well instead your co worker moaning of how she does her job why not trained her just in case your nature of job in a nursing home where she came from is completely different after all she`s just been there for two days.she`s in the mood of adjusting herself i think.
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  8. #8
    Member Sis Suze's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    You can start a thread anytime you like, but as a newbie you cannot post links until you reach a certain number of posts.
    OK, thanks for that...but at the risk of sounding stupid...WHERE is the button for starting a new thread coz I can't find it anywhere

  9. #9
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Top left.
    Keith - Administrator

  10. #10
    Respected Member PAT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    You can start a thread anytime you like, but as a newbie you cannot post links until you reach a certain number of posts.

    Just wandering, how many posts do the newbies need to post a link?... i don't have plan for this moment but just in case.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by PAT View Post
    Just wandering, how many posts do the newbies need to post a link?... i don't have plan for this moment but just in case.
    About ....... 15............

  12. #12
    Member Sis Suze's Avatar
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    I can't see the start new thread button either to the left or to the right...and I've investigated the drop down menus as well....maybe I have a duff screen? :(

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sis Suze View Post
    I can't see the start new thread button either to the left or to the right...and I've investigated the drop down menus as well....maybe I have a duff screen? :(

    From here..

    choose and click on whichever heading you need ie, immigration, introduce yourself, loose chat... etc.

    Top left corner of the titles page, there is the little magic button..."new Thread"....

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  14. #14
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PAT View Post
    Just wandering, how many posts do the newbies need to post a link?... i don't have plan for this moment but just in case.
    You need permission off the boss depending on what the link is.....

    Links to sheep are OK as it keeps Rob coming back here
    Keith - Administrator

  15. #15
    Respected Member PAT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    You need permission off the boss depending on what the link is.....

    Links to sheep are OK as it keeps Rob coming back here

    Thanks boss, I didn't know until i read your post, lack of reading

  16. #16
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    You need permission off the boss depending on what the link is.....

    Links to sheep are OK as it keeps Rob coming back here
    all things are possible!

  17. #17
    Respected Member allyn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cheesewiz View Post
    We have a new filipina in our work place my colleague already complaining about her (in only 2 days) like the way she's doing the bed badly, talking tagalog with co filipino in front of others and not good english etc. So our senior carer told me to tell her things that they're not happy about her way of working so I did tell her everything they said and everything they complaining regarding her. Well, its sounds that she's not happy about me saying it to her (like she said she's been in her previous work here in a residential home for 3 years without a complain) but I keep on explaining to her nursing home is different bec its quite big and more people she's going to work with now. Then I told her about not speaking to me in tagalog in front of our colleague coz its not nice. Though I just been working with her for 2 days now and I would say my colleagues has a point they way she's working (not good actually) despite being here for 3 years now But its hard for me to tell her everytime she's doing the job not properly bec she's a carer for 3 years now for goodness sake So I said to my colleagues now that if they have a complain about her please just tell her directly as I don't want to look like antagonist. Im glad I only work twice in a week with her

    Sometimes working with your co-flipino is not always okay. Some Britons once you had a disagreement the following day its like nothing happened, but with filipinos we take it so serioulsy or you will be a talk of the town among filipinos in your area. We filipinos don't know how to accept criticism positively
    my filipino co workers in my past job are close to our supervisor coz they have been in that job for almost 4yrs now, and when i came there and since im new i recieve some complaint from my supervisor in some of my work and my co filipino worker is also being told about that,,,,my co-filipino worker supported me,if im down time with my work they help me, and they also gave me tips so i can make my work better , and my work did went well after a couple of weeks, our supervisor told me how proud she was for my improvement and i my self also got close to my supervisor after a while ,,,
    And when we go to our lunch all together and we speak in tagalog we are being ask by our supervisor to speak in english so every one can understand what we are talking about and other nationality can chat with us, but theres never been a hard feeling,,,we supported each other at work,,,,,If we have complaint from our collegues we just make it as a joke and if we have problem to each other we say it in a humble way as possible and try to fix things out or help each other out,,,but through out my 1 year in that job with them we never had in never...
    i just dont understand why it became a problem to some filipino who have filipino co worker,,,,,
    we filipino are the one who should be helping each other and understanding each other more than other nationality...
    i think its not the filipino attitude wich is the problem,,
    i think its each individual attitude it self...
    I know it seems hard sometimes, but remember one thing, through every dark night, there's a bright day after that. So no matter how hard it gets, keep your chest out, keep your head up and handle it...

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