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Thread: The real reason why the Philippines is poor…

  1. #1
    Respected Member cheesewiz's Avatar
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    The real reason why the Philippines is poor…

    I saw this post on a blog, what do you guys think?

    Why Is The Philippines Poor?


    The difference between the poor countries and the rich ones is not the age of the country:

    This can be shown by countries like India & Egypt , that are more than 2000 years old, but are poor.

    On the other hand, Canada , Australia & New Zealand , that 150 years ago were inexpressive, today are developed countries, and are rich.

    The difference between poor & rich countries does not reside in the available natural resources.

    Japan has a limited territory, 80% mountainous, inadequate for agriculture & cattle raising, but it is the second world economy. The country is like an immense floating factory, importing raw materials from the whole world and exporting manufactured products.

    Another example is Switzerland, which does not plant cocoa but has the best chocolate in the world. In its little territory they raise animals and plant the soil during 4 months per year. Not enough, they produce dairy products of the best quality! It is a small country that transmits an image of security, order & labor, which made it the world's strongest, safest place.

    Executives from rich countries who communicate with their counterparts in poor countries show that there is no significant intellectual difference.

    Race or skin color are also not important: immigrants labeled lazy in their countries of origin are the productive power in rich European countries.

    What is the difference then? The difference is the attitude of the people, framed along the years by the education & the culture & flawed tradition.

    On analyzing the behavior of the people in rich & developed countries, we find that the great majority follow the following principles in their lives:

    1. Ethics, as a basic principle.
    2. Integrity.
    3. Responsibility.
    4. Respect to the laws & rules.
    5. Respect to the rights of other citizens.
    6. Work loving.
    7. Strive for savings & investment.
    8. Will of super action.
    9. Punctuality.
    10. and of course...Discipline

    In poor countries, only a minority follow these basic principles in their daily life.

    The Philippines is not poor because we lack natural resources or because nature was cruel to us. In fact, we are supposedly rich in natural resources.

    We are poor because we lack the correct attitude. We lack the will to comply with and teach these functional principles of rich & developed societies.

    If you do not forward this message nothing will happen to you. Your pet will not die, you will not be fired, you will not have bad luck for seven years, and also, you will not get sick or go hungry.

    But those may happen because of your lack of discipline & laziness
    your love for intrigue and politics, your indifference to saving for the future, your stubborn attitude.

  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    They are not poor, they have family values
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #3
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    The analysis of the attributes of the character of people from successful economies is Ok, although there might be some others to be added. The more important question though is why these are missing in Philippine culture and what, if anything, can be done to change it. Tropical countries are not likely to be naturally industrious, the climate makes for a slow life style. When things grow all year round and food can be gathered easily, it does not encourage planning or saving for a rainy day. Add to that the impact of Spanish and American colonisation and you end up with the Philippines.
    Whether culturally it will change is difficult to predict but I hope it does. There are some great values to be found in the way the family bond remains so strong but there are also some very weak aspects too. The way so many accept dependency upon others as a natural way of life I find distressing. I would love to see the emergence of a great unifying leader in the mode of Ghandi, Martin Luther-King or Mandela. Someone who would get the people behind him and break the power of the controlling groups, make corruption a socially unacceptable behaviour and empower local communities. Probably though such a man would be denied air time and then murdered to ensure the status quo is not threatened. The role of the Catholic Church is really important and I just hope that one day they will wake up to fact that their policy on birth control is an over-riding factor in stopping any real progress. Until that is changed there really is no hope that significant progress will be made. Over population is already a serious problem and without some urgent action the potential for a real disaster exists. I feel quite sure that they will be forced to re-think at some time but whether soon enough is very doubtful. They don't have a track record of doing anything very quickly and their current viewpoint on this matter is deeply and sincerely held. In the context of the country's future it is just wrong. I don't see being "poor" as not having all the possessions held so dear by those in developed countries. Family values alone are not enough though. If there are too many mouths to feed, people starve. If the health provision is inadequate or unaffordable, people suffer and die unnecessarily. Once the population is stabilised, the country has enough food to feed all the people and they all have access to good medical care then the Philippines will not be "poor", but right now it is.

  4. #4
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    I agree with much that you say David, It seems to me that the big areas of concern are in Health care and education and state retirement pensions

    If these issues are not addressed life can become one crisis after another as to birth control well balance will be enforced if not chosen, by the four horsemen of the apocalypse a good catholic concept after all.

  5. #5
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    The Pope could reduce poverty, enrich family lives and strenghthen poor countries overnight just by saying three words CONDOMS ARE OK!!!! ..... but then children might get educated and become more self reliant and begin to question some of the oher teachings and where would the catholic church and more impportantly the wealthy and powerful bishops be then?
    Live your life for a reason and don't worry be happy

    if you don't know where you are going then any road will do!!

  6. #6
    Respected Member flomike's Avatar
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    People in the Philippines should be educated. The government should put education(the primary standard in successful countries) their top priority in regards of financial all the people have a chance to finished their schoolings. Poverty transcribed the lack of education of many Filipinos, who only rely on their physical capabilities.

    Some countries, have free education among their constituents, from preparatory to secondary...Unlike , Filipinos living in provinces, just lucky enough, if they will finish the primary levels of education.

    I hope someday, no Filipinos, will be deprived of learning. This is the only way, can help our drowning country in the sea of poverty.

    of course politics and religion and its people (im a filipino so included myself) too

  7. #7
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    I believe that politics is a key factor. For what ever reason, the governments in da Phils do not seem to want to encourage enterprise. The Philippines has so many advantages:

    It has the largest English speaking population outside of the US. Did you know that the call centre industry was largely initiated in da Phils?

    Natural resources

    Excellent education

    Tremendous work ethic. Ask anyone who employs Filipinos in the UK. My friend, a matron in B'ham Heartlands hospital, says she would swap 2 lazy British nurses for a Filipino one anyday.

    I don't get it and have had many discussions about it. Anyone visiting da phils can see that people are enterprising. They have no choice. More wealth should be coming into the country to benefit the whole population. So why is it not the case?

    Why is the goverment not encouraging the global players to manufacture and assemble there? The location is great, skills are available and the population generally speak English.
    Be responsible with little so that you can be trusted with much!!

  8. #8
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piamed View Post
    I believe that politics is a key factor. For what ever reason, the governments in da Phils do not seem to want to encourage enterprise. The Philippines has so many advantages:

    It has the largest English speaking population outside of the US. Did you know that the call centre industry was largely initiated in da Phils?

    Natural resources

    Excellent education

    Tremendous work ethic. Ask anyone who employs Filipinos in the UK. My friend, a matron in B'ham Heartlands hospital, says she would swap 2 lazy British nurses for a Filipino one anyday.

    I don't get it and have had many discussions about it. Anyone visiting da phils can see that people are enterprising. They have no choice. More wealth should be coming into the country to benefit the whole population. So why is it not the case?

    Why is the goverment not encouraging the global players to manufacture and assemble there? The location is great, skills are available and the population generally speak English.
    Just occured to me that it was the samewith Portugesse folk abroad they were workoholics but once i was in the country the joke was you need 4 guys to do a job , 1 to work and 3 to watch.

    Perhaps it comes down to reward Russians used to say, while the bosses pretend to pay us , we will pretend to work

  9. #9
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piamed View Post
    I believe that politics is a key factor. For what ever reason, the governments in da Phils do not seem to want to encourage enterprise. The Philippines has so many advantages:

    It has the largest English speaking population outside of the US. Did you know that the call centre industry was largely initiated in da Phils?

    Natural resources

    Excellent education

    Tremendous work ethic. Ask anyone who employs Filipinos in the UK. My friend, a matron in B'ham Heartlands hospital, says she would swap 2 lazy British nurses for a Filipino one anyday.

    I don't get it and have had many discussions about it. Anyone visiting da phils can see that people are enterprising. They have no choice. More wealth should be coming into the country to benefit the whole population. So why is it not the case?

    Why is the goverment not encouraging the global players to manufacture and assemble there? The location is great, skills are available and the population generally speak English.
    I think the answer to the question in general is corruption. I'm sure that if a global player as you put it, or even an enterprising small western company went there looking to set up business, the first government official they came into contact with would have his hand out for a bung and if the said bung was not forthcoming, nothing would get done.

    I'm also pretty sure that if they paid the first bung, every other government official they came into contact with after that would follow suit and they'd soon give up trying.


  10. #10
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    have to agree about the politics(for politics read lets keep the old 100 rich families in power)and also because of the endemic corruption that arises when you pay people salaries so small they cannot prosper. The young customs officer or cop sees his chief with homes, cars and a lifestlye worth 10 times the chiefs salary and just says I want a piece of that and so it continues up to the presidents family receiving millions for major foriegn invested corporate deals. Add in the greedy and powerful bishops and the dependacy culture arising from the OFW's hard work abroad and heh presto you can see why things are as they are in da PHILS. I totally agree about the work ethic of the OFW but do feel the men at home are often very lazy and just accept that the money will come. My fellow exp-pats in Palawan and dread having work done on our homes or cars as we know it will almost certainly be expensive, shoddy and late. It is crzy for these contractors to rip us off as we all talk and when we find a good carpenter or mechanic or whatever we share the news.
    Live your life for a reason and don't worry be happy

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  11. #11
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    Thought filipino`s have those principles
    to loved and beloved is the greatest joy on earth...

  12. #12
    Respected Member eljean's Avatar
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    Philippines has lose its own identity because of the foreign invasion like spaniards,japanese and was magellan discovered it and put it in the map of the world...the real filipinos are aetas...our ancestors...curly,short ,dark and flat nose...
    Filipina a born survivor!

  13. #13
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    Filipino Patriots

    I don't normally post anything on forums but I'm going to make an exception this time.

    I have to agree with some of the posts here.
    Especially on Eljeans post about losing identity and david House's point about people's character etc.

    But there are some who mentioned something about education.
    I don't think education plays a huge role on why the philippines is poor. Think about it. Majority of Filipinos are educated, 90% or more speak better english than any other SE asian country. But that doesn't make any difference.
    Most of our senators and officials are fact well educated. They've studied in some of the world's top universities and achieved an education higher than most Filipinos will ever dream of. But the question is how is that relevant to the economy? Big question.

    Someone raised a very important point which is CORRUPTION. Come on everyone. You all know majority if not all of the government officials are corrupt. They think about themselves first before their country which is the complete opposite of what Rizal have said "Bayan muna bago sarili".

    The only way for the Philippines to get out of poverty is to have a GREAT and BRAVE leader. A leader who treasure Filipino values, who does not favor anyone even his own family, who doesn't kiss a**, who is NOT AFRAID, who can "make corruption a socially unacceptable behaviour" like david said, and who is a patriot and loves his country more than anything else.
    Now that's the leader we need.
    Hitler, F. Marcos were once great leaders believe it or not until they murdered a lot of people and Marcos became greedy.

    I'm not saying we need those kinds of leaders but those leaders, before they became evil were once GREAT MEN and PATRIOTS.
    There are a lot of leaders too many to mention here who were absolutely great and deserving and did not turn to greed and power-hungry maniacs like most presidents. We need people like that in the senate.

    I did not post here to make an argument. We are all Filipinos here (im assuming) and we all have one common goal: to make the Philippines a great country like it was. I'm a patriot and I love my country. My ancestors fought for our freedom and so did your ancestors.

    If you're too fed up with the current government and want to make a difference, if you think you are a true filipino..a patriot and a nationalist, if you want to bring back filipino identity and values, if you want to end corruption in the government, if you want to use your knowledge, intelligence and skills for your country, if you love your country and proud to be a filipino....then join me and let us make a difference.

    email me at: filpatriotsATyahooDOTcoDOTuk

    It's never too late for you to meet your destiny.

  14. #14
    Respected Member Gavanddal's Avatar
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    It takes a positive attitude to improve yourself and your prospects.
    I see too many Filipinos who believe they're poor because it's "Gods will". Accordingly they have absolutely no ambition.
    I saw an old guy wearing a T-shirt saying "God will build you a house". Well personally I had to get a job and a mortgage, don't know about the rest of you guys. Anyone had a free house turn up?

    The country needs to get a grip on reality and the government needs to educate the population to be more ambitious and industrious.
    Obviously there are plenty who are so but they are unfortunately a minority.

  15. #15
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    The problem for even a great leader is that to get anything done they have to shake hands with the devil (oh and the bishops). The corruption is so endemic and bottom up that effecting change is a monumental task and I am not sure even another Ghandi could achieve it, I sincerely hope I am wrong, and of course STOP HAVING SO MANY KIDS!!!!!
    Live your life for a reason and don't worry be happy

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  16. #16
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Become a secular state it seems.

  17. #17
    Respected Member eljean's Avatar
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    i would rather want america to take over on the PI then i believe there will be changes for every filipino anyway, we owe our independence to them....
    Filipina a born survivor!

  18. #18
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eljean View Post
    i would rather want america to take over on the PI then i believe there will be changes for every filipino anyway, we owe our independence to them....
    Then we Brits could call all Filipinos "Joe" and "Kano" cool

  19. #19
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eljean View Post
    i would rather want america to take over on the PI then i believe there will be changes for every filipino anyway, we owe our independence to them....
    How about the british take you over again? Last time was only three years but we can take a longer lease if you like.

    Jeepneys will never run on time but every one will queue for them and while waiting chat about the weather

    Plus your be a EU citzen straight off

  20. #20
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Is the Philipiines that much poorer than the UK? Take away our benefit system & NHS and what are you left with?

    Remember that millions here are in a lot of debt. We have one of the largest debts person in the world, so if everyone had to pay that back many folk here would be living in cardboard boxes?
    Keith - Administrator

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Remember that millions here are in a lot of debt. We have one of the largest debts person in the world, so if everyone had to pay that back many folk here would be living in cardboard boxes?
    ...or Wales

  22. #22
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by walesrob View Post
    ...or Wales
    Are you saying that living in Wales is worse than living in a cardboard box or did you mean only marginally better than the cardboard box!

  23. #23
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Wales is Gggreeeeeeeeatttttt prescriptions (not that I paid anyway )
    Keith - Administrator

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby View Post
    Are you saying that living in Wales is worse than living in a cardboard box or did you mean only marginally better than the cardboard box!

  25. #25
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    It's great where I live....but miserable in Abertwitwith.......probably because Rob's live there
    Keith - Administrator

  26. #26
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    It's great where I live....but miserable in Abertwitwith.......probably because Rob's live there


    1. Powys
    2. Manchester
    3. West Lothian
    4. Cumbernauld and Kilsyth and Monklands
    5. Macclesfield

    1. Edinburgh
    2. Cynon Valley and Rhondda
    3. Amber Valley and north east Derbyshire
    4. Clydesdale; Cumnock and Doon Valley; Kyle and Carrick
    5. Swansea

  27. #27
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Is the Philipiines that much poorer than the UK? Take away our benefit system & NHS and what are you left with?

    Remember that millions here are in a lot of debt. We have one of the largest debts person in the world, so if everyone had to pay that back many folk here would be living in cardboard boxes?
    Totally agree on the British side of things.

    But im amazed how many Phills are up to their eyes in hock as well. A few years back found a website where you can find all the land, houses and bussiness that the bank own due to people defaulting. When i checked the local area of my missus most of those had the orignal owners in them i guess living there untill someone takes them over?

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    It's great where I live....but miserable in Abertwitwith.......probably because Rob's live there
    At least our cars and TV's are safe from the thieving scousers

  29. #29
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by walesrob View Post
    At least our cars and TV's are safe from the thieving scousers
    Not any more now you told them you have Cars and TVs

  30. #30
    Respected Member jimeve's Avatar
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    So they have electric in Wales. When did this happen

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