Whats been happening in the Philippines this week

5th September 2004 - 12th September 2004

Senate minority group has decided to oppose a call to tax OFW that is (Overseas Filipino workers) this peice of news may have some relevance to hundreds of thousands of overseas Filipino contract workers, who at present contribute over PHP 8 Billion into the Philippines economy.

Some Philippine Senators are at present questioning this tax raising mesaure in its entirety, and stating that

"Filipino workers who sacrifice everything to work overseas often leaving their families behind should not be taxed on their overseas income.

At present the money spent in the Philippines economy is keeping it afloat and therefore taxing overseas contract workers is not a good move, problems in general taxation in the Philippines should be sorted out by measures at home and not by taxing OFW.

A Peace monitoring force has left Kulala lumpur Malaysia this week to head down to Mindanao, to monitor a cease fire agreement reached with Muslim fundamentalists, a team of 6 officers and 1 policeman will arrive in the area this week, by the end of the month a team of 51 further military officers of the Malaysian Armed Forces will arrive.

Malaysia being a Muslim state has agreed to be the mediator in this long running dispute.

The Mayor of Davao City has offered to tender his resignation to PGMA and defied anyone to come up with evidence that he had ordered the death of a civilian in Davao.

Thats it folks for this week, a rather uneventful week by Philippine Standards, apart from the usual muggings, shootings, kidnappings and robberies that dominate the regional press, not much happened.