
Good day to everyone! I have been visiting this site as a guest for a couple of weeks now and i like what i read. It's very much informative and helpful to everyone who has some clarrifications to make. Congratulations and more power to everyone!!!

I have some problems that needs to be clarrified.....and i hope to get some assistance from everyone. The situation is like this:

The husband is a racist,alcoholic and abusive(verbally)

1. married to a british citizen
2. Been staying in UK for more than 20 years
3. Has'nt applied for a citizenship yet for several reasons.......one of this is to
too busy with work
4. Has a good job but the status is just a permanent resident.
5. Shouldering the household expenses
6. house is conjugal but it's only the woman paying for the amortization.


1. How to avail citizenship now that there's a new procedure already?
2. Can the man solely own the house even if it's a conjugal property and it's
the woman who's been paying the amortization? What's the law about
3. Can he go after the personal savings of the wife?
4. Can the man threaten the woman to send her back to the Philippines
even if she's already a permanent resident thereof?
5. Where could i get some information about family code here in UK?

All your advice and suggestions will be greatly appreciated... Thank you! and again more power!