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Thread: Joe will your Ngage handle this?

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  1. #1
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Joe will your Ngage handle this?

    Once you have this up and running you can always load on a full amp.

    SQL on your Phone your be in heaven, i just know it.

    On a serious note for some of you techies this is quite useful for sharing information and access to your phone. But of course there are easier ways.

    Im sure soon joe will be running a website from his phone.

    Ps I would only advise if you do decide to run the server for folks in phill or the Uk to see make sure the phone is charging and you have a wlan a free dataplan or big pockets if not

    Wow i can now send a text message from my phone from anywhere in the world

    But you could in theory use this to allow someone abroad to send a msg from your phone locally even if your asleep.

    For example have this set up in phill.

    You could then text all your peeps via the phone your accessing via the webserver.

    That or if you were in phill on holiday and need to text mates at home or even the skyplus Leave your phone on with the broadband and hey presto cut price texts to the uk.

    you even have an online contacts book.

    As i say at present far easier ways to do it but soon your just have one converged device which will contain a mini server like this im sure.

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    it might explain why this forum keeps crashing , is scouser keith running it off his mobile maybe it drains his battery too quick and so no website/forum

    don't knock the ngage, still the best mobile for playing games on , near as good as psx1

  3. #3
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Gamessss this is real handy software.

    As i say you can remotely send text messages take pictures or at least see with a little lag each picture taken.Which you can then save on to your pc.

    Update and check calendar remotely.

    Check and send messages from the phone anywhere in the world.

    One that maybe handy for some could be the killer app ( i need to do some research first though)

    Web chat with out an external server.
    ie its direct between the phone and pc not like most ims where you have to rely on a third party to relay the messages.

    So you sit in phill for example on a pc log in to the phone. Send a web chat request then you can speak with out any rerouting its direct between pc and phone.

    So if a pc allows internet it should allow you to chat (i gotta check out the ports involved) you dont need a client and if the im server buggers up or slows down you dont care.

    Only tested it with a laptop and phone on the same router and i think for various reasons it will be quicker if router to router.

    The Ngage I remeber one bloke who sits next to me at the football had an ngage they were quite good but never really took off.

  4. #4
    andypaul's Avatar
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    We have had this up and running for a few days now on a old Nokia E61 hanging about the place.

    The Wifes Brother and sister were given user name and password each.

    The Wife was worried that her Bro,sis and her would find it complicated. its not it just works takes a little time but its free so worth the tiny wait.

    So far they have left messages to call (its a busy time due to the sis looking to get a visa for her uni course to the US).
    The wife was able to send from her nokia her calendar details which meant the sis could work out various things.
    The Sis needed to put dates and some info about the various stages of the visa application. She did this while we were asleep due to the time difference.
    She left details in a text message which could be picked up from the inbox.

    Its so handy we are thinking of setting up the Wife so she has mobile internet package on her contract. So its permantly on and carried around wherever.
    With the Wife using a N95 8gb it whizzs along due to the extra system memory.
    As long as you dont give access to the gallery or put any pictures on the first page the amount of data consumed is quite low and will not take you above your daily limit with normal use or access if using on 3g/gprs.

    If you just used on wlan we have found the Wife could customize the front page to put up a picture and text (which can also use html commands)
    She can also give access to pictures on her phone.

    The technolgy is still in its infancy but this is the future of your smartphone device
    Camera,PIM,media player, messaging device, and soon your own mini data base.

    Which is good news for Joe "SQL" Bloggs

  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    still got no idea what your talking about mr andy

    what's wrong with using email ??

    sql is a dead duck for now. not given up, but had enough of the theory

    oh sharing info, can you share me your CC details please

  6. #6
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    still got no idea what your talking about mr andy

    what's wrong with using email ??

    sql is a dead duck for now. not given up, but had enough of the theory

    oh sharing info, can you share me your CC details please

    You could send an email but many people still use sms as the main way of communcating.

    As i say just pointing people in the way of technolgy which may or may not help them. A variety of aspects fo it may or may not be handy for various people.

    Like the Balckberry is now used by a huge amount of young women (well certainly in london) they love the ease they can communicate with them and dont use them for a business reason.

    Its where a particulaly application or technolgy is adapted for a need the inventors were not even contenplating.

    At the moment its a Nokia beta project where they let people play with technolgy
    1 To test it out for them in real life enviroments

    2 To find uses for the technolgy.

    Which is what happened with SMS at first the story goes BT engineers used the message service between themseleves which at first was recieve only. Ie Vodafone or cellnet were going to use it to relay on information to the customer. They found it safer and easier to use.
    At first the size of a text if i remeber correctly as quite small and only between two phones on the same network many people i knew would send a code word or number to say the wife or huby to say im gonna be late tonight on the train. As it worked out cheaper (sometimes it was free!!)got the message as they either didnt have an answerphone serivce or didn't call them due to the cost. The address or telphone number for example was written down etc.

    I can remeber alot of people not understanding what the internet was really about but soon changing their minds when in the early 90's all the students at uni saw how handy it was to communicate with people at there uni (normally in the same it room at first) and then at other unis.

    This looks like in a few years time your be able to see mini websites on a friends phone. A personally myspace or friendster.

    But one killer app for many people is say im in phill on holiday and wanna send texts i can leave a payg sim in a phone at home then simply log in and send the texts. or vice versa. I can also check on texts recieved. As they are sent and recieved at the UK rate its far cheaper.

    Say a couple in a visa application need to send messages and update calendar while the other is asleep again the internal software of the phone is updatesd.

    I can also log in via the internet and with out using any client software or a im companies network. im directly with a person via there phone.
    Its in https so fairly secure.

    Why you wanna do that is up to you, many will prefer to let a company provide the service. But many technolgies such as blackberry,friendster and msn rely on their goodwill and capabilties to say online.
    With this technolgy you bypass that and talk peer to peer via a network.

    If data sent via that network is already free for you thats fairly handy.

    If you have a wireless network already at home or cheap 3g or gprs data plan and a symbian s60v3 phone (many will) you can avoid using the pc.

    With just the free software loaded on and a free account. you can leave it around the house while you get on with other stuff. Rather than chained to a pc. You can get im software for your phone already some which is free but most can only send instant messages. You cant share notes between people and update and check calendars, leave a message in the persons inbox in the same application etc.

    The reasons people may or may not need it will vary. But our family in the UK use it and find it very handy.
    As the family and friends are split over varying time zones its real handy for us and FREE
    The missus and her friends here in the UK and US are already looking at having a phone left in phill they can access to send cheap sms. There are other methods but all rely on companys servers or dont have the possiblity of a free inbox (they have no probs sharing the inbox).

    Like you say there are web 2.0 sites and good old email that do the job to a degree. But from the three other than the wife phils abroad and her family in phill they like the Nokia solution i also do, why use pc's when you got phones in and in phill that have the technolgy?

    In a nutshell Joe your be using in about 2020 some shape or form

    Its a new technolgy which most phone geeks seem to think location giving apps (using the gps in phones will take off) which this will also do. Will take off some how i doubt it like video phones people simply dont want to be seen or always have people know exactly where they are. But they do want to communicate and share data and information.

    CC details umm nope that sort of money (all £1.50 of it) in a mancs hands could be dangrous

    Ps just remebered a brit matey out in phill had to call me up sunday (during my lunch)he is in manila and was asking where he and his missus should go blah blah.

    he was running out of credit on his uk phone so i posted some details for him on my mws

    he will also be using it to give details of where he is and when to be picked up at the airport etc. he can set up a reminder on my phone so i dont leave him standing there

  7. #7
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    nope andy, i''ll still be using me ngage in 2020 !! i only use it to make a call once in a bluemoon or send a couple of texts !

    now i know what your talking about, but you need to get out a bit andy , get yourself a dog and take it for a walk

  8. #8
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    nope andy, i''ll still be using me ngage in 2020 !! i only use it to make a call once in a bluemoon or send a couple of texts !

    now i know what your talking about, but you need to get out a bit andy , get yourself a dog and take it for a walk

    I spend most of my time out in fact to much i wish i was home more as got loads of DIY to do

    A dog i rather go for a jog which i do most days

    Hopefully gonna get some programers to write some apps on one of the script market sites and then develop the idea i have using this base technolgy

    Then i can jog all day long and trust me once i dont have to i will not look at another pc all day and night long

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