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Thread: Barrio Fiesta

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Raynes park,London
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    Barrio Fiesta

    It seems like only yesterday that i was ejected from the Barrio fiesta in Hounslow.A quick review of what happened.It was on the Sunday.Our group consisted of 10.(7 filipino,2 Polish and english me).We took the train and bought sopme beer near the park entrance.We had this confiscated as we were told we must support the beer sellers inside.This was no problem.The time was about 11.30 and we headed straight towards the stage.We wanted to to see if out friends filipino/scottish band Nugroovz were setting up their equipment.They were due to be first on.We then bought this 1 pound ticket to get us into the enclosed area by the stage.We met a few other people inside and got some beers and food.It appeared nobody else wanted to pay the 1 pound because right up till 2 p.m we only numbered 25 inside,which was another 8 of our group and 7 others.During that time we chatted and were enjoying the day but never doing anything wrong.I think it was around 2.20 that it was announced from the stage that the enclosed area was now being opened for free!!Of course now everyone wanted to get in so i rushed to the front of the stage waving the group to follow.The rest is a bit of a blur.I suppose after about 10 mins i was ushered from the stage by 7 police officers.They asked if i had been drinking to which i replied yes but not for some 30 mins.They said there had been a complaint from the organisers.About what i still dont know.At this point i realised the police had also been talking to the two polish members of our group.It seems very strange why we 3 were picked out.It appears all those who had not proceeded to the stage had carried on drinking till asked to stop.Despite our protests the 3 of us were ushered to the exit and told we would be arrested if we came back.I was very angry.I had been looking foward to the barrio fiesta and i never imagined it would end up like that for me.Did anyone suffer a similar experience?This is my first ever posting.Hopefully my next ones will be shorter and happier!!

  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Your own fault, you should be well aware by now that out fellow police officers only hassle the innocent......while the thieves nick your car, burn your house down, and mug your gran knowing full well they won't get caught!!
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #3
    Respected Member ervenescence's Avatar
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    Whats up willieboy..
    Not much comments here, as I don't know the real reason behind of why does those police has picked you up with your 2 other mates. I should think that your group were popular of causing trouble, pardon me if you're not. And by the way, what happened to your 7 filipino friends? Why they hasn't got picked up too? Pathetic police . Well theres 2 other sides of the story.

    Have a nice day
    There is always death and taxes; however, death doesn't get worse every year.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Raynes park,London
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    barrio fiesta

    They were not touched.Does seem a bit ridiculous when immigration could have had a field day!All my group were t.n.t and i only learned later that they were out of the park in a flash when they saw me with the old bill.anyway there always Milton Keynes and next year i will buy a beer for all members of the philippine centre and i should be o.k!!

  5. #5
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Denbigh, United Kingdom
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    Don't knock the police, they have a hard job taking bribes of black drug merchants (allegedly aka BBC).
    Keith - Administrator

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