Ian is right, PNB can be absolutely 100 per cent bobo when it comes to transactions, they seem to be absolutely useless in all departments, why we ever bother with such an inefficient toy town bank I will never know, but deal with them we must I suppose, they cannot ever seem to get anything right.
We transferred a large amount of cash to the PNB In local town in Phils, guess what, they did not have any details, and when we arrived, they said they needed additional ID to sort it out, and that it was London's fault, hence we have refrained from transferring too much money with them.
A mix of some in Metrobank, some in PNB and some in cash, etc, seems to be the best solution, and my Barclays Visa card did not work at all in Phils this year, but then again, should we be surprised ?
Stick to Cash wherever possible, that never fails !