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Thread: British man facing jail over his 'adultery' with a Filipino woman

  1. #1
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    British man facing jail over his 'adultery' with a Filipino woman

    The moral of the story (as harsh as it is): When in the Philippines, obey the local laws. And don't expect the British Embassy to help you. They won't.

  2. #2
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Looks like they can't just as we wouldn't want the phill embassy mucking about with our justice system in the UK.

    Sadly its a case of make sure as a Brit that you carry out a lot of research of the law here in the UK and Phill even countries you pass though on the way to and from phill.

    For example Dubai have very tough laws where even a speck on a drug found on you can give you a four year prison term. Even everyday bought from the chemist drugs may get you in to problems.

  3. #3
    Respected Member baboyako's Avatar
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    thats a very new tricycle they're photographed in

    Its a bit odd that a 35yr old engineering contractor cant raise 7k in an emergency?

    or is he a plasterer?

  4. #4
    Respected Member chino's Avatar
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    a bit crap for the english man though as you have already said you have to obey the local laws.

  5. #5
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Well I have to say I read this story when it surfaced a few weeks ago, and to be honest, I have some sympathy with David Scott's predicament, as usual you cannot rely on the foreign office to do anything, and the only thing the British Embassy will do is help with providing a Filipino lawyer at your expense.

    Now the guy has no money, needs to £7000.00 to pay off the shake down, cos lets face it, if the guy was a Filipino, no one would do anything, since he has no money.

    Its a typical situation where the foreigner is treated as an ATM machine cos the miserable husband wants to get something out of it, money money money money money...

    So David Scott needs £7000.00 ??

    70 of us need to put in £100.00 each ?

    Someone who is fairly wealthy, may step in and help him out, and pay the £7000.00, lets hope so, so that there is a happy ending to this story.

  6. #6
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    shake Down Filipino Style

  7. #7
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Can't he offer the Filipino guy a free homosexual to even the score?
    Keith - Administrator

  8. #8
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Nope Keith me old mate, he wants the shake down proceeds, Php 500,000 is not bad...for insulting his honour, and is anyone going to tell me, this guy was not wetting his whistle when he works overseas.....hmmmmm

    It seems its one law for the Filipino..and one law for the rest.

  9. #9
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Maybe one of the girls on here can phone up the folk in charge and ask what is he going to do about his illegitimate baby
    Keith - Administrator

  10. #10
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Maybe one of the girls on here can phone up the folk in charge and ask what is he going to do about his illegitimate baby
    The baby is not illegitimate..
    She was born within wedlock and has Filipino father!

  11. #11
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Yes Fred is right, under Philippine law the baby is the child of the father, who is the Filipino reklamo husband, however, who would want a child when you know the wife has had an affair with a foreigner, I think he is going to have a hard time with that.

    Whats required here, is £7000.00 to pay him off, then I think he will drop teh charges and melt away with more money than he has ever had in his life...

    Its a Shakedown.

  12. #12
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    The baby is not illegitimate..
    She was born within wedlock and has Filipino father!
    The clue was in the "Maybe one of the girls ON HERE......"
    Keith - Administrator

  13. #13
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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  14. #14
    Respected Member Philip's Avatar
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    Crikey, what a crazy situation!

    If they get jailed, that asshole husband will probably make that baby's life hell.

    Let's help the guy out, with a guaranteed payback later.

  15. #15
    Respected Member chino's Avatar
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  16. #16
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    and maybe another reason why not many people get a unmarried visa for thier filipina g/f who is still married ,, you need evidence you've been living togther 2 years, but risk getting sent to prison for adultry

  17. #17
    Respected Member jencha8569's Avatar
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    i read the link walesrob posted and found out its the story my boyfriend telling me last night. as i have read it awhile ago feel sad and pitty about the situation david and cynthia going thru. i know its really hard especially they have a baby now. somtimes laws are harsh in whatever country. what i know now is how i wish i can help i myself is broke too..hehe
    we need good samaritans here..hehe

    hope david and cynthia will fix this things up and to neil (cynthias husband) if u against the couple then be it but at least be considerate to the baby's future.

  18. #18
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    Hmm this looks like a can of worms How I read this legal separation is irrelevant to the offence and as a guy you commit it if you previously knew she is married

    So every "separated" woman on any dating site is a 7 year jail sentence waiting to happen .

    "New Ballgame"

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by keithAngel View Post
    Hmm this looks like a can of worms How I read this legal separation is irrelevant to the offence and as a guy you commit it if you previously knew she is married

    So every "separated" woman on any dating site is a 7 year jail sentence waiting to happen .

    "New Ballgame"


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    were are you..........

    Quote Originally Posted by kimmi View Post
    hi kimmi,

    how are you na?long time hindi tayo nag-usap i though you phone me back in 10mins but its ok i understand maybe your buzy,,tsanga pala nagmeet na kami ni allyn dito sa glassgow she's very nice and friendly,, eh tayo kailan?just call me if you want to meet pwede kami nang husband ko punta dyan sa inyo kung ok lang...

    lanie & stuart

  21. #21
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    The David Scott case goes to prove, that Filipino law is not applied evenly and equitably, arguably David Scott may have committed an offence under Philippine law, hence the fact that they authorities there have tried to pursue him whilst he is in the country.

    No doubt once he has left the jurisdiction of the Philippines they may not pursue him for an offence which is in fact a social construct of a set of laws which are belong back in the dark ages of all time.

    The Philippines is awash with men who commit this so called offence of adultery every day, hundreds of thousands of men up and down the 7000+ islands are guilty of this very offence, whether it be by committing adultery with a young babae, or a.n. other's wife it is simply not treated in the same way as in our unlucky foreigners case.

    It is in fact called Sexual intercourse with a woman who is not his wife under scandalous circustances, to prove the charge, if ever such a charge may be brought, 4 witnesses are required to substaniate the dirty deed.

    Now in the case of a Filipino woman married under the family code of the Philippines, should she commit an act of adultery whilst being married to another man, she in fact is criminalized for this alledged offence, even if seperated by judicial proceedings or by common law consent.

    In this case, Miss Delfino was seperated from the Filipino husband for some time, the husband worked abroad, and was in the process of petitioning the Filipino supreme court for a Legal Anulment to the said marriage between him and Miss Delfino.

    The law states that any child born to a subsisting marriage in the Philippines becomes the child of that marriage, in our case here, although David Scott is cleary the biological father, this has little bearing on the case, since the Filipino husband is deemed to be the lawful Father.

    If that be true, where does that leave Mr Scott, and now that he has escaped to Thailand, is awaiting the result of a visa appliction that would allow him to return to the UK with his common law wife and baby, where does he stand now ?

    And will the British Embassy in Bangkok ignore the laws of the Philippines, and will an extradition request be made in respect of Miss Delfino, and to a lesser extent Mr Scott.

    Certainly its hard to understand why Miss Delfino has been criminalized over her relationship with David Scott, and since David Scott is not legally married, it beggars beleif as to how he somehow is also being criminalized over such a dark age set of laws.

    The fact of the matter is, David Scott is a victim of being a foreigner, if it were a Filipino, we would not be hearing about this case whatsoever, and where there is a foreigner, there is money to be extorted, the Philippines sadly apply double standards here.

    If it were a man, its kind of laughed off, and that we should not worry because the man knows he cannot go any further than having ilicit sex with his young babae.

    If its a woman, she is ostracized and criminalized, and can be imprisoned for up to 7 years if an offence is proven.

    I hope David Scott gets the visa for himself and Miss Delfino and his child, I hope they get back to UK ok, and can start their life together, the embarasment is on the good for nothing Filipino ex husband, who looks kind of stupid really, the fact is, he neglected his relationship with his wife, who then went off and found someone to love her, who was shall we say, 10 times the man he was.

    And to back that up with good evidence, just look at what David Scott has had to endure, he could have left the country, when told to do so by his British Embassy appointed Lawyer.

    He was released on a technicality, known only to Filipino police as John Doe, when it was too late for them to do anything, he was then free to escape to other parts of Manila.

    He could have come back to UK, he chose not to do so, he decided to stay with Miss Delfino, and come what may face the music, he did that, and lived rough in a room somewhere probably looking up the ass of a carabao, he lived on charity from his freinds.

    He could have come back to the safety and comfort of a more progressive and normal society, hats off to him, he chose to stay and protect his family.

    Yes I hope it all comes good for Mr David Scott, no doubt we will see things in the papers in due course.

  22. #22
    Respected Member jencha8569's Avatar
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    yes i agree Mr. scott could have choose to leave the country live in uk to have a normal and good life but he chose to be with his family against all the odds he may endure thats bravery and love for his partner and child.

  23. #23
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    Good to here about the power of love and defeat of the scammer

  24. #24
    Respected Member jencha8569's Avatar
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    dark ages indeed well said pete
    i am with ya on that one.

  25. #25
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lanstuart View Post
    hi kimmi,

    how are you na?long time hindi tayo nag-usap i though you phone me back in 10mins but its ok i understand maybe your buzy,,tsanga pala nagmeet na kami ni allyn dito sa glassgow she's very nice and friendly,, eh tayo kailan?just call me if you want to meet pwede kami nang husband ko punta dyan sa inyo kung ok lang...

    lanie & stuart
    hi Lanie,

    how are u na?? sorry I wasnt able to call u back, I am doing loads of rakets lately eh(Kuya AndyPaul know what it is)..How's Allyn??hope we can meet soon.. also Allyn.. sure u and ur hubby can come to our house anytime if u want..we will talk soon..regards to Stuart..

  26. #26
    Respected Member Gavanddal's Avatar
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    I wish my ex-wife had got 7 years in jail for adultery!!!!

  27. #27
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kimmi View Post
    hi Lanie,

    how are u na?? sorry I wasnt able to call u back, I am doing loads of rakets lately eh(Kuya AndyPaul know what it is)..How's Allyn??hope we can meet soon.. also Allyn.. sure u and ur hubby can come to our house anytime if u want..we will talk soon..regards to Stuart..
    um your going to play tennis

  28. #28
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    um your going to play tennis

  29. #29
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    a story about the plight of myself, my baby daughter and girlfriend Cynthia in the Philippines.
    This has led to a postbag with comments from some people critical of my actions.
    I would like to say that when I began my relationship with Cynthia her relationship with her husband had long since broken up,
    we did hear that her ex husband does have a girlfriend shes from australia by all accounts but we got no way to prove it,
    and while adultery is illegal in the Philippines actions are very rarely taken, and almost never against the men in these marriages. The husband had actually asked for an annulment himself as he was in another relationship.
    Sadly the husband in the case decided it was an opportunity to make money because, I believe, he thought I was a rich foreigner, and submitted a claim firstly for £7,000, and now £30,000.
    appreciate any help and advice that you can give i know im out of my depth here.
    I believe payments were made to officials to have us arrested.
    Because we have a baby daughter born and being brought up in a loving relationship it would be difficult to defend ourselves, and we both faced jail, with the horrific thought that our daughter would be handed over to Cynthia’s estranged husband under Philippines law.
    I am sure if I was a Filipino this would never had made the courts.
    We sought help at the British Embassy in Manila as well as human rights officials who advised us to leave.
    In doing so, very large amounts of cash were demanded (illegally) for the proper and legal documentation. We were not fleeing justice. We want justice for our baby. We were fleeing corruption.
    My mum is at her wits end and cries when she sees Janina on web cam and wants to hold her as soon as possible.
    It has been a nightmare, but I cannot desert the woman I love and the daughter I love. We hope the British government has a heart and looks on our case sympathetically.and i have no money
    asking for your help and advice
    all i want to do is take care of my family.So once again please please help us on what to do

  30. #30
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Welcome David and Cynithia to the site.

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