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Thread: 4 UN Killed

  1. #1
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    4 UN Killed

    U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan said he was "deeply distressed" by the "apparently deliberate" strike.
    "This coordinated artillery and aerial attack on a long-established and clearly marked U.N. post at Khiyam occurred despite personal assurances given to me by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert that U.N. positions would be spared Israeli fire," he said in a statement.
    "Furthermore, General Alain Pelligrini, the U.N. force commander in south Lebanon, had been in repeated contact with Israeli officers throughout the day on Tuesday, stressing the need to protect that particular U.N. position from attack."
    Israel say it is a mistake.........bombing once MAY be a mistake.....bombing it again when the rescuers have gone in to rescue the dead & wounded is NOT a mistake.

    They killed a Nigerian UN official the other day......blew up the red cross....hit a CLEARLY defined refugee camp.....bombed CIVILIAN cars....

    War crime after was crime (UN words not mine)....and no one is stopping them.....wasn't Hitler allowed to get away with the same thing at the start of WW2?

    I do wish the Israeli's would stop saying THEY started it......Israel have been invading the Lebanese territory for years, same a Palestine, as per the UN know, the on they ignore....but strangely want the one that suits them against Hezbollah? Wouldn't it be nice in this country if we could pick & choose what laws we wanted?

    So far;
    450 dead in Lebanon
    130 dead in Gaza
    40 dead in Israel

    I make that a ratio of 15:1 ....... proportionate??? On top of that the Lebanese infrastructure is destoyed, Isreal's is still in place....proportionate??? Hezbollah are holding TWO Israeli soldiers.....Israel are holding 100's (if not 1000's) of Hezbollah/Lebanese prisoners without charge.......proportionate???


    1. Properly or correspondingly related in size, amount, or scale: commensurable, commensurate, proportional. Idioms: in proportion. See big/small/amount.
    2. Characterized by or displaying symmetry, especially correspondence in scale or measure: balanced, proportional, regular, symmetric, symmetrical. See same/different/compare.
    Keith - Administrator

  2. #2
    Respected Member scotsfiancee's Avatar
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    Filipinos in Israel are safe, reports DOLE
    07/26 3:16:53 PM

    The Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) Wednesday assured the safety of Filipinos in Israel following the counter-offensive of Hezbollah soldiers that reportedly killed several Israeli civilians and soldiers.

    Labor and Employment Secretary Arturo D. Brion said the barrage of Hezbollah rockets was isolated and landed on areas where there are no Filipinos.

    The latest barrage of Hezbollah rockets reportedly landed near the northern Israeli cities of Tiberias, Kiryat Shmona, Maalot, Nahariya and north of Haifa.

    "Based on the reports sent to us by Labor Attache to Israel Teresita Manzala, we have no Filipino casualty because the target areas of Hezbollah fighters are far from where Filipinos work," Brion said.

    "But our people in our Labor office in Israel have already been implementing our contingency plan in the event that Hezbollah offensive on Israel escalates and become widespread," he added.

    The Labor Chief has already alerted Philippine Labor Attaches from countries surrounding Israel and Lebanon to closely monitor the developments in the armed conflict to be able to act immediately and help many overseas Filipino workers there in evacuation.

    Filipino doctors from Saudi Arabia have been put on standby in case there are Filipinos in need of their medical assistance.
    Scot ===>

    "The world is all about diversity. I am different and you are different."

  3. #3
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    Its a messy situation, thats for sure. Israel has clearly been very naughty, but they know they can get away with it as they have Uncle Sam on their side to save their **** if it all goes horribly wrong. America disgusts me in this whole shebang - they are supplying weapons to Isreal and according to ITN, they are also supplying food aid in Beruit. Then Blair is right behind Bush as well . We should be helping the Lebanese and comdemning Israel, not the opposite!

  4. #4
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    Makes the battle of the Somme look positively tame: ~20,000 dead in the first 24 hours........

  5. #5
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    The Somme was a failure by the battle planners, in a big war, Israel are just a failure!!
    Keith - Administrator

  6. #6
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    Ooh, now its handbags at dawn

    Beckett wants Condo out of her caravan unless USA stops using our airport for sending war materials to Israel. Then a former aid to President Blair warns him to stop licking Master Bush's boots. I think Blair is losing credibility big time.

  7. #7
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Our great took 2 weeks of murder before we even heard a word from Beckett.....what's her job again??

    I've supported Blair through thick & thin (mainly due to his gambling law changes in my favour), but this support of Israel is the last straw even for me. TONY
    Keith - Administrator

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