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Thread: Blood Donator badly needed

  1. #1
    Member URi's Avatar
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    Exclamation Blood Donator badly needed

    Hi there,

    I've been rarely around here as I don't have that much time and concentrate more at a german speaking forum.
    But in that Forum a Filipina living in Germany since 10 years needs urgently help as she get very sick. She have acute leukemia and needs a blood donator. Currently there is still no match found. She needs an asian donator and thats what hard to find. I know UK is not Germany, but it's not that far and for a test if you or your Asawa is compatible there is no need to travel to Germany. In Germany it is possible to get this test shipped and you can test yourself at home. I'm sure in the UK you will have something similar too. Maybe somebody knows how it works in UK?
    If she don't find anybody soon, she will die. As more people we can reach as higher the possibility to find a compatible match. She is 37 years old, married to a German and they have 2 small children. Here you can find a post from herself. The rest of the thread is in German, but her post is in English.
    I'll come back here from time to time. If you have any questions, I'll try to answer or forward it.

    thanks for your time and help
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  2. #2
    Respected Member A_flyer's Avatar
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    Hi Uri,

    What characteristics the donator must have, apart Asian?
    I really hope she will find at least one.
    Best regards.

  3. #3
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    This is the ladies own text having read the thread it looks like they are looking for a potential bone marrow donor..

    "This is Mader....i thank everybody who give concern (sorry i cannot write in german, i am not good at it but promise as soon as i survive this krankheit i will concentrate on it).

    regarding the DKMS yes they are the registry for those who are willing to be a future donor (such as bone marrow donor),.

    Please visit the website and look for locations near you, maybe there are filipinos who are willing to help their kababayan, the procedure is easy to register or to be tested.....they will only swab a cotton bud on your mouth and that's it.

    According to registry all over the world there is very small percentage of asian who are registered (willing to be a donor, i don't know if they just don't give much attention to it) , i hope now (I HOPE) there will be more asian.

    PLEASE i am begging all of you (if u know filipinos who are willing to help) please ask them to do the registry or testing.

    Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart.

  4. #4
    Member URi's Avatar
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    Yes, it's a bone marrow donor. But the first step is just a mouth swap. No blood needed for the test. As I wrote in my first Post, in Germany you can get the testkit shipped. Unfortunately I'm not familiar with things like that, so I can't explain much.
    The German DKMS (German bone donor association) says more less that it have to be a Filipnio or Filipina. Compared to blood there are hundreds of characteristics which have to match. And the chance to find a match is much, much higher if the donor is a Filipino. Currently they (DKMS) have 11 Million donors in their database. Most of it are Kaukasians (middle and western Europe and North America) and even there only every 5th patient find a match. For Asians and Afroamerikans it's much more worse.

    I don't know if this part of the German forum is public. Here is the original Post from her in English and Tagalog.
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by URi View Post
    Yes, it's a bone marrow donor. But the first step is just a mouth swap. No blood needed for the test. As I wrote in my first Post, in Germany you can get the testkit shipped. Unfortunately I'm not familiar with things like that, so I can't explain much.
    The German DKMS (German bone donor association) says more less that it have to be a Filipnio or Filipina. Compared to blood there are hundreds of characteristics which have to match. And the chance to find a match is much, much higher if the donor is a Filipino. Currently they (DKMS) have 11 Million donors in their database. Most of it are Kaukasians (middle and western Europe and North America) and even there only every 5th patient find a match. For Asians and Afroamerikans it's much more worse.

    I don't know if this part of the German forum is public. Here is the original Post from her in English and Tagalog.

    I have already sent the link to my 3 filipina friends in Holland. They live in the border of Germany which very close to Aachen. They have filipino association called LUZVIMINDA. Hope they can extend help.

  6. #6
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Hi uri

    I hope they find a suitable donnor for her soon

  7. #7
    Respected Member flomike's Avatar
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    God Bless to your family and good luck

  8. #8
    Member URi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pennybarry View Post
    I have already sent the link to my 3 filipina friends in Holland. They live in the border of Germany which very close to Aachen. They have filipino association called LUZVIMINDA. Hope they can extend help.
    Thanks a lot. As more people knows, as higher the chance to find somebody.

    Her husband posted a link to her friendster site. I'm sure he don't mind that I post it here too.
    There are only 10 types of people in the world,
    those who undertstand binary and those who don't.

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