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Thread: Advice Please........

  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Smile Advice Please........

    im a new member, and have a very quick, hopefully simple question i need some advice on.

    My best friend who ive known since i was 7 (we are now 36) lives in the filli's.
    ive been to see him many times, and all is good.
    he works on ships etc.

    anyhow, he wants to bring his g'friend to england with him when he comes on holiday for xmas.
    now usually he comes by himself obviously, but he has asked me if i could sponser her so he can bring her with him on holiday.

    they have been seeing each other for about 3-4 years i guess,
    i dont know much about her to be honest, i trust him implicitly (even tho he can be an idiot some times). but i trust him you know.

    a) worried a bit.
    b) dont know what to do
    c) know if i should do this
    d) if i even can do this.
    e) no idea what to do at all or where to start........! (ok here...!)

    any advice etc greatly recieved..

  2. #2
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Hi, thanks for your quick response.

    They are going to pay for everything,
    i forgot to mention, he has lived in the philli's for about 7-8 years,
    ownes his own business (+ bar) and hotel + appartments etc.
    but has UK passport.

    so from a cash point of view, he is ok.

    its just what do i physically have to do to do the sponsorship thing?

  3. #3
    Respected Member Geraldine's Avatar
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    Hi faralorbes...hahaha funny ka, parang shooting nag-take 2 pa.

    Hi Ikrisa...what does your friend mean by sponsoring his gf? if its just by writing a letter so she can get a visit visa, then I guess that is fine. But they may ask for bank statements as proof that you can financially support her while on holiday here. Ask your friend what he needs exactly from you.

    Hope that helps.

  4. #4
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    I think that the British Embassy may require some proof of a relationship/friendship between you and his gf. I think they would find it very suspicious if they thought you were sponsoring someone you don't know and have never met.

    If they found out that you were just doing a favour for her bf, the answer would almost certainly be NO. I just wonder why if he has a British passport and he obviously has disposable income, enough to fund the trip etc, he doesn't sponsor her himself.


  5. #5
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    my opinion is NO don't do any sponsor specially to his gf, WHY? b'coz if he own a business that means he is loaded and he can sponsor his gf and you are not related to his gf.why he asked you for sponsoring his gf if he is UK passport holder he able to sponsor someone specially his gf.

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