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Thread: is this okay?

  1. #1
    Respected Member jainaewen's Avatar
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    Lightbulb is this okay?

    is it okay to have provisional civil marriage booking only as our evidence for future plan to marry in the uk?is it necessary to have also the booking for reception?

  2. #2
    Respected Member marylen's Avatar
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    if i were you i won't put any doubts of doing so....its best to prepare all things in order especially with regards to your future ahead, anyways you can cancel and move the time/date if you don't feel like later on if some changes occur, do all the necessary way to put your mind at ease, am sure you'll get the rewards for doing such. If i were on fiance visa i will do all the same thing to convince the ECO that you have as well knowledge on that particular if they ask you pertaining to its a real good advantage of two both.

    GOod luck jainaewen....

    I am on my 2 weeks since i passed my spouse application, no heard any yet, expected to have more weeks still ...i am 4mos pregnant right now that is why how much i badly need to take a bigger step ahead before tummy grow more.

    Mary and Lenny here...........

  3. #3
    Respected Member menchkin's Avatar
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    For fiancee visa, you have to convince the ECO that a wedding will really happen once you're in UK. I suggest that you really plan the details of the wedding and better to book the venue, caterer, etc. You have to show evidence of booking/reservation and the likes related to the wedding. The embassy will make random call to the suppliers as part of their external investigation. Make sure everything is in place before you apply for fiancee visa so that you will have high chance of approval. This is just my suggestion.
    Jer. 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you, plan to prosper you and not to harm you, plan to give you hope and a future"

  4. #4
    Respected Member 5olidsnake's Avatar
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    we also supplied receipts for our wedding rings, reception deposit/booking and catering quote (make sure the businesses/people used are easily contactable by phone, if the ECO makes checks)

    could used receipts for wedding dress etc

    regards martin

  5. #5
    Respected Member aug06_2006's Avatar
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    My fiancee (hubby)only booked a provisional civil marriage..he didn't booked for reception.

  6. #6
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    same as aug2006 only gave provisional civil marriage date...

  7. #7
    Respected Member angel2008's Avatar
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    Hi Jaina was nice chatting with you

  8. #8
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jainaewen View Post
    is it okay to have provisional civil marriage booking only as our evidence for future plan to marry in the uk?is it necessary to have also the booking for reception?
    hi how r u now?
    when i applied for a fiance visa we never book our weeding here. i just stated there that once i get here will get married as soon as possible. But booking ur wedding would be beneficial in ur application as well. goodluck girl

  9. #9
    Respected Member jainaewen's Avatar
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    hello all! thanks for all your replies to my questions. ehehe! nice chatting with you too ate lory. its good news te thank God we have all the bankstatements i think i might book an appointment for next week soon .

  10. #10
    Respected Member Fountainhead's Avatar
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    This is concerning me too. If we get our fiance visa we will marry next July but our plan is just to have a quiet registry office wedding. We don't plan to have a reception, caterers, cars or any of the peripheral things many people have. I'm also going to book a honeymoon in the UK for straight after the wedding. Would the registry office booking, hotel reservation confirmation and a note explaining our plans and why thats the only proof we have be sufficient?

  11. #11
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    I can only judge by our experience but the only mention of getting married in our fiance visa application was "we plan to get married in a small ceremony in Exmouth in January 2009"

    It was only after the application had been submitted did I make a booking of a provisional date for the wedding - no other arrangements made at that stage. I had a letter with the provisional date shown in case my fiance was called for interview - she wasnt.

    I guess we all spend time reviewing our application in our head and wondering where it is strong and where it is weak. I thought this was a weakness although I didnt want to plan too many things ahead in case the application was refused.

    As it happens the embassy in their wisdom dated the visa for 6 months from date of issue (rather than reading our covering letter) so the wedding date had to be brought forward to November 15th

    I suspect it is also a balancing act and the evidence of a wedding date is weighed up with the other evidence.

    When we both arrived at Heathrow (a month ago to the day) the wedding date was the one question we were asked: I dont think it was as a formal question but more as a pleasantry.

  12. #12
    Respected Member Fountainhead's Avatar
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    Thanks xebec that's put my mind at rest a little.

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