Quote Originally Posted by darren-b View Post
You are only allowed to apply for ILR a maximum of 28 days before you've completed 2 years in the UK. I think in your case that would be the 5th October 2009, the day after your visa expired. As it's only a day out the trick most people do in your situation is post the application as late as possible via special delivery (probably 1st October 2009) and pay by cheque. They won't process your application until the cheque clears by which time you'll be close enough to the 2 years.
, also i think the last day you can post it, is the day your visa expires, but i wouldn't do that, always apply for a visa asap, that way any problems with payment or evidence, you've got time to sort it out.

not sure if it is 27 months yet, thoses who have just got a spouse visa, how long is your visa valid for 2 yrs or 27 months

if its 2yrs get to the uk within 28days of the start date of your visa, it will save you money and headaches

if its 27 months, then you've got a few months b4 you have to come here