I've said this in the other forum and I'm saying it here again...don't be such a nini, you guys!!!

We always hire a car when we're in the PI. I don't drive, Bill does. It's only in the city that driving is a challenge but who wants to spend all their time in the city anyway? As soon as you leave Metro, you're fine. Yes, Pinoy drivers all seem to be on a death-wish when they're on the road so defensive driving is the only way to deal with it.

No, you don't need an international driver's license. Your UK license will do. I find that it's a lot cheaper to hire a car for a whole week than to hire a car just for a day-trip! A whole week would cost 7grand but you have the car at your disposal. A taxi for 1 thou a day will only take you to one place!

It's just so much nicer to have your own vehicle. You can go anywhere you want and when you want too. Imagine all the non-shopping mall places you can go to when you have a car! There are a lot of scenic spots in and around Manila that you can only get through by private transport. Get a map! That's how we've always done it.

Bill and I have driven through little farming villages in Bataan. Just sight-seeing. We stopped along the road so I could take a picture of him in a sugarcane field. Very exciting for farmer boy Bill