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Thread: ILR application - Croydon Home Office

  1. #1
    Respected Member jbt's Avatar
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    ILR application - Croydon Home Office


    first of all, thank you very much for this wonderful and informative site.

    we will submit my ILR application to croydon office personally next month, i would just like to ask for some advise esp. for those of you guys who had submitted ILR application in person., how's it? how long does it take and did you get the result on the same day? we are just getting worried and nervous although we pretty much have most of the required documents except for the letters addressed to my name during my first year here, i only had a couple.

    what is the procedure, do you only present the documents or will there be any interview?

    thank you so much in advance.

    "Chains do not hold a marriage together.It is threads, hundreds of tiny threads which sew people together through the years.That is what makes a marriage last - more than passion or even sex..."

  2. #2
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jbt View Post

    first of all, thank you very much for this wonderful and informative site.

    we will submit my ILR application to croydon office personally next month, i would just like to ask for some advise esp. for those of you guys who had submitted ILR application in person., how's it? how long does it take and did you get the result on the same day? we are just getting worried and nervous although we pretty much have most of the required documents except for the letters addressed to my name during my first year here, i only had a couple.

    what is the procedure, do you only present the documents or will there be any interview?

    thank you so much in advance.

    hi jbt no need to worry about personal visit to get your ILR as long as you got everything they need,yeah you get your ILR at the same day it take 2hours but its depend how busy they are,goodluck

  3. #3
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    goodluck to ur applciation jbt

  4. #4
    Respected Member jbt's Avatar
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    thank you...i wish it will be a positive result....
    "Chains do not hold a marriage together.It is threads, hundreds of tiny threads which sew people together through the years.That is what makes a marriage last - more than passion or even sex..."

  5. #5
    Respected Member jbt's Avatar
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    i am just glad to inform that there's a new ILR application form and application guidelines that was issued this month and im so thankful that they had reduced the number of supporting letters you have to provide, i mean it used to be 20 letters and now it is 6 letters and/or other documents addressed to you and your partner at the same address and should spread over the whole two years.

    "Chains do not hold a marriage together.It is threads, hundreds of tiny threads which sew people together through the years.That is what makes a marriage last - more than passion or even sex..."

  6. #6
    Respected Member alicat's Avatar
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    just print my new application form,yah they do change it
    coz i have the old one as well.

  7. #7
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jbt View Post
    i am just glad to inform that there's a new ILR application form and application guidelines that was issued this month and im so thankful that they had reduced the number of supporting letters you have to provide, i mean it used to be 20 letters and now it is 6 letters and/or other documents addressed to you and your partner at the same address and should spread over the whole two years.

    I then if you can afford the diffeence it is worth going in person its done and dusted no long waits. We were home far earlier than we thought we would be.

    I would advise you take every single piece of evidence you have JUST IN CASE.

    I dont know the latest as we applied last year and at the time i wrote up our experiences there. But others will have been more recently so they can tell you the latest procedure when you get there.

    Many people seemed to have a diddy little file we took two huge folders worth. A bit inconveint to take but worth it as they do ask for evidence form particular months (this may have changed now).

    Also if for some reason there is a problem with one piece of evidence its better to have everything there rather than running out to the car (i would not leave anything of value in a car in croydon personnaly anyway)

    Even worse would be to have to try and rush home to get the evidence i have read of people having to do this on various forums.

    Nothing to be nervous of will your Hubby be there as well? If so most of the ECO(or whatever they are called) seem to talk to them mostly.
    Which means not so nerve wracking for the applicant

    Im sure it will be fine as long as you have lived together and kept all your paperwork and its all in order.

    Dont forget to book your visit and get there nice and early if you get a 9 oclock appointment.

  8. #8
    Respected Member alicat's Avatar
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    oh!no!what if u dont have much evidence?

  9. #9
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alicat View Post
    oh!no!what if u dont have much evidence?
    Ok get all the paperwork you have

    lets read carefully section 10 of set (m) it confuses most of us and they keep changing it

    We need 6 letters or other documents addressed to you jointly or in both your names. If you do not have enough items
    in your joint names, you may also provide items addressed to each of you individually if they show the same address for both of
    So Alicat do you have nhs letters anything from an employer or bank in your own name? Im sure your hubby has plenty in his name, in fact if more is in your hubbys name its no big deal many ECO's expect that im sure. I was aksed for and provided far more evidence in my name than in the Wifes.

    Examples of acceptable letters and documents are listed below. They must be originals.
    The dates of the letters or documents should spread over the whole 2 years. They should be from at least 3 different sources.
    They only need from three sources so docotor, bank and employer would be fine.
    Please give an explanation on a separate sheet if you cannot provide 6 items; if the documents are not addressed to both of you;
    or if they do not cover the 2-year period.
    You can explain but if there in person not so much need.
    If you and your partner lived with relatives or friends for some or all of the 2-year period,
    please provide a letter from the relative(s) and/or friend(s) confirming this.
    If you did not live together for any of the 2-year period, tell us the reasons for this and whether you stayed in contact with each
    other during this time, and provide any relevant supporting evidence.

    The Evidence you can use

    letters or other documents from government departments or agencies, for example HM Revenue and Customs,
    Dept for Work
    and Pensions,
    TV Licensing
    letters or other documents from your GP,
    a hospital or other local health service about medical treatments, appointments,
    home visits or other medical matters

    bank statements/letters

    council tax bills or statements

    water rates bills or statements

    electricity and/or gas bills or statements

    tenancy agreement(s)
    building society savings books/letters

    telephone bills or statements

    mortgage statements/agreement

    I have read if you really are short of paperwork for yourself you could ask a neighbour to write a letter confirming you did live next door for two years. As an independent witness.

    I would suggest you really dig around did you get a letter for your N.I application?
    For nhs when you first arrived?
    Doctors or dentists with appoiment or welcoming you to the surgery?

    Any formal letter with your name on it and address and a date should suffice.

  10. #10
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    from 20 to 6,

    well when it was 20, they would accept less or ones just addressed to either partner, well what happens for those that haven't got 6, will they accept 2 or 3 ??

  11. #11
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    from 20 to 6,

    well when it was 20, they would accept less or ones just addressed to either partner, well what happens for those that haven't got 6, will they accept 2 or 3 ??
    It appears they can either be addresses to both or either indivual from the way i read it.

    But why so low, not that many failling to gain an application are there or is it to save time, postage or storarge either physically or when they scan them for evidence?

  12. #12
    Respected Member jbt's Avatar
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    thank you all very much for your replies and i will keep you all posted after the interview.

    "Chains do not hold a marriage together.It is threads, hundreds of tiny threads which sew people together through the years.That is what makes a marriage last - more than passion or even sex..."

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    It appears they can either be addresses to both or either indivual from the way i read it.

    But why so low, not that many failling to gain an application are there or is it to save time, postage or storarge either physically or when they scan them for evidence?
    I'm wondering if it's because they can now get enough information themselves to track people that the documents you provide are irrelevant in a lot of cases. They can always call anyone in for an interview if they are not happy and require more information.

  14. #14
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    It appears they can either be addresses to both or either indivual from the way i read it.

    But why so low, not that many failling to gain an application are there or is it to save time, postage or storarge either physically or when they scan them for evidence?
    i struggled a bit to get 20 bits, and i don't throw anything away , to 6 is a bit of a drop thou.

    yes you could use mail addressed to either b4, but they really want mail addressed to you both.

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