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Thread: Still Here

  1. #1
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    Smile Still Here

    Hi guys. I'm still alive and kicking. Working very hard full time - and STILL waiting for my b****y Internet connection!!

    Has anyone any contacts with GLOBE? Can you please tell them to get off their a***s?

    Also, it's still b****y hot!!

    Al Clegg, Lapu Lapu City, suffering from asterisks, handing back to the studio.


  2. #2
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Hello Alan,

    Glad to hear you are still there, I am sorry I did not have chance to make contact you during last 4 weeks, you know how things are when you are on holiday, everyone wants to see you, and you have so much to do.

    I am glad to hear you are working full time, what are you doing there ? as for Globe, I had that experience also with their package, in the house, we waited for weeks to get it installed, if its the 995 package of broadband and a home phone, thats what we had installed.

    Its ok, and works quite well when it works if you know what I mean, the phone was down for 3 weeks once it was installed, we could not make any local calls or NDD Calls, all calls to Globe subscribers around the national provincial area are free, local calls in the city are also free, the broadband seems to be not mega fast, about 250 to 500 kbps per second, nothing like UK broadband speeds, but for the Philippines it seems adequate.

    It runs skype video chat quite well, as tested by myself and Gina, there service does seem to be a little slow, in the end we just had to wait and wait until they sorted it, you know how things are in the Philippines, everything has its own time.

    Best of Luck with it,

  3. #3
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    Thanks for that Pete - useful info.


  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Nice to see you again, mate.

    Don't worry about the broadband, it will sort itself out....

    We had to wait a little over two months for Jet to have it at her place.

    As you may have by now realized there are only two speeds in the Philippines.....




  5. #5
    Respected Member PeterB's Avatar
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    Well, we got our broadband installed within a week ... but have to agree with you about SLOW and STOP ....

  6. #6
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Stop bloody moaning..It could be worse.
    I had to write this message and attach to the carabaos hide in order to deliver to the internet cafe (there yonder) along with my password so that the pretty young receptionist there there could send it for me..
    No idea how much that will cost me or what she will want in return.

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